View Full Version : Help

10-23-2003, 10:10 PM
I feel so stupid - I posted a topic/thread - and I have absolutely no idea how to respond to the poster who replied under my thread.

I can't find any info on how to do this.

Please help me!!

10-23-2003, 10:20 PM
If you are reading this, there should be a Post Reply button towards the top right side of the screen. Click on it and the Post Reply box will open up so you can type a message. Then scroll down to the bottom of what you've typed and click on Submit Reply.

I posted a list of no-kill shelters in Michigan in your other posting.

10-24-2003, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by kuhio98
If you are reading this, there should be a Post Reply button towards the top right side of the screen. Click on it and the Post Reply box will open up so you can type a message. Then scroll down to the bottom of what you've typed and click on Submit Reply.

I posted a list of no-kill shelters in Michigan in your other posting.

There is no Post Reply button - I see home - user cp - register - calendar - members - faq - search.

Then below that are Last Thread - Next thread.

And finally below that are edit - quote.

I tried the quote button - hopefully this will work.

Thanks for your help. I'll take a look at the shelter list next.

10-24-2003, 10:52 AM
the "Post Reply" button is in two places -- one at the top of the list of threads and one at the bottom -- HTH.

10-24-2003, 11:15 AM
The quote button will work (as you see)
The reply button is within the blue stripe at top of thread (under "next topic") or the blue stripe at the bottom of the thread. It might just take an extra moment to load.

10-24-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

The reply button is within the blue stripe at top of thread (under "next topic") or the blue stripe at the bottom of the thread. It might just take an extra moment to load.

This may be true for you, but not for me. Does the actual word REPLY show on your screen?

On the blue stripe at the top, the words Author and Thread are toward the left side. On the far right side it says New Thread. On the bottom blue stripe, on the left is this - All times are GMT -5 hours. The time now is 12:52 PM. . And again on the far right it says New Thread.

Is there a board administrator I can talk to?

10-24-2003, 12:14 PM
"post reply" is right on the edge of the screen after "new thread" on the blue bar --could it be you need to scroll over a bit to see it??

10-24-2003, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
"post reply" is right on the edge of the screen after "new thread" on the blue bar --could it be you need to scroll over a bit to see it??

Except that there is no scroll showing for right-to-left on the bottom of my screen, only the one for up-and-down.

I have a Mac and use IE - is that the problem??

10-24-2003, 12:38 PM
oh dear Grace - I do not know anything about Mac - is there an external adjustment knob on the monitir to move the view over and see if something is hiding - a long shot:confused:

10-24-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
oh dear Grace - I do not know anything about Mac - is there an external adjustment knob on the monitir to move the view over and see if something is hiding - a long shot:confused:

Nope - no such thing. But it's okay now - I'm dealing with it. And as long as I can use the quote button, I'm able to reply.

Thanks for your help - this newbie is very appreciative!! :)

10-24-2003, 01:05 PM
my first instinct is to be sure you are logged in. If you aren't then you won't get all the functions... but that doesn't explain how you're able to use the quote function. Hmmmm..

Anyway, I'm a Mac gal and it works fine, so it isn't a browser or operating system issue.

10-24-2003, 01:08 PM
A Picture is better than a thousand words ;)


See Loop for the Reply Button


10-24-2003, 01:21 PM
dang Pay, that was a good idea!

10-24-2003, 01:23 PM
And, Grace, if only the "quote method" will work for you, you can always delete the quote before you "submit reply".

10-24-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
dang Pay, that was a good idea!

10-24-2003, 02:29 PM
you can send a PM (private message) to Karen or Paul. They should be able to help you.

10-24-2003, 05:53 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PayItForward
A Picture is better than a thousand words ;)

Interesting – it shows up on your computer, but NOT on mine. All I have is the New Thread button.

BTW, PayIt, I love your cat herd.

Thanks Freckles and 2kitties for your inputs. I’m enjoying this board very much; looking forward to spending more time here.

10-24-2003, 06:02 PM
Grace it could be that you are not logged in properly. I would log out then log back in.

10-25-2003, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by Grace
BTW, PayIt, I love your cat herd.

Thanks :D