View Full Version : Share the love...your ideas?

10-22-2003, 02:27 PM
OK...we're keeping Phoebe!! But, I need to make sure this doesn't make my cats any sadder than they are with two kittens in the house.

I want to make sure I give them all enough one-on-one time and beginning tomorrow, I'll be waking up and hour earlier so I can play with them. I have extra time before bed as well, so they can have that too.

What do you all do when spending quality time with your furkids?

10-22-2003, 02:47 PM
First off, I am so :) :) :) that Phoebe is OK!! Now your question...I never thought much about it! I just love and snuggle on them whenever they come around or stop and give them a kiss on the head if I pass them. If I see one of the kittens watching me give attention to the other - I make a point of addressing the other as well. I am home all the time with them, so I guess it is just an ongoing thing. I never thought of setting aside special time. Seems if I go up and try to play when it is not *their* idea - they turn their furry tails on me! I just live to please and adore on command I guess.:D

PS One more thought - any time we have brought a newcomer into the house - the idea is to pretty much ignore them if the previous cats are around - at least at first. Let the residents make the overtures to the new baby. I don't think it would be too good to let the other kitties see you giving Phoebe too much attention - just my logic anyway.:p

10-22-2003, 02:48 PM
Let's see...where to begin. When I come home after work I make sure I do "rounds". I seek out all 5 of them and give them a little loving, head rub, kiss, etc. Once the chores are done, I sit down and play with each one, which is kind of hard because Smokey is a toy hog. When I go upstairs to settle in for the night, Smokey and Mystic are usually the first ones on the bed and they each get their own "time-out" with me. Tigger sleeps between Mark and I so she gets me all night and Abner makes his place up on my left shoulder at night so he gets me all night long as well.

Sometimes, I close the bedroom door and have a one on one play session with each one....usually about 5 minutes each.

Anytime any of them come to sit in my lap, I drop what I'm doing and give them my attention. Sometimes they like to be with Daddy, but that is not too often.

Congratulations on adding little Phoebe to your family. She is adorable..such a kissable nose. I'm sure you will do fine with dividing your attention between all of your other beauties.

10-22-2003, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the ideas. :)

I think I'll make sure I give each one quality time at least once a day...and I'll have David do that as well, so they all feel extra special.

They all have their special mommy times right now:
Noah-when I shower
Noel-when we watch tv
Basil-when I use the computer
Micah-when I use the restroom ;)
Olivia-at bedtime
Hermie-at bedtime


10-23-2003, 12:43 AM
Kelly, I'm so glad to hear that you'll be keeping sweet little Phoebe. :D Right now I'm trying to give Storm some extra attention because he's very jealous of Cirrus and he's been acting out aggressively towards him. I also give all of them some loving in the morning and evening as well. When I'm using the bathroom they all love to come in for pets especially Cirrus. He's become a real pet hog. :) Good luck. I'm sure that everything will work out fine. :)

10-23-2003, 07:53 AM
I'm so glad to hear you are keeping Phoebe. I love that little girl. Can we see more pictures please?

10-23-2003, 10:41 AM
Who could resist that nosie??????
And she has the cutest collar for a cute little girl:) :D

As to sharing the love: I only have 2 but I have to be very symmetrical with both so this is one of the reasons why I am reluctant to have more. Good luck.