View Full Version : Floppy Eared Kia

10-24-2003, 10:16 AM
Kia spent a few days with Grandma and Grandpa and when I picked her up last night, I noticed her right ear was kinda floppy.

I called her to me and there was a huge cyst like bump in her ear!! :eek: :eek: :( :(

So I called the vet this morning and they got her right in.

What she actually has is a hematoma. :( *defintion below*

The doc checked her ears and they are squeaky clean, so it's likely it was caused from her seasonal allergies and her scratching and shaking. :(

The doc said it's small enough that it doesn't need to be lanced surgically. She gave Kia a shot of steriods to help keep the itchies down and to hopefully keep her from shaking anymore than she has too.

I can also tie her ears down with a bandana or some sort of contraption that some show dogs use to keep their ears up and away from the floor.

In a few weeks, the blood will harden up and the bump will recede. If it gets bigger, I need to take her back.

In the long run, her ear is damaged and the tip will be floppy for the rest of her life. :(

I feel so guilty like I could of prevented it.


Ear Hematoma
Dogs with long floppy ears are more likely to get ear hematoma's than those with upright ears. Ear hematoma's are typically the result an ear infection or ear mites but can develop after any ear trauma.

Itchy or painful ears often result in the dog pawing at the ears or swinging the head around in an effort to relieve the discomfort. This swinging and scratching can cause an ear hematoma.

The hematoma is characterized by firm, fluid filled lump on the earflap. Typically it appears on the inside part of the earflap, it is often red, and feels warm to the touch. It is caused by ruptured blood vessels bleeding under the skin and forming a pocket of blood.

The vet may choose to aspirate some of the fluid from the lump. Microscopic examination of the fluid can confirm the diagnosis of a ear hematoma.

Treatment is two-fold. Surgically repair the hematoma, and treat the infection that caused this self-induced trauma. The surgical procedure requires that the dog be sedated. Then the hematoma opened and drained. Multiple stitches are required to seal the ear back together. Sutures are typically removed 10 days later after the ear has properly drained and healed. The vet may also prescribe medications for the ear infection.

Failure to treat a hematoma can lead to swelling of the entire earflap. Also, scar tissue formation within the hematoma will result in a severely wrinkled, thickened earflap that will predispose the dog to further ear problems.

Of course, the best treatment is prevention. Keeping your dogs ears clean is one of the best methods of preventing ear infections. Preventing infections reduces the likelihood of ear hematomas.

Kona & Oreo's mom
10-24-2003, 10:37 AM
Poor Kia! I hope her ear feels better soon. And don't feel guilty--we can't prevent every injury, and I'm sure she'll heal up soon. (Oreo says floppy ears are cute. :) )

10-24-2003, 11:17 AM
Oh, Kia, you're going to have a droopy ear. But I think you will look even more precious than before!!! :D Just glad it isn't anything more serious, Kim.

Lilly is doing the "allergy" thing too. She has pulled her hair out of the base of her tail. I didn't notice it until this morning when she was lying on Helen's bed. Yes, she got to sleep in the "big bed" last night for the first time in ages, and it gave me a good chance to check her over before she went to the vet this morning. He said it has to be the seasonal stuff as there are no signs of fleas at all. :)

10-24-2003, 11:19 AM
Poor Kia sweetie:( Kim, don't blame yourself. It was caused by an injury or something beyond your control. She's being treated and that's the important thing! And I think she'll be even MORE adorable with that one floppy ear!:) Feel better soon, Kia!!

10-24-2003, 11:27 AM
Her new nick name is of course, floppy ear. :)

I just hope it wasn't causing her pain. She didn't cry when I touched it. But just the thought of the top of her ear being dead and limp makes me shudder. :(

I am grateful that it isn't anything worse. :)

10-24-2003, 12:34 PM
We all know how you struggle with Kia's allergies and try to make her as comfortable as possible. It sounds as if you really didn't have any control over this and might not have been able to prevent it anyway.

I think a floppy tipped ear will suit Kia just fine! I too am grateful that it isn't anything worse! *scritchies for Kia*

10-24-2003, 03:03 PM
Oh floppy eared girl we love you no matter what:D

I'm glad to hear it's nothing serious and she is going to be fine.
And like everyone is saying, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault:)

10-24-2003, 03:08 PM
Oh! Poor little girl! I hope it doesn't hurt - I bet it doesn't. Just scary to look at, huh?

Send some pictures! I want to know what a hematoma looks like, and I also want to see floppy-ear Kia if she's not too embarassed.

10-24-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
Send some pictures! I want to know what a hematoma looks like, and I also want to see floppy-ear Kia if she's not too embarassed.
I'll get some pictures this weekend. There really isn't a bulge, which is probably why I never noticed it until last night when her ear started flopping.

The vet said she has seen some hematoma's that have covered the whole ear. :eek: :(

10-24-2003, 03:20 PM
That's sad news Kim but I'm glad it is nothing worse. Don't blame yourself either.

Get better soon Kia! You show that hematoma who's boss ;)

10-24-2003, 03:33 PM
One floppy ear will not in any way diminish the loveliness of pretty Kia. In fact, that ear will now point down to her pretty blue eyes! Don't think of it as something that's your "fault" just think of it as a new chapter in the ever-evolving cuteness of Kia!

P.S. How did they ever get away with naming something as mundane as a automobile manufacturer after your pretty self, Kia? You're way to glam for that! Now, if they made racecars, maybe ... with special ice-blue headlights?

10-24-2003, 04:25 PM
Oh Kia--I bet you look dashing with a floppy ear!!!

I'm glad it isn't anything too serious!!

Hugs for Kia!!!

10-24-2003, 05:44 PM
Poor Kia, get well soon! Floppy ears are very cute and I'm sure you will look great with one. I'm glad you don't have anything more serious. Don't feel guilty Kim!!

Cinder & Smoke
10-24-2003, 06:02 PM
Hey Kia ~

Nuffin rong wiff Flippie-Floppie Earz! ;)

Lookit mine!
Dey *bounce* all OBER da place!

Dad keepz sayin da Left Wun dunno whut da Rite Wun iz doin! :rolleyes:

An havin wun UPPIE an wun DOWNIE will ad a lotta
Character to
yur alreddy WAY KUTE Face!! :)

Tell Mom not ta *sweat it*!

/s/ SmokeMutt ;)

10-24-2003, 06:09 PM
Aww Kia! Poor girl. Maybe grab some pics for us? :D;)

10-27-2003, 08:36 PM
Oh Kia, you will still be gorgeous with one floppy ear!!!

Check out the pic of the GSD (Wolf) in my signature. He had an ear blood clot from an injury which the vet was afraid would travel through his blood stream, so he had surgery to remove it!! His ear was permanently bent from then on. He came home after surgery with half his head bandaged and no sense of balance. He was still gorgeous in our eyes as well as your Kia will still be!!!