View Full Version : Mystic brought us a present and I am not sure what it is.......CUTE PIC!

10-22-2003, 09:58 PM
Thank goodness they never kill anything! Well, very rarely. Well Mystic came meowing and meowing at the door wanting in. Dan says he's got something in his mouth, which at first I thought was a bird, but it turned out to be some kind of rodent. It looks more rat like then mouse like though. I at first thought it was a deermouse but his tail is too long and his ears are too big, so maybe some sort of rat, or just a bigger mouse. He's really big!

And he's ALIVE! He's super duper cute and I will most likely keep him over night so he can get over his heart attack. Mystic went outside after knowing his did something bad but stayed at the door right outside, dropped it and I picked him up. He was apparently comfortable enough with me to start grooming his face, cute little thing. :D

I am going to try to indentify what kind of rodent it is, mouse/rat like. I will take a pic after he settles down a bit, and hopefully he will recover fine and not croak on me in the middle of the night. Poor thing. I do not see any puncture wounds on him, and I just cannot get over how big it is. It's not a regular Rattus Rattus or Norway rat either. Hrmm, time to do some investigating! :)

I know this is the cat board but please say a little prayer for this mousie! He's super cute, and oh so cute when he cleans his little nose and ears. :D I would hate for him to be damaged. :(

10-22-2003, 11:34 PM
Talk about cute! :D

I think it's a white footed, or a deer mouse....:)

10-22-2003, 11:40 PM
Well I think I am going to let her go tonight, yes it's a girl. :) But I gave her some food and am enjoying watching her eat, then I will let her go. She seems a little thin so I gave her some food and she's enjoying it very much.