View Full Version : kitten time here in NZ..

10-18-2003, 01:37 AM
I went to the pet shop today, to check out if they had any babies in yet, and yes they are getting them in on monday, I just window shop , I just love to see all the beautiful babies, and hope they all get good homes.

Whereas I love this time of year and seeing them all, I also am aware it is a sad time, because so many kittens are born, with no hope of finding homes.

Yes it is extremely hard to walk away, but I cannot afford another kittie much as I would like,.

I suppose there are many of you out there who do the same when kitten season arrives. pure punishment, but I just cannot help myself. sigh.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-18-2003, 02:12 AM
Why do we torture ourselves? We also have a season, at the beginning of the summer, when there are kittens everywhere. Unfortunately there is only one shelter here in Bahrain, so the unfortunate reality is that many of them are PTS, as they cannot all be homed.

Every year I torture myself, picking up strays at shopping centres, the roadside, and also those brought to me by my co-workers, only to deliver them to an uncertain fate at the shelter. I try to tell myself that it is preferable that they are PTS than grow up living a terrible life on the street, but I cry when I think about them.