View Full Version : Drawing thread

10-21-2003, 11:45 PM
I'm kinda stealing GCG's thread idea thinger. A lot of ppl said they liked to draw, so why not post some of your work? I'd love to see everyones drawings ^_^
I'll post a couple of my crappy ones -_- (these are 100% done on the computer..incuding the rough sketchs)
I just finished this one..
lol..don't ask. I was bored. The peg one was my first horse not drawn with a reference so thats why..it looks weird -_-
I think this is my fav -_-

Anywho. Lets see yours :D

10-22-2003, 09:34 AM
*bump* Someone has got to have drawings -_-

10-22-2003, 12:52 PM
Those are great! I wish I had that talent. My future F-I-L started taking art classes last year. I remember him showing me pictures of chairs and bowls that he did in his first few classes. Now he draws magnificent portraits. He did an awesome one of Joey from a picture we had...looked exactly like the picture. I guess some people are just born with that talent.

10-22-2003, 02:59 PM
YOUR NOT STEALING:D LOL!!! I also love to see everyones drawings to! heehhe Ill scan my pictures and post them here!!

10-22-2003, 03:55 PM
Cool :) looking forward to seeing yours :D

10-22-2003, 08:10 PM
I love drawing BUT, I dont have a scanner to scan the pics to post em' here :(:(

10-22-2003, 08:52 PM
I just drew this real quick to post here -- It's not great, and I didn't even take my time on it... Just to show you guys. :)http://kay.unavoidable.net/File0001.jpg

10-22-2003, 09:17 PM
I did this horse for a college project. However, I have no idea where the original is, so I just took a pic of my tatoo that I have. I had the tatoo guy make a copy of it so I could have it forever. Here it is.