View Full Version : I wish all our visitors were this good looking!

Miss Meow
10-17-2003, 06:55 PM
We have two cats that roam our backyard at night and spray everywhere :rolleyes: however, we have a beautiful Siamese Visitor who drops by the front yard during the day to say hello! I don't know if Siamese Visitor is a boy or a girl, but lives across the street (they lock him/her up at night) and looks alarmingly like Mini (Miniiiiiiii, how did you get outside?! Oh, you're not Mini, OK ...)


Mirror image!

The view is different from this side of the street

I've seen enough, time to do the rest of my rounds

Cinder & Smoke
10-17-2003, 10:08 PM
Reminds me of Boots' (an INside ONLY Kat) first winter...

Looked out on the back steps to see :eek: a Lil "Boots" sitting in the snow.

OMG! *panic* Dashed out the front door (no jacket) and rushed around the
house calling Boots - BOOTS! - Here Kitty Kitty...

Lil Black Kat streaked across the back yard and bee-lined for the nearby
horse barn and vanished inside...

Calling brought no response...
Half frozen, I ran back toward the house to fetch his can of Pounce Treats...

And noticed One Each Small Black Kat sitting on the bedroon window sill -
INside! :p

His head was cocked over to one side with the expression of
"WHAT the heck are you HOLLERIN about!!??" :confused:

Boots got some Pounce Treats!

The lil Black Feral *BARN* Kat :rolleyes: came a few more times to visit;
but I learned to check the house for da Boots before giving chase!

10-17-2003, 10:27 PM
I wouldn't mind cute kitties like that paying me a visit!

10-17-2003, 11:09 PM
What a pretty kitty!
Reminds me of a girl I went to college with, her cat escaped and she went crazy looking for him, found him brought him inside was snuggling him etc. And Then noticed it wasn't her Simon. She went to put him back outside and he jumped thru the empty screen door!!! :eek:

10-24-2003, 06:03 AM
He's really handsome!

Phred, you always make me laugh :)