View Full Version : mistys a GENIUS!

10-19-2003, 11:00 PM
her mind is finnally maturing and she is a genius, for the first time she ran a full flyball coarse flawlessly and FAST! she preformed the stay command for the first time, I was able to put a hot dog a little distence away on the floor, put her in a sit, and I did not even have to say stay, she stayed in that sit until I cam over and brought her the treat! before she would always have just dove for it and bite my hand in the process! AND she can bow and stand, and everything! and it only took a few seconds to teach her the bow and stand!:D I am sooo proud of my baby girl! she is finally growing up!:D

10-20-2003, 03:19 PM
Congtats to Misty!! What a smart to dog, she learned that trick only in just a few minutes. Good girl Misty!!:D

10-20-2003, 04:14 PM
Go Misty!! You done good!:D What a smart AND a beautiful girl!:)Congratulations, Misty!!