View Full Version : My silly "thought for the day"

10-23-2003, 12:01 PM
Clean freaks need not read this.......you will die!!!! :o

We have a light colored Pergo floor in our hallway and kitchen. The adjoining room was carpeted, but we pulled it up and ended up painting the parquet floor that was underneath the carpet until we can afford putting Pergo in there too. I just walked into the kitchen to get something to drink........that black painted floor is covered with leaves and dog hair! I actually just thought that I should bring my leaf blower inside and blow it all out the door!!!! LOL!!!!! It is that bad!!! Four hairy dogs blowing their coats in preparation for winter, plus dragging in leaves on their fur and feet, from the deck, has made quite a mess in my den!!!!

I think I know what I will be doing this weekend before Scott gets home......brushing dogs and vacuuming a LOT!!! And I will continue to be tempted just to bring the leaf blower inside and blow it out the door!! Hehehe!!!

What a silly post.......sorry.

I forgot to say that as I went to the kitchen, I stepped over 3 sleeping beauties and one handsome prince..........I do love those babies no matter how much of a mess they make!!!

10-23-2003, 12:25 PM
Too funny, Logan!! BUT, you are not alone! I too am a card carrying...make that hose carrying member of the fur and leaf clean up patrol!:D But like you, Cody and Star shed far more love than fur any day, and they are worth every sweep and suck up!! And somehow, I think Scott will be so thrilled to see you when he comes home that any mess will surely go unnoticed!;)

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-23-2003, 12:25 PM
You're my kind of cleaner... I try to do the same kind of things...

the dust pan hardley ever graces my floor... I just open the door and sweep everything outside...:o

now a leaf blower.... I could use that idea myself... ;)

10-23-2003, 12:36 PM
i've got dog fur tumble weeds too! in the kitchen, in the computer room, in the bedroom. how do they manage to shed so much with out going naked?

10-23-2003, 12:47 PM
Sounds like my living room!!!! Leaves, sticks, grass, rocks, dirt--you name it, they bring it in, and unfortunately the door to the backyard comes into the carpeted living room!! We'll see how long that lasts!!
I just run the vaccuum every day, and wipe paws when they're muddy, and constantly take the sticks back outside--the dogs are having too much fun--Riley loves his sticks--if he wouldn't break them into a million pieces, it wouldn't be a mess!!!
I would rather clean every day than not have them around, and I know you feel the same!!
As for the leaf blower, do you have a shop-vac?? That's what I use for the sticks and leaves, and to clean off my porches.

10-23-2003, 12:51 PM
I can run the vacuum over it and pick it all up, and I will, but that leaf blower was tempting at the moment!!! :o

10-23-2003, 02:14 PM
Glad to hear I'm not the only one with the hair, leaves, dirt and mess:p

And joycenalex~ I love it "dog fur tumble weeds", I have lots of those:D

10-23-2003, 02:33 PM

and for the record, 14 cats' fur and litter can be just as messy. :p :rolleyes: :D

10-23-2003, 03:12 PM
:D I can't remember the last time I vaccumed my bedroom. :o

I'm growing a cat/dog carpet. :D

10-23-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
:D I can't remember the last time I vaccumed my bedroom. :o

I'm growing a cat/dog carpet. :D THANK GOODNESS!!! I thought I was just strange!!!:D

10-23-2003, 03:53 PM
Last year we replaced the carpet in our kitchen with laminate flooring and I can not believe how much dog hair accumulates!!! Everyday I'm picking up furbalsl (cause I'm too lazy to vacuum that often!)

I'm sure they were there before...I just didn't notice!!!

I vacuum the doorway of our bedroom when I do the rest of the house...not sure when the last time I made it around to the other side of the bed was :eek: ( Which is the side Cincy sleeps on!)

10-23-2003, 04:54 PM
Furry tumble weeds great we alwaysjust call them "puppies" here. A newfy, springer,2 cats and a Jersey wooley Bunny, I have a 35 gallon shop vacc for my hard wood floors. Jaws does a great job of getting rid of the furry friends.

10-23-2003, 09:07 PM
LOL! Great Post Logan!

I don't really have the problem of leaves or sticks or dirt and
before I got Oz I never had a hair problem either. I can't
believe all the hair that comes off of him in comparison to
Murph and Maddie and Collies are considered Moderate shedders.
Thank Zeus he's not a high volume shedder, because he
already broke one vacuum cleaner. And wouldn't you know
right before a party. I was on the floor scraping up hair off
the carpet with my hand. Unbelievable amount. I've got a real
appreciation for Murph and Maddie's wire coats now.
