View Full Version : Soft Claws/Soft Paws

10-21-2003, 02:44 PM
Hi folks,

I saw a few posts about this product in the cat forum, but not the dog forum. I wondered if any of you with hardwood floors had used this product on your dog's claws. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, here's what they are:


Lefty is such a sweetie but I can't ignore the fact that my floors are taking a beating!



10-21-2003, 02:54 PM
Smilla, I have never heard of those for dogs! I had hardwood floors all over my last house and never had a problem with my dogs scratching them, and at times, there were as many as four big dogs in there with me. I think I would try keeping Lefty's claws trimmed back on a regular basis, first, and walk him on pavement when you can, to wear them down (sort of a natural finger nail file). Then if you do notice a lot of scratches on the floor, you might invest in these things.

Maybe someone else will know more.

I'm so glad Lefty is doing well in your home!!! :)

10-21-2003, 03:03 PM
Hey Logan,

Yes, he's doing wonderfully, and is a real cuddle-bug! I am taking him to get his nails trimmed this weekend--I want them to show me how to do it--but while looking for a safety clipper on that website, I ran into the Soft Claws! I'd never heard of them either.

Good to see you!

10-21-2003, 05:59 PM
I've heard of those for cats but not dogs.
The thing about them is, well I don't know about anyone else, but I trim my dog's nails about once every 2 weeks or so. The site says the caps stay on for as long as 3 months. My dog's nails would be so long!!!!! I don't think that's right.
Maybe you can find someone in your area who knows how to dremel dog's nails. This keeps them nice and short and sanded around the edges *S*