View Full Version : Cat Quotes

10-20-2003, 02:25 PM
This may have already been done, but I came across some very nice quotes and wanted to share them. Which one is your favorite or most resembles your life with your cats?

Mine would have to be..."One cat just leads to another." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Most beds sleep up to six cats. Ten cats without the owner. Stephen Baker

Most cats, when they are Out want to be In, and vice versa, and often simultaneously. Louis F. Camuti, DVM

"Even overweight, cats instinctively know the cardinal rule: when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses." - John Weitz

"There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast." –Unknown

Cats do care. For example they know instinctively what time we have to be at work in the morning and they wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off." --Michael Nelson

Time spent with cats is never wasted." --May Sarton

Every life should have nine cats.-Anonymous

Dogs eat. Cats dine.- Ann Taylor

A cat can purr its way out of anything.- Donna McCrohan

Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you.- Mary Bly

Meow is like aloha - it can mean anything.- Hank Ketchum

Any cat who misses a mouse pretends it was aiming for the dead leaf."--Charlotte Gray

"A cat isn't fussy--just so long as you remember he likes his milk in the shallow, rose-patterned saucer and his fish on the blue plate. From which he will take it, and eat it off the floor."--Arthur Bridges

"One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home."--Pam Brown

"Places to look: behind the books in the bookshelf, any cupboard with a gap too small for any cat to squeeze through, the top of anything sheer, under anything too low for a cat to squash under and inside the piano."--Roseanne Ambrose-Brown

"The trouble with sharing one's bed with cats is that they'd rather sleep on you than beside you."--Pam Brown

"What greater gift than the love of a cat?" ~ Charles Dickens

"People who love cats have some of the biggest hearts around." ~ Susan Easterly

"My husband said it was him or the cat...I miss him sometimes." ~ Unknown

10-20-2003, 04:29 PM
These are great! I have also seen two here that I love:
"Egyptians worshipped cats as gods - cats have not forgotten"
"Dogs have owners, cats have staff" <---This one applies most to me!!! I do feel like a handmaiden to my two kitties - but just can't resist! Guess they have me well trained.

10-20-2003, 04:31 PM
Thanks for posting these, they are great, I have put one of these at the bottom of my threads, see below, and hey I am working on that quote , only seven more to go lol.:)

Edwina's Secretary
10-20-2003, 04:53 PM
"A house without a cat is like a garden without flowers" -- a t-shirt my sister-in-law gave me......

10-20-2003, 05:02 PM
I love those, the last one's funny:D
I have one in my sig:p ;)

10-20-2003, 06:32 PM
"My husband said it was him or the cat...I miss him sometimes." ~ Unknown

I love this one, I saw it once on a bumper sticker sticker and I couldn't help but laugh.