View Full Version : Wolfsoul....RE.Training school.....

10-20-2003, 12:27 PM
I wanted to get back to about the school you're looking at for dog training, specifically about my doubts.
I didn't know how to phrase what I was thinking so I posted the site to some people who's views I really respect towards dog training and here's what they had to say.
The first person (KTM) said the first red flag was....

"Certified master trainer" - certified by who? There's a local trainer also claiming "CMT" certification, and she is SCARY. A direct quote, how she deals with aggression - "I give them one arm to bite and beat them over the head with the other till they submit" Not saying that this is necessarily how this guy trains, but that and his background in police dog training tells me that the students PROBABLY aren't going to learn clicker training.
And if that's what they want, fine and dandy..

But you may want to pass on this website to them:
http://www.canadiancaninetraining.com/ It looks like a more balanced programme - I think the best way to learn dog training though, is to apprentice yourself to a dog trainer and learn "hands on".

I fully agree with her. Typically the methods used to teach protection and service dogs aren't the most gentle.

The second person (Reena) said:

"I agree with KTM that you would need to be cautious about this program. It's a lot of money to spend without knowing what exactly you're getting. If I was interested I'd try and contact people who had been through the program and find out if they thought it was everything the web-site claimed it to be. I'd also want to know specifics on what type of training methods are taught. I would also request that the school allow me to visit before I put a deposit down.

I do know of two different schools in the states that are highly thought of by professional trainers.

One was developed and run by Jean Donaldson in San Francisco. I know several trainers that have been through one of the academy sessions and they said it was extremely intense and left them exhausted. But they also said they came out of the course knowing an incredible amount about dogs, learning theory, and behavior. http://www.sfspca.org/academy/index.shtml

The other school is run by Pat Miller as her Intern Academy. I know it is highly thought of -- but I don't have much information on it. Pat's moving to Maryland. Here's a link: http://www.peaceablepaws.com/apprentice.htm

I also know Terry Ryan has short Instructor's Courses: http://www.legacycanine.com/

I don't know what the Canadian Association of Pet Dog Trainers is doing as far as certification goes -- but here's their web site: http://www.cappdt.ca/

I do know that the Association of Pet Dog Trainers -- which is run out of the U.S., but which has members from all over the world, has developed a certification program which is accredited and run by an independent organization. http://www.ccpdt.org/ Right now the certification consists of a 250 question test on learning theory, dog behavior and some other things. The goal is to have different levels of certification and the Level 2 test is being developed right now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't just look at one school -- I'd really do my homework. You have my permission to copy and paste this post to any other boards you would like."

I hope you don't think I'm just sticking my nose in unwanted, I would hate for you to spend a huge sum of money and find out in the end, that the methods used are ones you aren't interested in using or even that the certification is worthless.
I just wanted to provide you with some more options.

10-20-2003, 05:54 PM

10-20-2003, 06:03 PM
Thanks for the concern. :) But don't worry, I've already emailed them some questions. I asked them what methods she used to build aggression when attack training, where the trainers were certified, if you are able to bring your own dog, how they train for personal protection/shutzhund etc. I also called a couple references and asked them a few questions, and they assured me that it was a great place with positive training methods only. Ashley's (binka_nugget's) dogs' trainer also says that she learned alot there and Ashley says that she's very knowledgeable and informative.

10-20-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Thanks for the concern. :) But don't worry, I've already emailed them some questions. I asked them what methods she used to build aggression when attack training, where the trainers were certified, if you are able to bring your own dog, how they train for personal protection/shutzhund etc. I also called a couple references and asked them a few questions, and they assured me that it was a great place with positive training methods only. Ashley's (binka_nugget's) dogs' trainer also says that she learned alot there and Ashley says that she's very knowledgeable and informative.

That's very interesting as I wasn't aware of any protection trainers that used positive methods only. I'm glad you have checked it out. The most interesting aspect for me would be learning to teach service dogs (ie for people with disabilities).

If I'm still around here in a couple years when you're in the program, you'll have to be sure to post your experiences. :)
In the mean time if you are able, you should see if you could volunteer with a local trainer, or even at your local shelter. Dogs with manners are more likely to get adopted *S* And it will give you some good experience.

10-20-2003, 06:43 PM
Thanks, I'll definatly come on PT and tell everyone the scoop, and Ashley will to I'm sure. :)

I think that teaching disability dogs would be neat too, and I'm also looking forward to learning how to teach dogs to be K-9 police dogs.

I'm going to be volunteering at the Spca as soon as I'm able. I'm actually getting a job soon and I'd like to figure out that schedule before I work in any volunteering. Training the dogs there should be fun. :D

10-20-2003, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Thanks, I'll definatly come on PT and tell everyone the scoop, and Ashley will to I'm sure. :)

I think that teaching disability dogs would be neat too, and I'm also looking forward to learning how to teach dogs to be K-9 police dogs.

I'm going to be volunteering at the Spca as soon as I'm able. I'm actually getting a job soon and I'd like to figure out that schedule before I work in any volunteering. Training the dogs there should be fun. :D I am applying to the college this june, so that should be interesting as well. I am sure I will have alot to tell you guyz :) aka jordan & ashley ;)..
I would lvoe to train K9 unit dogs, and that is what I am going there to train mainly for ;).. hey jordan they never got back to my email, are you alloud to bring your own dog to train ?? :confused:

10-21-2003, 09:54 AM
I still haven't been emailed back so I'm not sure lol. I should have asked one of the people I called. I'll ask my mom if I can call long distance again lol. I'll ask the trainers.

10-21-2003, 05:52 PM
Is this the school out in Salmon arm?

I haven't contacted the school directly but judging from Kai's new obedience instructor, it seems like she has recieved a very good education from there. She has the same type of training method that I use and would prefer to continue to use. I'll try asking her a bit more about the school at our next class.:)