View Full Version : 12 Step Program for Digital Camera Abuse (pics)

10-20-2003, 05:29 PM
Someone should really take this camera away from me.
I swear I’m addicted. Just can’t seem to stop taking pics.
Too much instantaneous gratification I think. I can snap
away to my heart’s desire and see the results right on the
spot. Keeps spurring me on, trying to get the *perfect*
picture. Evidently an unattainable goal for me, because
I keep clicking away. I think Oz and Murph and Maddie
are secretly organizing an intervention. ;)

Anyway here’s the results of my latest photo frenzy.


Decided to give Oz a bath, even though he really didn’t look
Or smell like he needed one. Figured it’s been at least 3 mos
So he was due one.




Looking all poofy. Guess he had more dirt on him then I realized.


But Wait... That's Not All!!!

10-20-2003, 05:31 PM
Oh Oz - gorgeous as usual!!!

10-20-2003, 05:31 PM
Oz with his ball. He likes to pop’em, so he can carry them around then.


Oz pawing his see saw, wanting me to put down the dang camera and give him his treat.

Checking to see if he missed any crumbs

Maybe with both paws on the board, I’ll get double the treats

But… But… Wait… That’s Not All (Heh! may be forced to throw in some Ginsu Knives)

10-20-2003, 05:32 PM
Oz and I met up with my best friend at the park, Friday after work. Tons of ducks and
squirrels, which Oz more or less ignored (Murph says next time it’s his turn, because
nature is apparently wasted on Oz. Image that, not chasing a squirrel. How clueless can
you get?!?!?!?). Evidently for Oz things to need to be moving fast and in more of
Flock like formation. Some birds flew by us and he jerked the leash right out of my hand
chasing after’em. No pics of that unfortunately, but here’s a few I got from the park:

With my best friend. Giving her the Collie Nose Nudge

This one came out kind of blurry, but I love the gleam in his eye, right before he’s going
to jump on her

Watching the ducks. He didn’t even bark at’em


That’s All Folks!!!

10-20-2003, 05:34 PM
Aw thanks Captain! I can't seem to get enough of taking
pics of him. You'd think eventually I'd get bored.:)

10-20-2003, 05:39 PM
I love Oz's eyes, they are just so beautiful(as is the rest of him, lol):D

10-20-2003, 06:32 PM
Oh my gosh... he is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I have him? :D :D

10-20-2003, 06:54 PM
Those are absolutely stunning pics of Oz! He looks beautiful before, during and after his bath:D
And I for one never get tired of pics of the Oz man!

10-20-2003, 06:56 PM
What a stunning dog you are Oz :eek:

10-20-2003, 07:01 PM
OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz OzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOzOz!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite dog! ;) Never set that camera down, girl! Keep snappin! :D
Oz is just so frikkin GORGEOUS! You gotta post more pictures!
More pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!??? :

10-20-2003, 07:11 PM
Awwwwww! OZ IS SUCH A HANDSOME BOY! I can't see enough of those stunning eyes:eek: He does look poofy after his bath, so cute! He really poses for the camera doesn't he?;) Great pics! Thanks for sharing, they really made my day.:)

10-20-2003, 07:44 PM
Yay! :D
Par, Oz is just the most gorgeous Collie I've ever seen! :eek:
I love his blue eyes...he's just perfect! :D
This picture's my favorite.....:)

Molly's drooling over you Oz boy. ;)
Great pictures!!

10-21-2003, 11:29 AM
hi there dobiegirl!

Don't think I've had a chance to talk to you yet. So howdy
there and thanks for the compliments!

hola ILoveMyAbbyGirl!

Can I have him?
HehHeh... I could never part with my babies. Murph and
Maddie are wrestling me for the keyboard to type out,
"Where can we send him?";)

Thanks anna! Oz says he can live without the "during" part.:)

Thanks prima! Mickey's stunning too. Gotta love those Lassie
type dogs.:)

Hey Foam!

No need to worry. Seems to be an endless stream of pics
with no end in sight of a certain Collie and hopefully
of another cute Collie too. ;)

hiya Dogz!

He really poses for the camera doesn't he?
Most of the time outside he's in constant motion and the
camera always seems to click right after he's out of the shot.
I end up having to put him in a stay and then I use my
free hand to get him to look where I want. So I guess he
does sort of pose. Maybe he was a fashion model in a previous

Aw thanks goldenretrluver! I'm always drooling over Molly.
I'd love to have a Rough, if not for all the grooming worries.


10-21-2003, 12:31 PM
Great pictures of gorgeous Oz!! :D I so enjoyed looking at them, thank you for sharing!

........please do keep on clicking away! :D

10-21-2003, 02:21 PM
Great Pics! Oz is sooooo adorable:)
and i know what you mean about being addicted to the camera!!! i need to have mine surgically removed from my hands!!

10-21-2003, 02:36 PM
Great pictures! He really does look like he's posing. I guess I never knew (before PT) that Collies could have short coats. He is just beautiful (oops) handsome.

P.S. I do get that same look during bath time.

10-21-2003, 04:04 PM
Thanks ChrisH! Hey we need some more pics of that cutey Bob!:)

CJ writes:

i need to have mine surgically removed from my hands!!
LOL CJ!! Me most definitely too! I wasn't even close to this
bad, when I had a regular camera. I've a short attention span,
so I'd lose interest before I could get the film developed. I
know I've got a couple of disposable cameras with pics on
them from a few years ago, that I never got developed.

Hey there Robin!

Well don't feel alone. Oz gets sooooo many "Ooooo! a shaved
Collie" comments, that I've lost count. They've just never had
anywhere near the popularity that the Roughs have.

How's Max doing on his food?


10-22-2003, 07:43 AM
Well, everyone seems to have finally adjusted to the food. In fact they've even started to really like it. Max is still breaking out some. But the spots are crusting over quicker and peeling off. We do have him on antibiotics right at the moment to clear up a small secondary skin infection.

Had hoped the last frost would get rid of some of it, but then it got warm and we opened the house up - more dust. Probably by next week we should be on the downhill side of the problem. It's supposed to get colder and stay that way.

Thanks for asking. I get wrapped up in worrying about and taking care of him, then forget to let folks know how he's doing.

And I like Oz's looks. I never wanted a collie because of the rough coat, but I would definitely consider a smooth coat collie. Especially after seeing Oz.

10-22-2003, 04:16 PM
Great looking pics! :)

10-23-2003, 08:45 PM
Thanks Belle! Gotta say I love your greyhound. She looks
so sweet...


10-23-2003, 09:25 PM
Great pics! This is my favorite!
Can I steal him now? ;) He's sooooooooo handsome!! Gotta love those blue eyes!

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-24-2003, 06:24 AM
OZ is so goregous@!!!!!

I could look at pictures of him ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

10-24-2003, 07:01 AM
Terrific pictures Par! Of course each time I look into those gorgeous blue eyes I am hypnotized! :) There is no such thing as Digital Camera Abuse here at PT. We all CRAVE pictures!! ;) I love all three of your pupsters and enjoy any and all pictures that you post! :)

10-26-2003, 02:40 PM
wolfq writes:

Can I steal him now?
Hey there wolfq! I figure you got about as much chance
of prying Oz away from me that I have of getting Nebo
from you. :)

Thanks Sara!

Hi Pam!

I was planning on getting some before and after bath
shots of Murph and Maddie this weekend, but got stuck
working, so not sure I'm gonna get to it today. They're
both looking a lil' on the scraggily side and in need of
a trim, so definitely at the top of my list to do. Plus
get pics of it to post. :)
