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View Full Version : The dog food smells so good!

10-18-2003, 08:25 AM
I know a lot of you use Chicken Soup pet foods. Have you ever soaked it? I have started soaking it for Max, and boy does it smell good!!! If somebody walks in while it's soaking they say "What's cooking, it smells delicious!" Honestly - I'm not kidding. I'm in the parlor and I can smell the dog food in the kitchen, and suddenly I'm in a mood to make a pot roast or something.

10-18-2003, 07:05 PM
this summer i had to eat a bowl of dog food for a dare. i had to eat it like cereal with coconut milk. i did not tatse good at all it wasn't too bad but i feel bad for dogs that only get that. i used to
fill my dogs bowl up to almost the top with hot water then let the dog food soak in it with garlic and her vitimins. it made her think she was getting more and she didnt eat it as fast.