View Full Version : Science Diet formulas?

10-18-2003, 02:49 PM
Right now Cubby is suppose to be on Hill's Prescription diet Feline C/D. Is there any science diet food that I can give him or should I keep buying this stuff? I know he needs to be on this food until his bladder infection clears up but is there something like it from science diet? The vet prices are over the top. I know science diet is that cheap either but it is alot cheaper at petsmart or petco than it is at the vet's office. I am just curious if anyone knows of anything as close to this formula as possible.


P.S. I was afraid Cubby wouldn't like this new food, but he LOVES it! :D

10-18-2003, 03:04 PM
Unfortunately any of the "prescription" diets are only available through our vets. Yes, they are pricy and they are like eating air for our little guys/gals. Cuddy is going to think your starving him with this food. :)

Stay on what your vet recommended until the infection clears up, unfortunately there are no subsitutes in the regular cat food lines.

In the future, you might want to consider a better brand of cat food. Stay away from store brands. Full of fat, after reading labels you won't want to buy them either.
Butterscotch and Thumper gained to much weight on store brand (Wal-Marts Special Kitty). Since I put them on Science Diet Light and Purnia One mix they haven't gained any more weight in over a year. :)

We are on Eukanuba rx diet and I'm feeding 3 felines with it while Skinny gets better.

10-18-2003, 03:07 PM
If he was told to eat C/D then do not give him anything else. All my cats eat this, but sometimes they would get other treats and such. Then Little Kim was diagnosed with urinary tract crystals even though she was on the food meant to PREVENT this. The vet said that even a small amount of other foods can prevent the C/D from doing its intended "job".

10-18-2003, 03:29 PM
I do plan on keeping him on it. I just didn't know if science diet had it or not. Since it is made by the same company. But since there isn't one then I will keep buying it from the vet. Cubby doesn't seem to mind the change. He is still eating it as much as he would his old food.

One more question (this must be getting annoying.) I lock him up in the bathroom when I leave for a little while. That way I prevent him urinating on the carpet. I went and got the carpet stuff the vet told me to get Natures Miracle or something like that. Anyways I have no other cats but do you think it is a good idea to keep him locked up while I am gone? And tonight I plan on locking him up again while my husband and I are in bed.


Thanks again for the advice. Sorry to everyone if I'm starting to get annoying. I have never had this problem with any of the cats we had growing up.


10-18-2003, 03:43 PM
It would be OK to confine him. (and I don't blame you for wanting to do it either). As a matter of fact, when the problem is behavioral (vs. medical) confining to one room for retraining is part of the process. He will be fine, and you will probably not have to do it for long since the problem was medical. Once he feels better he will make it to the box again.

And questions, even 1000 of them, are not annoying, especially when you just want to learn from other people's experiences. OK?

10-18-2003, 03:48 PM
Thank you Jen. The vet also told me to get a cheaper litter box and place it a few feet away from his other box and he should use that one instead of the floor. Which has worked so far. I put his normal litter in it. He doesn't mind either litter box now as long as I scoop after everytime he goes in one. He has used the one in the hallway once now. It's only been sitting there for about a 1/2 hour or so. So I figure it's pretty good for it. It looks just like his old one he use to have.


10-18-2003, 04:05 PM
Natures Mircle is good stuff what it does after cleaning is eliminate the "odor" of the "spot" where he went. If you didn't use something like that he would always go back to "that spot" or around and eliminate.

Also another good investment is carpet cleaner/scrubber. Our little furry guys/gals do make their messes. Tinted food (stains carpet), hairball messes leaves stains and when they jump around and tip over glasses of mom's soda that makes a giant mess. . :eek: :D