View Full Version : Sammy: neutering issues- help please!

Desert Arabian
10-17-2003, 04:24 PM
This is a little private, and Sam is utterly embarrased- sorry buddy, but I need to ask!!

Sam got neutered on September 30th. The day after the surgery he mounted my leg. :eek: Ever since then he has been mounting anything and everthinng! WHY? He is missing his "bits", this shouldn't be going on. We called the vet and asked them why he is doing this, and they said he would stop in a few days, yeah.....right. I am getting really sick of it, it's so gross. I can't sit down without him trying to have kittens with my legs. My blankets are in a big heep on my bed, Sam mounts them too. It is soooooooo nasty!! :mad:

Does anybody know why he is so h-o-r-n-y even though he is neutered!?!?!??! My mom (and I am starting to) suspect they didn't neuter him properly. He never did this until AFTER he got snipped!

(This is so embarrasing...........:o :o :o :o)

10-17-2003, 04:37 PM
yikes:eek: that's one problem that I've never had.

I'd take him to a different vet for a second opinion.

10-17-2003, 05:03 PM
Seems to be we had a thread on this before, maybe Cubby??? Not sure.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-17-2003, 05:06 PM
Cubby was having the same problem. You might want to do a seach and find the post on it - it was relatively recent. I know they put him on medication which was recently discontinued because it was totally altering his personality.

I know Tubby did this when he was young also, but he had one of my slippers for a "friend" instead of my leg, and it wasn't constant so I never really thought of it as a problem. Maybe if you can distract him when he starts, or do the "NO" thing like you do if he does something wrong....:confused:

10-17-2003, 05:17 PM
see if this article helps.


10-17-2003, 05:48 PM
Cubby had the same problem. My vet gave him medication for it. They put him on ovaban, which he acted pretty druged and depressed, so I took him off of the pills. I would rather deal with a humping cat than have a depressed cat. You can take him back to the vet and ask, they told me he couldn't figure out when it was play time and when he wanted to hump which is why they put him on pills. I would call other vets and ask around. Or at least that's what I did. Hope this was of some help to you.


Miss Meow
10-17-2003, 05:57 PM
Oh dear. It's puzzling that this behaviour has started immediately after desexing ...

Tabasco was fine after his snip snip; sometimes I feel that Mini wasn't done properly because he still mounts Jasmine sometimes, but the vet said it's his way of showing dominance over her (but he doesn't do anything but mount, and look a little confused).

I'd think about taking him to the vet's for another opinion. Good luck.

10-17-2003, 06:11 PM
That is so odd. My Sammy was the same way (not as extreme) but that was before he got fixed. That seemed to take care of him. It is really strange for him and Cubby to start after the surgery. I have no advice but I sure would like to know what you find out. Keep us posted please.

Desert Arabian
10-17-2003, 11:01 PM
Oh, whoopsy, sorry for making a second thread on this topic! I never saw the other one. :o I will go view the other one right now.

I guess I can just deal with the mounting, I won't give him any pills if it will make him depressed, that's not good!!

I will see what my mom wants to do....

Thanks everyone for your insights!!! :)