View Full Version : halloween puzzle.

10-19-2003, 09:22 AM
Find the cat in the picture.......


It's a cat fish.


10-19-2003, 09:39 AM
Wow that was a hard cat to find ;) Cute puzzle.


10-19-2003, 09:53 AM
That was hard to find. Can you give us some clues! HaHa!

10-19-2003, 10:55 AM
The fish is out of a book Sara gave me:
"Why paint cats" by Burton Silver and Heather Busch.
Highly recommended:D :D :D

10-19-2003, 11:13 AM
Someone has WAY too much time on their hands and looks like they are very skilled with Photo Shop! LOL :D

10-19-2003, 03:54 PM
I agree with Barbara!

Excellent Book! :)

10-20-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
I agree with Barbara!

Excellent Book! :)

I was sent the pics by e mail...now i HAVE to find the book!!!

10-20-2003, 12:09 PM
Why paint cats (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1580082718/ref=pd_bxgy_text_1/002-6006695-5794437?v=glance&s=books&st=*)

The book's site at Amazon:D

10-20-2003, 12:28 PM
WOW! What a great pic., now off to see if Amazon in UK have the book - it looks fascinating.


10-20-2003, 01:57 PM
What's funny is that people actually believe these cats were dyed with peroxide and then really painted, just makes me laugh for hours on end!:D :D :D

10-20-2003, 02:58 PM
I've seen the book - it's amazing. There is a plaid cat, a butterfly cat, and lots of other painted cats.

The cats aren't harmed. One person mentioned that they would paint their cat when the cat was asleep, which means he never had to wait too long.;)

10-20-2003, 03:33 PM
When I saw "Dancing with Cats" for the first time, I was in the parliamentary library (not sure why they had it) and I was laughing so hard I fell down in the aisle. Those books are HILARIOUS!!

10-20-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by catland
I've seen the book - it's amazing. There is a plaid cat, a butterfly cat, and lots of other painted cats.

The cats aren't harmed. One person mentioned that they would paint their cat when the cat was asleep, which means he never had to wait too long.;)

Do you believe they really paint the cats? It's all fake, just a big joke.

10-20-2003, 03:56 PM

Described in a light-hearted book depicting cats which had been "painted" with vegetable dye (in fact all painted cats were photo-manipulations), the Irish Shortear is a mutant-eared cat that never was. This footnote has been included because people have asked where to find an Irish Shortear!

The book in question was the spoof "Why Paint Cats" and the fake breed among genuine breeds was the Irish Shortear. It was described as Burmilla x Scottish Fold with large protuberant eyes, short ears and very relaxed nature due its excellent vision. The photo was that of a Brown Burmilla which was been edited to give the cat larger eyes, narrower chin and short ears (the original ear tip had been photographically enlarged and grafted back onto the face). The face was then grafted back onto the image of the cat's body. One giveaway was that the facial area had a "floating effect", which is common in photo-composites. A Scottish Fold would have given folded not shortened ears. In addition, the partial-dominant "macro-retinal" gene mentioned in the text is fictional (and it should have been a macropthalmia gene since the retina is the back of the inside of the eye).

Found here:


10-20-2003, 03:57 PM
Actulaly, they paint the cats with non toxic vegetable dye. Its common practise in Africa to paint butterflies on Cats faces to ward off evil spirits. If you want to pay $15 000 to have your cat painted .... :D

10-20-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
Actulaly, they paint the cats with non toxic vegetable dye. Its common practise in Africa to paint butterflies on Cats faces to ward off evil spirits. If you want to pay $15 000 to have your cat painted .... :D

You are joking aren't you. It's FAKE!

10-20-2003, 04:04 PM
I don't believe it is fake. Until it is proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is, then I will change my mind. Maybe the humour of the breeds they use but I find it very hard to beleive that people would spend hours upon hours doing photo manipulation just to create the *look* of a painted cat. have you looked at the book itself?

10-20-2003, 04:24 PM
I own the book! Please do a search for all these so called artists, and their so called magazines, and their so called IRISH SHORT-EARED CAT, and this "macro-retinal" gene, there is NOTHING! Nothing, zip, zilch, nada!

Here search for Matt Gauri, Bridget Brukner, L.A. Art Times, and so many other of their fictional magazines and artists and tell me what you come up with.

Notice how the book is in the HUMOUR class. :rolleyes:

10-21-2003, 02:08 AM
I own the book too and the artists are taking the piss out of the *retro 50;s classic goth style* that seems to be out there - that is the whole point of the book.

I think the cats are painted with vegetable dye. You cannot fake something THAT good using photoshop or layering techniques. So you haven't proven anything to me yet just that the artists who did this have a sense of humour.

10-21-2003, 02:41 AM
I think all of these books are a fake. I have no idea how even a photoshop wizard could do it but on the other hand I think you had to anesthesize the cat to paint it that purrfectly. And they never mentioned something like that.

On the basis that it is a fake I love the idea. If it was real I would think they better paint themselves.

10-21-2003, 10:44 AM
It it fake, the authors even said so. My mom sent me a clipping out of a newspaper, the Orange Country Register where the authors even said it was fake. You should be able to get a copy of the article somehow. That is how I got to know the book and purchased it.

Did you do a search for any of these so called cat painters names? Tell me, what did you get? Nothing, because they don't exist. If there was such a thing as painting cats, there would be articles about it online, and you can be sure that the artists would be mentioned someplace other than this book.

10-21-2003, 04:10 PM
I would just like to point out that you cannot fake what people's reactions are:

Here are just a few letters written to Silver Burton - and Cat painters alike

Btw just because they don't have a website doesn't mean that they don't exist.


Just an example:


We never paint our cats (three Siamese - Bella, Jasper & Stinkle) with anything but henna or other vegetable based dyes. Synthetic hair colors have been associated with cancers and very few have ever been tested for human toxicity. In fact they've probably been tested on cats in laboratories but of course we'll never get to see these results because they don't like to admit they test on animals.

Anne Warwick, Arizona


We had both our cats done by Eric Gonzalez of Urban Pets in Greenwich Village, New York in 1998. He did them in three matching shades of green for St Patrick's day and they were a real hit. We lost one of them, Snow, about a week later and it felt a bit weird putting up a notice asking if anyone had seen a green cat. Well it didn't take long to find him -- everybody had seen him. he'd been appropriated by some kids in the next apartment block who by the way had their five-year old sister convinced that it was a martian cat. And God was he fat when we got him back.

Barry Cook, New York

10-21-2003, 07:08 PM
NEW YORK, Dec 20: If New Yorkers are struck with the desire to dye the dog red and green for Christmas, they can head for Urban Pets where owner Eric Gonzalez will do the decidedly unusual honors.
The Greenwich Village store also dyes cats, which may enter the shop white and leave transformed into the most exquisite green. The cost ranges from 45 to 85 dollars, and the non-toxic dye lasts two to three weeks, says Gonzalez.The idea was born several months ago when a friend asked him to dye two dogs for a fashion show. One went blue and the other violet. ``The audience looked at the dogs more than the design,'' laughed Gonzalez. He then dyed his white cat pink, a video artist had his dog dyed and the clients started pouring in. ``For Halloween, we did orange, we did green, we did pink, like a fuchsia, purple, almost every color,'' he said.

For Christmas, some clients aren't happy just tormenting their Fifi or Spot with silly Santa Claus hats but want the hapless animals dyed red.

Gonzalez is getting readyfor St Patrick's day on March 17, when green is usually extremely popular. For Easter, he is considering pastels like pink, yellow and blue.

``That's a catchy thing, it might become fashionable again, it's fun, it's safe, it comes off very easily,'' says Gonzalez.

The process has become so popular that Gonzalez plans in January to begin marketing a dye kit that can be used in the home.


Do I believe this man does dyes, yes I do because he's been mentioned several times in many Dog Grooming magazines, as all dog groomers know they always hold competitions (especially for Halloween) for these sorts of things. Do I believe the cats in the book were dyed? NO I don't. Do I believe they charge thousands of dollars, nope. Why, when someone could just do it themselves? Now these are DYED cats, not painted with dyes. I don't think this man spends hours on end painting little intricate details onto peoples cats, I doubt the owners would let the cat be away for that long, and I doubt the cat would sit still for that amount of time, especially to be dyed around the eyes and other delicate areas, and I doubt the man has the patience and the time. It's a lot easier to do a dog, most often standard poodles. Anyone can dye a cat, it's not too hard, really. Heck I know people who dye their rats! And they make special spray paint pencil things for that. But I do not believe what so ever that people are going to pay thousands of dollars to do something like this. And if they did their most surely lunatics!

BUT when a newspaper does an article and the authors sit there and TELL people it's fake, then well, it must be fake.

BTW for people who REALLY want their cat painted here is Urban Pets number.

18 Christopher St. Fl 1
New York, NY 10014-3575
Phone: (212) 727-0448
Cross Streets
Between Greenwich and Seventh Avenues