View Full Version : dropped Lou Dog off today

10-24-2003, 01:02 PM
i dropped Lou Dog off at the vet today to get nuetered :(poor guy lol. but i must say im pretty worried for him. he doesnt like the vet or anyone there because they were poking his hurt paw the last time we were there.:( i dropped him off at 9am and cant pick him up until 4pm-im lost without my little guy! im a little worried because my friend brought her golden to get nuetered to some other vet and it was horrible. so much swelling and there were stitches too. Plus Lou Dog is almost 9 months old and im not sure how he might react to this. i know its alot harder when you get a female spayedand its supposed to be easier for a male...but i guess im just being a worried mother:rolleyes: i only have 2 more hours to wait..now i gotta find something to keep myself busy!!

10-24-2003, 01:09 PM
AWWW! Lou Dog is so handsome in his cowboy hat. :D

I'll be thinking about him. *HUGS*

10-24-2003, 02:30 PM
Lou Dog, you're the handsomest cowboy pup!!:) Mom, try not to worry...easy to say, I know. But, it's almost time, and before you know it, he'll be back in your arms again! Check in when you get back if you can. I'd love to know how he's doing!:) Sandra

10-24-2003, 03:00 PM
Try not to worry (easier said than done, I know;) ) he will be home before you know it.
And personally I don't think it really should be much harder for him being 9 mo, we had Angus done when he was 10 and he came through it just fine!
Let us know how all went!

10-24-2003, 04:17 PM
I've been through it 3 times, and worried every time. Kito was 10 months when he was neutered, and had no problems at all--he bounced right back. Riley bounced back right away too, but he was a bit younger, and Jada was spayed about a month ago, and she was a little bit lethargic for a day or 2, but otherwise fine.

It's so hard not to worry, I know.

Lou should be home soon, give him some extra hugs tonight!!

10-24-2003, 04:36 PM
I'm surprised to hear they're still using stitches. I got Duke done almost 10 years ago and they used a lazer. Just a little swelling and no stitches at all. I hope he does alright. And, that pic is adorable!

10-24-2003, 05:50 PM
i got him back from the vet about 2 hours ago!! he has "that look " on his face and hes definatly not comfortable. he had alot of trouble going up that stairs it was horrible. and he went right to sleep and was shaking really bad for a long time- but it looks like hes sleeping comfotably now, poor guy. i had my kitten nuetered today too.. i dont have happy boys tonight. god i hate when animals are in pain:(
but theyll be feeling better tomorrow hopefully, and so will i!!
i couldnt help myself and while they were at the vet today i was shopping for new toys and treats lol

10-24-2003, 07:18 PM
I'm so happy to hear that the patients are home and resting comfortably!:) It's tough seeing them all groggy and ouchy. But I'll bet they'll both sleep through the night soundly and be up and feeling lots better tomorrow...and enjoying those new toys and treats:D!! No doubt they're very happy to be home and back with their Mommy!

(That shaking...that's what happens when the anesthesia wears off as the muscle get reinervated; not to worry!;))

10-24-2003, 07:31 PM
Lou Dog! Dude!
I KNOW just how you feel.... sorry ya had to go and get Tutored....Milk all that extra attention an stuff for all its worth, buddy. Ya only get Tutored once!

Hey, Lou Dog! That's a great Cowboy Hat ya got there. I wanted the black one but all my Mama got me was the tan one.

Take Care! Hope Ya get lots of treats and cuddles!

LOUD Louie :D

10-24-2003, 09:24 PM
Oh Sweet Lou!!!
i know things are a bit trying right now..
Please know,This is for your own Good!!
We Love you Mr. Lou!!!
Hope ALl is going Well!!

10-26-2003, 06:55 PM
Any News????
Is Lou doing better after a few days????

10-27-2003, 06:52 AM
Actually im waiting for the vets office to open so i can bring him in:( he was sleeping on his back on the couch and my mothers puppy came flying in the room and jumped right on his ouchies. it was a little swollen but this morning its all open and looks horrible- im so upset!!:(

10-27-2003, 12:41 PM
ok so we're back from the vet and Lou Dog's feeling better, i got stuff to make the swelling go down, pain killers and cream. But when we got there the nurse came out with a muzzle! i was surprised to hear how "bad" Lou Dog was the day of his nuetering but then again he was there for a long time and he hates the vet so i cant blame him. he was on his best behavior today though with his mommy watching:D they were surprised...but then the vet said something that bothered me. he was telling me how Lou Dog was acting on friday and then as he was finishing he slipped in.."typical dalmatian" :mad: but i wont even get started on that!!

10-27-2003, 01:04 PM
How DARE that white coat insult Lou Dog like that??:(:( Geez, poor things have NO idea what's going on and without their Mommy there, well, how would Mr. Vet feel if someone came near HIS jewels and he couldn't speak up!!:p You never mind that meanie, Lou Dog! The important thing is that you got what you need to get better! Hope your owie feels better very soon, sweetie!:)

10-27-2003, 08:15 PM
Oh Lou Dog!!!
First and Foremost,Let me say That I am So glad that you are a little better and Mommy has some meds for you....
if you'll allow me a little Soap Box time....
Get a New Vet!!!!

I am afraid that from now on,Lou Dog will never have a positive experience from that vet...if you drop him off,the muzzle will come out...more negative...if he has any procedure whereyou are not in the room, the muzzle will come out...any vet knows...Even If You Have an Opinion on a breed...Keep it to yourself!!!!Least of all express it to the owner...so either this vet is straight out of med school and hasn't had Time to develop Bedside manners,or he is just a Horses' A--!!!

The other side of this,...that vet is Never going to get a Decent Exam...for example,If the dog were limping,or had a sore back...he will learn to flinch from All exams...therefore never getting a True Picture examination!!

He should Never had made a comment like that..aside from that..All good vets know that animals are just like people...Individuals...some have genetic traits...but We do not call them out in snied remarks

Sorry...This just Really angered me......
I am SO Glad however that Lou Dog is alright.....
There are ALOT of Great Vets in Ct....especially Ridgefield,Fairfield area...even though mine are large animal vets,there are Plenty to choose from!!

10-27-2003, 08:41 PM
Well, I am glad to hear that Lou Dog is doing ok now, but Gosh! I can't believe the vet said that:o How Rude!

10-27-2003, 08:41 PM
Delidog and CJ7Boomer,

I totally agree with you, as I have 2 of the most totally opposite in natured Dallies you have ever seen .....

Captain LOVES the Vet ............ anyone can poke and prod him, he really does not mind.
Ruby is the monster dog from hell ......... she HATES the vet, and I HAVE to be with her the whole time when the vet examines her.

But, having said that, she apparently gets over it when I am gone and they need to have a look at her, but the Vets I have taken her too have been FABULOUS. Not once did they bring out a muzzle, and never, ever made any comments about her being a "typical Dallie".

Bl**dy cheek! I would give them a piece of my mind if they did ............. and I think they know that! :o

When Ruby was spayed, she slept for 24 hours, had the shakes abit, and then ........... right back to normal. LouDog will recover the same way ..... and you will be wondering if you imagined his pain and him slowing down! :D

LouDog - LOVE your pic and your hat .......... gorgeous Boy!

10-28-2003, 12:50 PM
Thanks everyone!
And DeliDog-
i was thinking the same thing about going to another vet because of the whole muzzle situation, and dont apologize for getting on your soap box - i agreed with everything you said!--However my family has had horrible vet troubles with alot of vets in CT, - we've been going to this vet for over 10yrs with the same doctor and never had even a slight problem...a few yrs back my moms cat got hit and the driver kept going, when we found him and brought him to our old vet she charged us almost $1000 and she didnt do anything and then we brought him to our current vet and he saved Mugsys life- brought him to his house and kept him there for almost 2 wks to keep a close eye on him- he is very nice, knows his stuff and always goes out of his way to help everybody-hes like our dream vet. But this whole situation really bothered me- i mean theres a big yellow CAUTION sticker on Lou Dogs file!! and i think its very unnecesary..and when i brough him back the second time all the people needed to do was look at his tummy...i couldve just made him lay down and roll over but they insisted the muzzle go on anyway. i dont know..i will probably end up still going to the vet but if one little thing unnerves me again- im going to have to do some research and get a new vet!!!
And the next time Lou Dog and I are at the vet alot of people are going to hear what i have to say lol

10-28-2003, 03:01 PM
I would definitely look around for another vet. When Max went to our old vet, he wasn't scared but he was reserved. When he retired and we found this new vet office, I was so surprised at the difference.

Max goes in the door by himself. He goes to see the girls behind the counter - they can't touch him, but he does let them see him and talk to him. (Believe me this is a big deal!) He will go into the back room for treatment voluntarily. It is such a difference.

We see all four of the vets and he doesn't give them any problem when they roll him over to look at his stomach. And none of the others have any hesitation either (with the exception of when the vet tries to cut their nails, but that is another story).

They also never say anything bad about the breeds we have - each of whom could be characterized by different behaviors. I've seen everything from tiny yorkies to the biggest dane and I see the same kind expression on their faces. They cry when it's a dogs time and are happy when treatment helps. I've told Dick we'll definitely keep going to these people forever - they are such good people.

10-28-2003, 04:59 PM
Glad to hear Lou Dog is doing better. It is so hard to watch the pups (and kitties too I'm sure) go through surgeries and such...

I have to agree with Deli...while you vet may be a good one, and it may not be neccesary to switch all your animals, I would swich Lou. If the vet is uncomfortable with him, he will sense that and be even more nervous about being in the office. Spot is not a huge fan of the vet's office either, but they are very good at calming him down and handling him gently.

Hope you are 100% soon Lou!!!

10-28-2003, 07:46 PM
Thank You for not being upset...or taking my intention the wrong way...My biggest concern is that Lou Dog is healthy and Happy...
You are Right it is hard to find a Good Vet...one that will build a relationship with your pet...
Dr.Rick Mitchell is one of the Best Equine vets in the world...he is in Fairfield,CT....Maybe call his office and see who they refer people to..if that is close to you..Or Dr. Bill Bradley in Ridgefield..same thing..If those guys refer them,I can almost Guarantee Their experience and Professionalism...ask who cares
for their dogs...all large animal vets have to use a small animal vet for their own dogs,cats,etc.
Like Cincys'momsaid...even though you have had Positive experiences with this vet..and a 10 year repoire...Perhaps he just doesn't have the right chemistry for Lou Dog...
I assisted Vets for years...Large Animal...Like I eluded to you earlier...even if we thought to ourselves...High Strung Arab...we either wouldn't say anything...or try to turn it around...as an Example...if an Arab horse was acting silly,spooky,whatever....we might say..."Oh So and So....Don't let the Silly Arab side of you show"....in soothing tones...with animals...you basically could be Saying anything to them...Like "go to McDonalds and fetch me a cheeseburger"..but if said in the wrong tone,they will remember it forever....when said Slowly,Calmly and with sincerity...they are comforted....

Oh don't let meBabble...
I am just Glad that your Darling Lou is Feeling Better!!!!!!!
Good Boy,Lou!!!
Hugs and Treats from Us!!!

11-03-2003, 05:21 AM
How is Lou Dog Feeling??
Is everything Alright???

11-03-2003, 06:43 AM
He is feeling much better!!!! Its taking a while to heal- we seem to be running into one thing after another but at least he didnt have to go back to the vet and he should be back to his old self pretty soon. Im still making him take it easy i dont want him rompin around with his buddies until its healed more- and thats the hard part!!:D

11-03-2003, 03:44 PM
Hope yer feelin Better, Lou Dog!

11-03-2003, 10:49 PM
So Glad To Hear from You Guys!!

Please give Lou Dog a Hug Treat from me!!

11-06-2003, 04:16 PM
Well Lou Dogs incision has healed up nice- it looks great. he's runnin around- totally back to his old self feeling 100 times better:D :D
He told me to thank everyone for their concern;)

11-06-2003, 04:51 PM
:D Glad to hear he's back to his normal self (great pic!)

Cinder & Smoke
11-06-2003, 06:00 PM
Hey Louie !

GLAD to hear yur Feelin **Better**!!

And here's his CowBoy Hat photo...

Lou Dog

11-06-2003, 06:09 PM
Lou Dog, Cody and Star send you happy tail wags and slurpy licks! We're so glad to hear you're doing great!:D You look SO handsome in your cowboy hat!!:):):)