View Full Version : Itchy dog

06-12-2001, 06:03 PM
My 3 year old pekinese is apparently allergic to fleas and his skin is very sensitive. He scratches alot and even though he is bathed with non-soap shampoo regularly, he has an odor after only a short time. Any suggestions?

06-12-2001, 06:13 PM
Perry our Schnauzer was also allergic to fleas. We took him to the Vet and he gave us some medicine to put on those places where he was raw and he stopped scratching. Unfortunately I don't know the name of it, I'm sure your Vet can help you. Of course we got rid of the fleas right away.


06-13-2001, 01:38 AM
hi, my german shepherd is HIGHLY allergic to fleas. when i first got him he was having all sorts of problems w/ it. we took him to the vet and he got a cortizone shot. the vet had us put king on Frontline. we have kept up w/ it almost all year. in the dead of winter we didn't have to bother. since then we havn't had any problems.

Maggie's Mom
07-11-2001, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by zimhouse:
<STRONG>My 3 year old pekinese is apparently allergic to fleas and his skin is very sensitive. He scratches alot and even though he is bathed with non-soap shampoo regularly, he has an odor after only a short time. Any suggestions?</STRONG>

Sorry to hear about your peki's problem. Have you tried using "Relief" oatmeal creme rinse that you can buy from the vet. I bathe Maggie in puppy shampoo and then put the creme rinse on, leave on 5 minutes or so and then rinse off. Works wonders and she smells great. Good luck.

07-14-2001, 04:23 PM
Our vet gave us a spray to use on our Buddy's red, flaky skin. I don't remember what it was called, but it has tea tree oil in it. It really seemed to calm his skin down!

08-08-2001, 08:47 PM
Tea Tree oil works wonders for flea's. All you do is buy a litytle bottle of tea tree oil add a few drops to you fav smelling doggie shampoo and your all set. It's how i got rid of Simba's fleas!