View Full Version : dog food comparison

10-17-2000, 07:42 PM
Just curious on what everbody feeds their
dogs and why.

I was feeding Nurto Natural Lamb and Rice
for 7 yrs and was quite pleased with the results. (nice shiney coats etc.)
I mix the kibble with natural food and always soaked it in warm water first.
I worried about bloat in my large dogs.
I recently changed to Flint River Ranch lamb and rice because it is a baked human grade dog kibble. (do not need to soak)
I have only used it for a month so it is to
soon for me to critique(sp)it.
My females seems to like it, more than my
male does. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

10-17-2000, 08:57 PM
I feed my two German Shepherd Dogs Eukanuba Large Breed. It has a joint management system that supplies ingredients that promote healthy joint cartilage. It also contains omega acids to promote a healthy coat. Of course, they also eat "people food" in addition to their dog food. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

10-17-2000, 09:52 PM
Although I don't have a dog right now (mine have passed away) I fed them Eukanuba. I had been feeding my standard poodle the same food that her breeder had been feeding her, but she had a "gas problem" (if you get my drift). I mentioned this to my vet and he suggested Eukanuba. I switched over gradually, making a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of the old food and the Eukanuba and gradually increasing the Eukanuba and decreasing the old food. The end result......no gas!! My cats eat Eukanuba too and since they are getting older and sleep so much I give them the less active formula and they seem to enjoy it (no fussy appetites!)

10-18-2000, 08:06 AM
I feed my border collie & aussie Science Diet Lamb & Rice. My b/c has (believe it or not) irritable bowel syndrome and can only tolerate lamb and rice. Any beef or corn products and he turns into the dog from hell. It makes him vomit and have the runs something terrible. Used to feed Iams until they sold to Proctor & Gamble Co.

karen israel
10-18-2000, 11:46 AM
Cody is a chip off this ole block..he has to watch his weight. He lost over 25 lbs after his ACL surgery so he eats 1 cup of Hills Canine RD(full of fiber) and 1 c if Kibbles and Bits Lean and 1/4 c of Canine RD canned mixed with a piece of shredded boneless chicken breast in chicken broth, greasless, fatless, with carrots and celery (hey! only the best for my mom's grandog! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif) Sounds like a lot but it's not for his size. Hardly, if ever, gets anymore "table food". A doggie treat after his nightly walks only.

10-18-2000, 12:42 PM
You are so funny - you crack me up! That's what my hubby and I call our dogs - my mom's granddogs!

10-18-2000, 05:04 PM
Karen what is ACL surgery.
I am not very good with abbreviations. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

10-18-2000, 05:54 PM
How did Cody tear his anterior cruscite ligament (ACL)? What kind of dog is Cody? My Great Pyrenees (now deceased) tore hers while jumping down three stairs in my living room many years ago. After the surgery, she still had a slight limp. Later, arthritis set in. I hope Cody feels better now.

karen israel
10-19-2000, 10:43 AM
Well, because I couldn't spell it, I initialed it but Su helped me out(thanks)He tore one knee racing to the door between the frig and a chair that was pulled out instead of in (where it belongs Dad!)and skidded to a stop and the other by favoring it. A week later it was properly diagnosed so during that time he must have been in agony (no signs of it just couldn't get up well)My vet rushed over one night with a stretcher (me hysterical at 11pm leaving frantic phone messages)The next day made energency appt w/ortheopedic surgeon. Three months in solidary then the other leg 3 months later. He was the best patient, I on the other hand was a mess, took off work in order to help him outside and comfort him during both surgeries. God I love this dog! He is a Golden Retreiver/Yellow Lab mix DOB: Dec 2 1991. Oh..never answered your ?..I think it's the ligament behind the knee that enables it to bend and bear weight-lots of human sports players get it constantly. By the way, he lost 2lbs! 98 now lots of walking to keep limber (arthritis in hips, front left paw) masssages (doggie heaven) and NO people food (99.9% of the time) Just shut me up! Cody! Cody! Cody!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Hugs and kisses to you all for your comments!

10-20-2000, 09:15 AM
I feed Innova Senior after having bad luck with a variety of other brands. My dogs have allergies to pollens and foods( one cant have beef or soy) and also both had to have bladder stone surgeries last year.

I started doing a bit more research, and decided I would no longer feed my dogs Hill's products. They never did well on Eukanuba or Iams OR Nutro's either. I found Innova, which is made from human grade foods, and also has probiotics to aid digestion, and glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate for joing protection. Against my vet's advice ( they wanted me to feed Hill's C/D) I put both dogs on the Innova and they have maintained their urine pH and not developed any crystals or stones and only one UTI in the past year. They also have more energy and the allergies seem more under control. If I sound like an ad, its only because I'm very thrilled with the Innova product. I even feed it to my 7 rats now!

10-23-2000, 06:15 PM
I have two pups; a yellow lab Star and a husky/shep (x) Cody. I feed them both Eukanuba Large Breed mixed with warm water and a tablespoon or two of canned Iams for flavor. Like most labs, Star would eat anything and EVERYTHING if I let her. The other day she actually got a 2lb. raw salmon fillet out of the frig and dragged it through 2 rooms before I wrestled it away! Fortunately, she LOVES all raw fruits and veggies, which the vet is thrilled about her having. One of their favorite leisurely activities is to sit under the apple tree in our back yard until they get "boinged" on the head, and then munch away! At my friends' kennel, where I help out sometimes, we sell Innova. Many people swear by it! Innova does a have lot of unique extra goodies like fruit, garlic, etc., but unlike Eukanuba, it only has glucosamine; no chondrotin. And of course, every few weeks or so, a "Frosty Paws" or, on special occasions, a Friendly's handpacked vanilla cup!

10-23-2000, 06:38 PM
I feed my senior Lab Nutro's Natural Choice Senior, and my younger Lab gets Nutro's Natural Choice Chicken and Rice. Both have glucosamine and chondroitin.
They also get a carrot every afternoon, and it is the highlight of their day. Both love any fresh fruit, but are partial to grapes and canteloupe. A few beans have disappeared from the garden too, now I wonder how that might have happened? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

10-23-2000, 08:45 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
The other day she actually got a 2lb. raw salmon fillet out of the frig and dragged it through 2 rooms before I wrestled it away!>>>>>>>

Now I want to know how she got a 2 lb.
raw salmon fillet out of the Frig? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

10-24-2000, 08:07 AM
Just wanted to clarify that Innova Senior does have Chondroitin sulfate in addition to Glucosamine; while Innova ( regular) does not contain either.

10-24-2000, 09:51 AM
It is interesting to see what everyone else does for their dogs as far as feeding. I was buying those 40 pound bags of Iams for my two Golden Retreivers and since they are so big, it was getting quite expensive. I had a discussion with my veterinarian about the different types of food and his response was that no company spends more on researching animal health than Purina. He said his dogs and cats had always eaten Purina food and lived long, healthy lives. Mine came up on Purina Puppy Chow, but now eat Pedigree. I guess I really didn't listen to him all that well, but they will eat the Pedigree dry, but didn't like the Iams or Purina without a canned food mixed in. There isn't much I wouldn't do for any of my animals, but expense does become an issue, unfortunately. My dogs seem to be very satified with the Pedigree as their base food and they love to get their occasional treats (Milkbones, grapes, apples, etc.)

10-24-2000, 10:26 AM
My two dogs are currently on Iam's Lamb and Rice. Hannah is very picky about food, but as long as I add a little warm water to the dry kibble, she eats it right up. Give her the very same food without the warm water, she will turn up her nose. We were on the chicken variety for most years but eventually she got tired of that. That is when I switched to the Lamb and Rice. They also like for treats the following people food: banana, apple, orange, carrot, brocoli, cauliflower, tomato.

10-24-2000, 11:21 PM
I feed my dogs Pedagree Little Bites, Max can diegest thoughs better then a larger sized brand...... My vet has suggested giveing him Iams or S.Diet

In the winter thought I do mix it with Pedagrees caned food for extra heat for my out side dogs. ~~

10-25-2000, 04:13 PM

I use to have a frig with the freezer compartment on the bottom. Star couldn't reach to get anything out of the top area. Too high. Now I have one with the freezer on top and food shelves at "lab level." I left the door open for a sec. The salmon was on the bottom shelf; only several inches from floor height. She just stuck her little head in, sniffed, and pulled the package out at lightning speed. She also has garbage radar. She can hear me pull open the trash compactor 2 rooms away and usually manages to snatch a "tasty????" morsel or two before I can shut the door. Dogncatluvr: Star is also an avid gardener, and helps Mom by haravesting peas, beans and even a small tomato or two every chance she can get! Raspberries, picked fresh off their prickly stems, are another favored delicacy!

10-25-2000, 06:59 PM
I feed my dogs Pedigree an kibbles and Bits

10-26-2000, 08:05 AM
I feed my dogs Eukanuba (sp?) lamb and rice. I feed it to them because I have heard good things about that brand of food from both my vet and other people who I trust, and my dogs like the taste and tolerate it well. They also have nice, shiny coats. I give them supplements too (Prozyme & Missing Link Plus), but I probably don't really need to (except for my pug who has alergies). I just love them so much and want to make sure they are around for LOTS longer!

10-26-2000, 08:16 AM
Tats, that's really funny about you dog and the salmon (although you probably did not think so at the time) http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif It's also funny about the raspberries...we have a zillion raspberry plants in my yard, they took over my entire garden, and my aussie mix LOVES to graze! He has learned how to pick them off the plants without getting picked by the pickers http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif It's funny to see him. Also, they have been appearing here and there throughout my yard....the plants sometimes pop up in the strangest of places, it took me awhile to figure out that Graham was eating the raspberries and pooping the seeds and making new raspberry plants all over the yard http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif SO funny! He's got a little green thumb http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

10-26-2000, 10:22 AM
My Tucker loves to eat the liitle crabapples from under the tree. He would rather eat them than the freezed-dried lamb treats that cost me $20 a pound (BaaBaaQ's). When he first started eating them I thought they would upset his digestive system, but no probem. Only thing I notice different is his poop will have little stems sticking out of it.

karen israel
10-26-2000, 11:05 AM
HAHAHAHA!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Got a real kick out of the rasberry story and Graham's green paw! I've gone thru 3 different covered designs of trash baskets for the kitchen but Cody watches like a hawk. The milisecond that you toss in anything, esp a paper product, (tissue, paper towel)he'll dig his head way to the bottom (it's a deep can too!)either by pushing the lid in or taking it off. He's learned to maneuver every single one we've had. No other room just kitchen. I know he does it for attention (poor neglected thing) and to drive us crazy. He also sticks his nose into the frig when it's opened. He can be sleeping in another aprt of the house..that door opens and there he is! I really loved the salmon story too! It's not funny, but it's funny!!

10-26-2000, 11:21 AM
Every time I open the fridge, I have two big heads looking in there with me, too!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I have to ask them to please move so I can reach anything in there! It's like they're saying, "Pick that liver sausage in there, it looks good!!" Ha-ha. Two dogs are such fun!!

10-26-2000, 03:16 PM
I know what to do!! Let's get them their own doggie frig's and garbabe cans. Maybe they'll also learn to do the dishes. Though Star and Cody already ARE my pre-rinse cycle and do a DAMN FINE JOB if I do say so!!!! (I know, gross! But if they can lick my face, I say, let them lick my plate too!!!) Rachel, that story about the stemmy poops is too funny. I never really looked before, but I'll have to check it out next time. I knew birds spread seed through their poopies, but now I know I have to thank Star for the zillions of new raspberry plants all over the yard! Just like you "Adoremydogs!" And people ask what's so great about having a dog??? FUNNNNNY! FUNNNNNNY! FUNNNNNY!

10-26-2000, 04:37 PM
Can't spell or read today. That was supposed to be garbage can. DUH

10-27-2000, 12:04 AM
I have an extremely old female doberman (think grouchy old lady) who is the pickiest thing around. She'll turn up her nose if the canned tuna is white but not albacore. Of course, that was when she was eating tuna. Lately, the only thing she'll go for is skinless, boneless chicken breasts with a little bit of Come 'n Get It. We've tried all brands of dry and wet food - fancy, simple, ridiculously expensive and cheap. We've tried gravy, canned food - everything! Home cooked vegetables and rice - she's even bored of turkey and ground beef. She also has several health conditions so we can't take it to a battle of wills (we have to break before she will). Any suggestions?

10-27-2000, 08:15 AM
You guys are so funny with these food stories!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Speaking of stems in the poop, I find pices of plastic, thread, etc. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif I try to keep them out of stuff, but these full grown puppies will eat anything !! Have to clean the backyard every couple of days with the shovel and can't help but see that stuff.
Honey and Lilly like their canned food so much that they recognize the draw opening and the manual can opener coming out. It doesn't make any noise and they still recognize the sound!!! Aren't they all too smart? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

karen israel
10-27-2000, 03:43 PM
OO! It is GROSS but you can tell what they've been into behind your back by yard cleaning! Nearly fatal story. laid pantyhose on bed after work, ran to bathroom,came back only to see Cody gulp! and NO pantyhose, A split second, I swear. I almost fainted, called vet, kept close eye on poop and sure enough, a day later, it was in the nylons! Like a net! I was SO lucky, I swear I never prayed so hard. Never happened again. Cody also has a paper deficiency (vet laughs). He will search out tissue, new or used, not fussy, tries to grab the used paper towels, no matter how empty our trash can is. How funny! Cody LOVES tuna too, prefers the all white expensive stuff!!!! So right Logan, they can hear EVERYTHING! (except me when I want him to something he doesn't want to do!!-oops Alpha is another category!)

10-27-2000, 06:45 PM
You have one of those picky eaters too.
What a pain in the but.
I tried tough love but I broke.
You would not believe what I use to do
to get my female Akita to eat.
It wasn't till she filled out at age
3 did I finally stop worrying a bit.
I learned that somedays she just does not feel well and she will skip one or two meals. She recently started a low dose of thyroid meds which also helps her appitite. I mix human food in with her kibble. (I warm it up first) The only cold food she likes is ice-cream or cottage cheese. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
She will only eat her yogart if it's mixed
with something else she likes.
She is also spoiled. for awhile she would not eat unless I was in the same
room as her.
Than my male wanted the same treatment.
Nipped that in the bud real quick.
(that's all I need is 2 picky dogs)
Thank goodness my Terrier is a PIG,
she will eat anything and everything!
My heart goes out to all, that have picky

10-29-2000, 04:13 AM
Okay, I have to join in on this now... I have been laughing my blank blank off!! Your stories are so funny http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif! Karen, the nylons?!?!?!?! Oh my gosh, I lost it. That is hilarious! I cannot believe a dog can acutally swallow those! My dog was a horrible chewer as a puppy. She grew out of it finally when she hit 3. She destroyed and entire recliner chair (my mom's doberman's personal chair in the back patio) and has chewed up remote controls (lost count - I'm sure we owe our cable company a bundle for those), books (for some reason she knew which ones were mine. How weird is that?), pillows and much more. Whenever she would feel deprived, after her destruction phase passed, she would just grab a glove of mine or a book of mine or something that she somehow knew was mine and just take it outside and leave it there. That's when I knew she was mad at me. With all that she ate, and I mean ATE, I swore she had a stomach of steel. She even broke a porceline penguin salt shaker and ATE a foot http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif! Ouch! Anyway, I did want to know some things about this food subject. First of all, how many times a day does a dog need to eat. I know it varies but sometimes I feel very cruel only feeding my two girls once a day. They eat Iam's small bites and love it. I was feeding them Pedigree small bites and they liked it for awhile but I think they were spoiled and wouldn't eat it without canned food mixed it. Well, I don't like giving canned food every day so I had to find another food they liked by itself. Iam's is it. Every once in awhile they will get a french fry for a treat. Sasha devours it and Lexi has to lick the salt off first. She picks it up gently, then drops it, then licks it a little and so one. Finally she will eat it. The love real bacon too... I practially lose a finger anytime I give them a piece but I have stopped giving it to them. Lexi also watches me like a hawk when I eat banana popsicles (my favorite and hers) I get down to the end and let her lick the rest. She does the same thing with a glass of milk. She is in my face until I let her lick the glass... and I mean in my face! Trying to drink from it at the same time! I have also heard milk isn't good for dogs. I felt bad giving them these people foods but it sounds like you all give them to your dogs. I didn't realize it was okay for them to eat fruits and veggies http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/confused.gif. I may have to try that.
I do have to be careful because Lexi was severely dehidrated a few months ago and had to spend a night at the vet. He said it could have been a foreign substance in her that caused it... meaning people food or junk or whatever. So, now she doesn't get much in regards to people food. So, is ice cream actually okay for dogs? Just curious.
Sorry about my novel... I just get carried away when it comes to my girls!

Angel http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

10-29-2000, 09:28 AM
My Aunt had a wonderful labrador (Ruby). She used to grab the T.V. changer and would take off with it and would not give it back.
My Uncle would get so aggrevated.
She even ran out of the yard with it.
She would also pick up his shoes and hide them. (served my Uncle right for leaving them around anyway.) Ruby trimed all the bushes in the back yard and made them into Bonsai trees. hehehe
Ruby passed away 4 years ago, and to this day my Aunt still trims those bushes leaving them the same way Ruby did. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
Now for your question.
I have been feeding my dogs 2 times a day
for years. I was advised to do so by my vet
who said it was better to feed more smaller meals than 1 large one.
Ice-Cream is NOT good for dogs.
I cheat once in awhile in feeding them junk
food. I like to share. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif
They also love french fries and Pizza Crust.
Vegetables in moderation are good for your pets if they will eat them. My little Terrier will eat anything. Give her a carrot or broccoli for a treat and she is happy camper.
My other dogs will not touch raw vegetables. If they are hungry enough they might eat 1/2 of a banana. My Aunt had a GSD that used to pick apples off their tree and eat them.
(some vegetables are not good for dogs such
as onions)

10-29-2000, 10:55 AM
Thanks for your help Kys. Ruby sounds like a great dog with an incredible personality. I'm sorry she's no longer with us.

The whole pizza crust thing reminds me of the times the dogs would help themselves to what was left in the box. My husband and I would go off to the bedroom for some "alone time" after eating the pizza and we always forgot to put it up - we were thinking of other things http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif- Well, the dogs thought we left the rest for them so they finished off the box for us. How sweet of them to clean up for us!! We have since learned to put up the leftovers. Now when our "alone time" comes around I know they are wondering where their pizza treat is http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif!!

By the way, I think I am going to start feeding them 2 small meals a day now. That sounds like a much better idea. I think they will like that better, too http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Thanks again http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

10-29-2000, 03:36 PM
This food comparison topic really does seem to be a "hot topic!" But as I listen to everyone voice their individual food brand preferences, feeding habits....how carefully we all scrutinize EVERYTHING we put in their mouths, read labels, compare, make sure that all their dietary needs are met, etc. it dawned on me that many human parents (of which we are many, I'm sure) don't seem to monitor anywhere NEARLY as closely what they feed their human kids or even themselves! I often have to laugh at people who will go toe-to-toe with a fellow furparent and defend to the death what a dog should and should not be fed, while their human pantry is filled with junk! I've known of animal professionals who HUMILIATE pet owners who, out of simple ignorance, or because they just can't afford the trendy "designer" petfoods, feed their furkids, say, Gainesburgers or Purina Dog Chow. All the while stuffing Fritos and Burger King in their own families mouths! As a recovery room nurse with extensive cardiac background, I'd love to inform THEM of the ramifications and peril they are placing their family human in by not feeding them properly. Not everyone is as animal educated as others, and I think politely suggesting they discuss their dog's dietary needs with their vet, or tactfully suggesting a few changes, would be a much kinder and more productive approach. One worker at my kennel totally humiliated a client when she handed back the client's "own food" to be fed her pup during her stay. She looked in the bag and saw Pedigree Little Champions and and handed it back and said. "We don't need this junk; we'll feed her our food." The older woman left in tears, with her pup, I'm glad to say. I wanted to cry myself! This woman obviously loved her dog, and did not deserve to be so shamed. I might add that this worker has the worst eating habits and feeds her own children junk all the time!!!! She laughs at me for my "health food diet." I just hate such judgemental, cruel behavior. Discussing this topic over this forum is great for educating us all, so many great suggestions and sound advice, and maybe we can pass along this info. to others we know, new pet owners etc., who might need some guidance. WITH KINDNESS!

karen israel
10-30-2000, 10:18 AM
Well, since Cody always seemed hungry and seemed to forage for food, the vet suggested 2 small meals a day. Tried it but it messed up his"clock", he wouldn't eat the morning meal, so I went back to 1 meal at EXACTLY 530P(believe me, he will let you know and with the time change this weekend he pestered me at 430p!!)He'll eat no matter what, so I became less concerned. He is far from the poor starving wretch of a dog! He gains weight faster than a speeding bullet and I am concerned about his hips. He gets a milkbone and Bonz during the day as a treat. I have to control ME because those pitiful eyes can lure me into anything. The stinker. He loves yogurt, apples, oranges, peaches. I am working on not giving him the dreaded, evil rawhide bone at night, breaking a 7yr old habit. On rare occassions, i give him 1/2 cup of dried rice krispies before bed. He loves french fries (don't we all) but they give him messy you know what. (Burger King is his favorite FYI) Milk products make him sick too (Lactate intolerate like me!) A piece of cheese cut into small pieces so he thinks he's getting a lot is a treat for commands and I use dried beef liver - the kind they use at Westminster. He would go thru hound-hell and back for that. We also use small pieces of liverwurst for vitamins and Cosequin pills. That's enough. After his surgeries and lectures from the vets, I watch his weight like a hawk. I can immediately tell by his waistline. He went from over 125 to 98 (he just lost 2 lbs in 2 months)and I'm aiming for 90. He'll be 9 in Dec and i want to add on many more healthy years.

10-30-2000, 12:19 PM
4:30 for me too! Only it was AM not PM! She eats breakfast at 5:30AM normally. Glad I was off today. Tired!

10-30-2000, 06:29 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
it dawned on me that many human parents (of which we are many, I'm sure) don't seem to monitor anywhere NEARLY as closely what they feed their human kids or even themselves.>>>>>>>>>

How true.
I feed my dogs much healthier than what goes into my own mouth.
IF you only new what my cholestral count
was you would cringe. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

10-30-2000, 07:06 PM
Salt is a doggy danger and all human processed foods have huge amounts of it!
My Retriever is a tomato stealer although he is so sly when he does it it took me several weeks to realise why the ones that were nearly ripe yesterday had dissapeared today! I have had him for five years and have only caught him once. This year my plants were the best I've ever grown and I managed to rescue four fruits the whole summer!
We used to feed our Greyhounds a high carbohydrate mixer biscuit, minced cooked chicken, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, egg, pearl barley, greens - in fact just about any vegetable going and garlic. All this, except the biscuit, was put through a mincer. (We varied the meat too.) One of our dogs, Whisky, always carried his full dinner bowl up onto his bed platform to eat and always, always managed to leave the tiny bits of minced carrot in the bottom of the bowl!
Splitting a dogs daily food into two meals makes sense, especially for larger and older dogs. Karen, try feeding Cody only a third of his normal ration one afternoon and offer the rest in the morning. If this works you can then split it equally.
I have had some success with fussy eaters by giving up to four or five tiny meals a day. A few morsels are sometimes taken more readily than a dish full. Try adding minced fruit and fresh minced garlic. Small pieces of raw hamburger mince for a change. Try not to offer the same food on two consecutive feeds and this helps to create anticipation in the dog. Take a long time preparing the food to stimulate interest. Try not to fuss or encourage the dog to eat. Simply pick the food up after ten minutes if it has not been eaten. As you are feeding so often it is not too long between meals for an ill dog.

10-31-2000, 08:12 AM
My aussie Annie will literally eat anything. I think it comes from her garbage eating days. My border collie is so picky though. The other night I was making burgers and threw a dill pickle at each of their foaming mouths and my b/c actually puckered, made the funniest face and spit it out like a little kid! Had to do it one more time so my hubby could see!

karen israel
10-31-2000, 08:52 AM
Teena!! What a HOOT!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif! LOVED the dill pickle face story! I can imagine! All Cody has to see is a mustard jar and he FREAKS and runs under the table! We sometimes put a dab on the kitchen trash can and he HATES it! Barks at it! So I found something he won't eat! I dropped a teeny piece of paper on the floor the other day while opening the Halloween Candy and he ran like the dickens. thinking it was FOOD -imagine his surpirse (that expression!) when he spit out a piece of paper. He gave me such a look like I was cheating him out if a sirloin. I just ROARED! He's SO greedy!

10-31-2000, 12:33 PM
Karen, opening Halloween candy BEFORE Halloween?? Tut,tut. That would never happen in my house, no never.... http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

10-31-2000, 05:29 PM
Another story you may find interesting.... When I was working with greyhounds we also kept Arab horse, a couple of rescued Dartmoor ponies and in the winter we took in a couple of horses from the local riding school as some of their pasture flooded. (As well as a couple of pet cows, a pig and some chickens rescued from a battery farm) One of the riding school horses was an enormous Clydsedale cross, grey, unflappable and totally claustraphobic! He refused to budge as soon as you asked him to go into any building. We had lovely, expensive post and rail fencing on all our paddocks. Barren was very happy with us until he had had enough of his own field and simply walked through every fence that stood in his way! He didn't lean or push his way through - just walked. Well all hell broke lose as we tried to stop him. The Greyhounds all taken back to the kennels and the house dogs shut in the kitchen wher they had a bed. About an hour and half later when things were under control again I went to let the house dogs out and phone the owner of Barren to let her know what had happened. As I went into the kitchen no happy squirmy dogs came to greet me! The two collies were lying on their bed looking like butter wouldn't melt and the eight month old Labrador was trying to make herself dissapear under the table. She was only held back by the telephone, still attached to the wall. Yep, she had eaten the whole thing, handset and all! She regurgitated most of it shortly afterwards and suffered no ill effects except being banned from the kitchen!!

10-31-2000, 05:32 PM
Another story you may find interesting.... When I was working with greyhounds we also kept Arab horse, a couple of rescued Dartmoor ponies and in the winter we took in a couple of horses from the local riding school as some of their pasture flooded. (As well as a couple of pet cows, a pig and some chickens rescued from a battery farm) One of the riding school horses was an enormous Clydsedale cross, grey, unflappable and totally claustraphobic! He refused to budge as soon as you asked him to go into any building. We had lovely, expensive post and rail fencing on all our paddocks. Barren was very happy with us until he had had enough of his own field and simply walked through every fence that stood in his way! He didn't lean or push his way through - just walked. Well all hell broke lose as we tried to stop him. The Greyhounds all taken back to the kennels and the house dogs shut in the kitchen wher they had a bed. About an hour and half later when things were under control again I went to let the house dogs out and phone the owner of Barren to let her know what had happened. As I went into the kitchen no happy squirmy dogs came to greet me! The two collies were lying on their bed looking like butter wouldn't melt and the eight month old Labrador was trying to make herself dissapear under the table. She was only held back by the telephone, still attached to the wall. Yep, she had eaten the whole thing, handset and all! She regurgitated most of it shortly afterwards and suffered no ill effects except being banned from the kitchen!!

11-01-2000, 08:13 AM
Oh my god Carrie!!!! That is too funny!

karen israel
11-02-2000, 01:42 PM
First, in my own defense, I was opening the candy to put in our plastic pumpkin to have ready. However, I do admit that I gave out what I wasn't crazy about (being a choc.fanatic) and , ok ya caught me, I finished off Reeses Crispy sticks, Kitkats and Dots. Cody loves Dots, too! Anyone ever try "dog chocolate"? The pseudo choc. they sell for dogs? Is it safe?
Loved Carrie's story too!! The PHONE?! JESH!

11-02-2000, 05:06 PM
Mine would eat anything that didn't eat them first!! I think that would include a telephone, Carrie! I am on the sly all the time now. If they aren't right under my feet, I'm looking to see what they are eating! Karen, if you need any moral support on the Halloween candy, you should have a girl of your own to deal with. Helen doesn't eat anything but Reese's cups, and we have half a pillow case full of candy to do something with. She asked me this morning where the candy was and I had to admit that it was hidden in the top of my closet so Honey and Lilly wouldn't get into it! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-03-2000, 01:04 AM
Well, a telephone is one thing my little shepard/lab mix hasn't eaten... well, she did gnaw on our cordless antenna but it is still in tact. I hope your dog was okay!! Poor thing... luckily the phone didn't ring http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif! You would have had one confused little puppy there!!

Today my one of my little ones decided that the sprinkler heads looked awfully tasty http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif. She hasn't chewed on anything for a long time so I don't know what brought this on http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/confused.gif. She even dug out a spot to expose part of the pvc pipe. This happened the day after we actually cleaned up the yard and raked and swept and all that good stuff. She made sure to let us know that she must have liked it messy like it was before! I don't know what she was looking for but water wasn't it! She and her sister had plenty of that in the house. Oh well! (we didn't even use the sprinklers anyway.. doesn't do any good to water dirt! Guess she knew that!)

karen israel
11-03-2000, 08:07 AM
Logan.. send me whatever Helen doesn't eat! My kingdom for chocolate. Sometimes I eat off the chocolate and give Cody a taste of the peanut butter!! Dog drool galore!

11-03-2000, 08:14 AM
posted by karen israel:
Sometimes I eat off the chocolate and give Cody a taste of the peanut butter!!

But! the peanut butter is the best part. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
I purchased chunky peanut butter so
I could put some in the beef marrow bones
for the dogs.
I ended up eating the jar when I was typing on the PC. No more peanut butter. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif

11-03-2000, 09:32 AM
When my youngest doxie, Blue, was but a tiny pup of about 4 months,( and about 5 pounds) she ate an entire tin of Honey roasted peanuts and cashews. I had left it on the coffee table..with just the plastic lid between the nuts and doggie bliss.
Her poor belly was distended right out like a balloon. I dont think my older doxie ate a single nut ( which is funny cos she is usually the trash picker, food stealer). Poor Blue was passing peanut poops ( looked like those planter's nut rolls) for two days. Maybe that's why she is very cautious about what she eats now...

11-03-2000, 09:37 AM
Doxie: Love that story! Will never be able to look at a Payday candy bar the same again. Reminds me of the time I went to Costco and bought 2 4 lb. boxes of Milk Bones for large dogs. I made the mistake of putting the 2 boxes on the floor in our laundry room while we unloaded the rest of the stuff from the car. Max, my border collie/food hound, managed to open the box while we were outside and scarfed at least half of one box. He was one sick dog! We thought he might never want Milk Bones again, but within a few days, he was back to his true breed of pure chow hound!

11-03-2000, 10:38 AM
Teena!!! You are bad! I love PayDay candy bars and you have ruined me (at least until I check the Halloween bag again). http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif I'd eat a Pay Day before any other type of candy.

OK....no more poop stories!!!!

11-03-2000, 01:04 PM
When I buy peanut butter at the store, I always get 2 jars....one for human consumption, and one for doggie consumption. They prefer the crunchy type. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-03-2000, 02:55 PM
Hi all-

Well, what was invented first, dogs or dog food?

Of course dogs can eat "people food" as long as it's nutritious, fresh, and not processed. I'd encourage anyone to add (gradually) grated carrots, zucchini, green beans, raw egg, cottage cheese... to their dog's kibble. In my opinion, a fully home-prepared diet (of people food) is probably best for most dogs, and it's not complicated but does take a little understanding to be sure your dog is getting what they need.

I feed my dog a combination of Solid Gold brand kibble (which is human-grade ingredients) and supplement it with raw meat mixture mixed with vitamins, raw veggie mush, cottage cheese, and raw eggs. Raw beef bones are also wonderful. Her allergies are under control, her coat is beautiful and she is very healthy.

I'm not trying to sound pretentious, but lots of people just don't know that their dogs can eat "people food" and it's actually good for them! How would you like to eat crunchy mealy kibble for your entire life? I don't have time to do the fully home-prepared thing, so I do half and half... and it's not hard or expensive and the benefits are obvious. I used to think that you "just feed dogs dog food" but after finding out all the nasty stuff that's in supermarket kibble and even some premium kibbles I was disgusted. A natural premium kibble is best if you're going to feed dog food.

And I probably do pay more attention to my dog's diet than my own, although I TRY to be healthy too! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-03-2000, 04:27 PM
Well, I just can't stand it. It must be a full moon or something, because todays' postings are just TOO FUNNY! Peanut Poops?? Paydays? Oh no, my favorite candy bar no more. Lets see; fritos, paydays; lets keep the list going!!
Doggiemom: Loved your story about the sprinkler heads. Star hasn't eaten them yet, but she did dig up the drip irrigation pipes just installed this summer. Aren't they just so helpful!! Thank you Star!
Heather: Just heard about Solid Gold on another site www.hua.org (http://www.hua.org) and bought some. Sounded like a great product! From what I remember on past posts on this topic, a lot of us do give our kids lots of good human food: fruits, vegs, cooked meat, etc. An experienced groomer and breeder of shelities I know feeds her kids raw chicken, bones and all. She says that the bones, uncooked, are not harmful like cooked ones; not brittle and don't splinter!! We all do have our own thoughts on the matter, don't we!!! Lots of good info. though.

11-03-2000, 10:23 PM
I promise this post will be serious. A friend of mine is a big German Shepard fan and recently got his second. He was telling me today about the breeder, who is in the Houston area. This man is serious about his German Shepards and has a pretty decent web site, www.heidelberg-usa.com (http://www.heidelberg-usa.com) (sorry I don't know how to do the direct link). There are pictures of his award winning dogs, as well as a section about nutrition that I thought you all might be interested in. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Have a great weekend.