View Full Version : Prayers for Thomas

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-18-2003, 02:26 AM
I posted a while ago about Thomas, a beautiful russian blue previously abused cat (has no tail due to injury) who is at our local shelter.

He is still there, and I really fear that his time is running out.

I am going to try ONE MORE TIME to convince my husband that we should adopt him.

(I figure that, as I will soon be unemployed, at least I will have time to spend on the introductions etc.)

PLEASE can you all keep myself and Thomas in your thoughts and prayers this week, as I try ONE LAST TIME to convince my hubby to give him a home.

The PT prayers have worked miracles before, and I am praying for a miracle again!

Thanks everyone!


10-18-2003, 03:56 AM
Prayers on you way.... wa will patienly wait for GOOD news ! :)

Killearn Kitties
10-18-2003, 04:30 AM
Praying hard for you and hoping for a good outcome.

10-18-2003, 05:05 AM
Julie, I really hope you find a loving home for Thomas!! Any chance you can distribute pictures of him, that may help. ;)

We'll be crossing our paws and fingers for him! :)

Fister & Randi

10-18-2003, 07:02 AM

Tell your husband that there is no difference in having two rather than one cat, apart from they play with each other more than one cat will play with you.

Now, if you were comparing owning one cat to six....... ;)

All the best PT prayers winging their way to you.


PS. No disrespect, but why does your husband have so much sway in this situation, surely a decision should be made joinly.

I agree you both have to agree before you adopt another cat but you are a grown adult and unless he has a logical serious reason for not having another pet, he should respect you and compromise with you.

You would love to fill the house with cats, he sounds like he only wants one.

He needs to understand how important this it is for you to be owned by two (or three ;) ) cats.

Only children should respect a direct & covering all situations 'NO' from their parents. As parents often have more knowledge about a situation than children.

Adults should discuss and compromise.

K & L
10-18-2003, 07:35 AM
I'm sending major karma your way.....Come on hubby!!!

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-18-2003, 07:46 AM
Jen, no offence taken - it's a fair question!

My husband's main concern is that we are not permanently settled in the Middle East, and costs to ship an animal back to South Africa are extremely high. He KNOWS that once an animal is in the family, I will never agree to leave it behind.

You are right - I would have a house full of cats, but I would be setting myself up for absolute heartbreak when the time comes to leave here.

He is supportive in my efforts to help the local animals as much as possible (he does not complain about the time I spend at the shelter, the hours spend outside trying to catch strays and injured cats, the HUGE food and bottled water bills (which he pays), and the trips outside at 3AM to break up fights amongst the group of strays and ferals I feed, but he does draw the line at having another full-time cat in the house. (He has also rescued cats himself and once had to smuggle one through the border from Saudi as he could not find a shelter in Saudi, and having caught a small kitten at the roadside, was not prepared to just let it go again). He has a good heart, he is just (unfortunately) a lot mre logical than I am).

I understand his reasons - he is being perfectly level-headed and logical. but I still cannot get Thomas out of my mind! So I am hoping that one last try, with the help of the power of PT Prayers, will over-ride his logic for JUST long enough to get Thomas into the house:D

10-18-2003, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy

I understand his reasons - he is being perfectly level-headed and logical. but I still cannot get Thomas out of my mind! So I am hoping that one last try, with the help of the power of PT Prayers, will over-ride his logic for JUST long enough to get Thomas into the house:D
Sounds like a great husband. :D

Gosh I didn't even think about transport costs. I take it you have already priced it, would they allow you to transport a large cage with two cats in it, at a reduced price.

If you knew the price of transporting two cats, that might sway hubby.

Just a thought.

10-18-2003, 08:20 AM
Prayers are on the way! Good luck and may God bless Thomas.

10-18-2003, 09:59 AM
Please , Sir! Do consider adopting Thomas! The Love tht you will get , and the good feeling that you get , saving this poor Cat , will enrich your life , in many ways! Please give Thomas a chance!

sasha the cat
10-18-2003, 10:16 AM
Mew! I'm rescued. My prayers and my Kat~purrents prayers are with you & Thomas.

10-18-2003, 10:26 AM
Level headedness wins many battles, but, not the ones of the heart. I really hope Thomas finds a forever home with you. Tell you husband I will contribute to the costs of transporting both kitties, when that time comes. ;)

Keep up the good fight for the feral/homeless/strays.

10-18-2003, 10:51 AM
Prayers and crossed paws here!

10-18-2003, 02:26 PM
Dear Julie - Prayers are coming your way from south Texas. You and your husband both are such good hearted souls. I pray that Thomas can find his way into your house as it's obvious he's already in your heart. Best to you --- Bobbi

Miss Meow
10-18-2003, 06:45 PM
Good luck, good luck, good luck, all fingers and whiskers are crossed over here :)

We have transported Mini and Jasmine twice, and they both fitted in one big cat carrier, so maybe the cost of freight won't be so bad. Can you do a deal with your husband that if you give Thomas a home, you miss out on a Christmas present the year you have to move back, so it's not really an added expense???

10-19-2003, 12:23 AM
Aww Julie you sound like you really have your heart set on adopting this precious kitty. Come on there Hubby, just think what great company Thomas would be for Ally.
You want to make your wife happy don't you?(Gosh I hope this works.)

Good luck Julie.

10-19-2003, 12:37 AM
I pray that Thomas can find a forever home in you. :)

I know its extra work, but its worth it when that special one comes along.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-19-2003, 12:54 AM
Guys, it's working!!!

Without even "trying" to manipulate the conversation last night, we somehow got to talking about Thomas again! My husband was full of PRACTICAL questions (all of which I had ready answers for):

- where will we put another litter box? (we have plenty of space);

- where would he sleep (initially in out guest suite until he and Ally are introduced properly, and then in the kitchen with Ally);

- will it be a problem when we go on vacation (no- we already have a pet sitter, and Ally will have company so she will not be as naughty)

- what if he sprays everywhere? (he shouldn't - he has been fixed and I'm HOPING that bringing him into a loving home after being in the shelter will GET RID of any behavioural problems he may have)

- what if he doesn't get on with Ally? (I am worried about this too. She has shown aggression towards rescued kittens which have slept in the house, so I actually think it may be easier to introduce her to an adult cat who can stick up for himself. Also Thomas has a very relaxed laid-back purrsonality - he's just a big snuggle-bug, so I hope they will get along. Just have to make sure all their claws are trimmed :)

I also pointed out to my husband that the timing is perfect - he is going away on Wednesday night on business. Our weekend starts on Thursday, so I can pick Thomas up on Thursday and have the whole weekend with Ally and Thomas at home, then the following week is mid-term break, so my teenagers are at home to keep an eye on things. (They are all very loving and responsible towards animals, so no worries there!). Hopefully by the time hubby gets back at the end of the month Ally and Thomas will be getting along OK. It also gives me enough time to make sure they will be OK together before we go on vacation in December, PLUS Ramadan starts next week, and I only work until 2pm, so I will have more time at home........

I am really believing in my heart that I will be bringing Thomas home with me on Thursday - keep the prayers coming - they are working!!!!

10-19-2003, 01:22 AM
Julie -- Just read your note and sounds very promising:) Your timing on bringing Mr. T home couldn't be better. We'll keep all the prayers and good wishes flying your way til it's a done deal:) Blessings to you and yours -- Bobbi

10-19-2003, 09:10 AM
Sounds like you are making some progress with hubby! Adding my prayers and positive thoughts in for Thomas to find himself home with you.

10-19-2003, 06:29 PM
Oooo fingers crossed ..............

10-19-2003, 06:35 PM
ooh Ally I can feel the excitement brewing from way over here, I so hope you can bring Thomas home, he sounds so special, and having had such a rough start to life, he will be truely blessed with his furever home with you.

Your hubby sounds a bit like mine, practical and logical , but a real softie underneath, especially when it comes to animals , and pleasing you, sounds like he is coming around to your way of thinking , but if all else fails, use those feminine wiles on him ok:D

Hoping to hear GOOD NEWS SOON>>>>>

Steffi N
10-19-2003, 07:09 PM
I hope to read soon that Thomas is in his new home, yours.

10-20-2003, 12:25 AM
Julie, I'm sending prayers your way too. :) I sure hope that by this Thursday that Thomas will be in his new loving forever home which is your home. :D I think that the timing is perfect and that he was meant to become your second cat. Good luck and please keep us updated. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-20-2003, 09:03 AM
I went to the shelter today at lunchtime and spent 30 minutes with Thomas. He is such a darling - just wants to rub his face all over me! He is quite big-built compared to Ally (who is, after all, quite "dainty" but he is not heavy or chunky - just solid. He is such a good looking boy - even without a tail. When I pet him I can feel little scars running all over his body - I can only shudder to think what he has gone through.

In an act of total faith I filled in the adoption papers (purely a formaility as they know me so well).

Hubby hasn't said YES, but he hasn't said NO, so I think he is giving in!!!

10-20-2003, 09:22 AM
Julie, that sounds good:)

I will keep all fingers crossed and ask F+T to cross their paws too:D

10-20-2003, 10:13 AM
All fingers, toes, and paws crossed from here too!!! Good Luck! Just as an FYI: my husband once said no as well...about three cats ago!!!

10-20-2003, 10:31 AM
Just read this...keeping fingers & paws crossed...sounds promising!!:D

10-20-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by trinity
All fingers, toes, and paws crossed from here too!!! Good Luck! Just as an FYI: my husband once said no as well...about three cats ago!!!
Ditto. Steve really stuck his toes in about number 4 (Treacle), two cats ago. ;)

Sounds very good for Thomas, I am so excited for you, Julie. :D

Where are the photos ?

10-20-2003, 11:57 AM
Oh my, fingers, toes, paws and claws are all crossed over here. Sending prayers and lots of good positive thought for Thomas....I hope your husband is caving.....keep us posted.

Meg and the Chartier Crew

10-20-2003, 12:07 PM
Good Luck Julie - I'm hoping and praying that hubby decides what a good idea it is to be a two cat household!!
My Don said 'No more please' when our last (RB) cat Kisi died - we stuck that out for about six months - I swear I was going mental without a cat about the house! Then I rescued two and very soon after came the third!
Fingers, paws and eyes crossed here for a good outcome.


10-22-2003, 07:39 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I can't believe that I missed this until the NEW thread about introducing Thiomas!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D
YEAH !!!! Is all I can say!