View Full Version : Orange males

10-20-2003, 08:59 AM
I have heard that orange males have the sweetest temperaments. Is there any truth to this? My very sweetest cat WAS an orange male - Bert - who died of cancer about 9 years ago. There are several cats here who look so much like him!! Especially Sunny and Pumpkin (also Mr Mishi but his fur is longer) - do these guys have extra sweet temperaments. Just wonder if there is any truth to this.

More Mr Mishi, Sunny and Pumpkin pictures PLEASE!!...or any other sweet oranges :)

10-20-2003, 09:23 AM
Yep they are sweethearts :D
We call Butterscotch "mr needy" always gotta have those lovings :)

10-20-2003, 09:26 AM
YES, Butterscotch is beautiful! Love the rings on his tail. What a sweetheart!

10-20-2003, 10:10 AM
There really is something different about orangies. They do have a very different temperment than other kitties that I have had.

Abner is extremely affectionate and very vocal. Tobias was also very affectionate, but he had no voice. I find that my orangies are very loyal and loving.

10-20-2003, 10:23 AM
Tanner is my only male orangie and he is just a love bug (especially at 3AM). He insists on licking and kneading my upper arm. He would do that all night if I let him :D

10-20-2003, 10:24 AM
All I know is that I have never seen an unfriendly Orange and Michael and Roscoe , below are Wonderful Cats!

10-20-2003, 10:51 AM
Toby is very affectionate and very loving, around people he knows very well. He is terrified of strangers and hides under the bed :) Silly boy, he is such a sweetie to us though. :D Orangies are the best!

10-20-2003, 10:53 AM
Fister is a love bug, he wants tummy rubs almost any time of day, and he sometimes calls me to come and brush him - like right now!! :D We always have a good cuddle session in the morning and then late in the afternoon, it's time for a good brushing. In the evenings, he's in bed watching TV with us most of time - and during the night, he has to walk across us to let us know he's still there. :rolleyes: :)

Here's picture of him waiting to be brushed.

10-20-2003, 11:07 AM
My Mishi is my big, silly love-bug Goon. He has a very unique purrsonality - contantly playing, active, very vocal and affectionate (on his terms). He's probably a typical Maine Coon -- whatever that is! He's my first Maine Coon and I sure do love the big guy. He's very social and very vocal. He's a big clumsy oaf of a cat and keeps me laughing; I don't think he realizes how big he is, so it's like having a 15 lb. kitten in the house :rolleyes: He's not a jumper - I think he's probably too big and heavy to jump or maybe his former guardians taught him not to jump. 15 lbs. of fur landing on you does make an impression! OW!

My RB Goldie was also an orangie, a very loving female one with the sweetest personality too.

I LOVE orangies!

Mishi my couch potatoe:

10-20-2003, 11:29 AM
My (RB) Y.Lee was a large orange male and the sheer definition of love in a fur coat (I miss him dearly)

Lucas, another orange male, is also lovable, but not in the lap-cat sort of way.

I also know other people that seem to agree with this generalization of the large orange male.

10-20-2003, 03:38 PM

This one is my favorite. It's my current desktop wallpaper. Shows his HUGE eyes and he almost looks sane!

10-20-2003, 03:41 PM
Thanks for more Mishi! What a sweety-pie he is! Any of Lucas?? Any other orangies?? Pumpkin?? Sunny??? Tobey? Fister? Abner?? Michael?? Roscoe??

10-20-2003, 03:56 PM
Mishi the insane -- his attempt at a doily:

10-20-2003, 04:01 PM
I have never owned an orangie, but funnily enough yesterday as I was hanging out the washing, I heard this bell, and looked down, and low and behold, there stands this cutest little male orangie, never seen him before, but he is owned with collar and bell, not neutered though.

He was just a youngster, about 9mths maybe, and so darn friendly, I really enjoyed his visit, hope he comes and sees me again today, Lexie touched noses with him, and luckily Ash just stayed on his chair and sniffed the air.

So from my first experience I would have to say orangies are very affectionate, hmm must get me one of those lol:)

10-20-2003, 06:35 PM
Corkscrew loves attention, but he doesn't really like affection. He wants to be around me all the time and "help" me with whatever I am doing, but he doesn't really like to be held or anything. But he also didn't have a loving family for the 1st year of his life but he has gotten so much better since I've had him.

10-20-2003, 06:41 PM
Well my Pumpkin is a girl, but she's still sweet as marmalade!!!


10-21-2003, 12:52 AM
I have to agree that male orangies are very loving and extra special cats. My Sunny is an Aby mix and he's very vocal, loving, affectionate, playful, and also quite funny. Although he's not the youngest of my cats, he's considered to be the baby and always will be. :) When strangers come over he's usually very shy and cautious but warms up fairly fast if they start playing with him. He's very scared of men though so I think he must have had a bad experience with a man in the past. I adopted him when he was 8 months old. Here are some pics of my funny baby Sunny. :)

This is Sunny at 8 months of age. :)

Sunny standing tall. :)

Sunny sitting where he's not supposed to. :eek:

A closeup of my handsome Sunny. He's now 3 years old. :)

I can't imagine my life without my baby Sunny. He's my little ray of sunshine and helps to brighten my day each and every day. :)

10-21-2003, 07:51 AM
Scout is an orange female but she is a sweetie too. We've only had her three months and she was abused before so she is still coming out of her shell but she is turning into a real love bug with me between 5 and 8 am every morning. She seems to take everything in stride and her only downfall so far is being a bit too dominant over Ripley but even that is beginning to change a little.

10-21-2003, 08:05 AM
I totally forgot about my mom's RB kitty, Pumpkin. She was so loving and had the sweetest disposition. She loved to get into tissue paper and tear it to shreads. Unfortunately she was only with my mom for a year when she was taken from us. Both mom and I miss her dearly.

10-21-2003, 08:25 AM
WONDERFUL pics of Sunny! Omegosh - sitting on a table?? Like MINE would never do that.:D Truth is, ours all but put their furry faces into our plates. Emily has the fastest paw, too. She can swipe a piece of food right off the plate while we blink.
Anyway, thank you for sharing more of Sunny - what a sweet face he has!