View Full Version : Some positive thoughts needed

10-17-2003, 03:38 PM
My mom just called a few minutes ago and told us that she was at the hospital with my father. Apparently my grandparents' garage door (he was helping them with something) fell and squashed his thumb. It was bleeding and his thumb was squashed down so he called up my mom.

I'm worried about this because I don't know how bad or good it looks. What scares me most is that my father has arthritis in his hands and I'm scared this could do some damage. I already figured out that it was extremly painful. :(

It is probably nothing big but I am still worried. Please send some positive thoughts to my dad and that his thumb recovers quickly.

Thanks :)

10-17-2003, 03:50 PM
oh dear! Sending positive thoughts abd alot of Prayers to you and your family!

10-17-2003, 04:22 PM
ouch! That must of hurt!:eek:
Well, I hope he heals quickly!:)

10-17-2003, 04:28 PM
Thanks guys. I'm really starting to worry. :(

10-17-2003, 04:31 PM
Prayers Your Way.....

It's ok. Don't worry. I know it's hard not t but try not to think about it.

10-17-2003, 04:34 PM
Oh!!! That must have been so painful:( I hope it's not broken. Sending positive thoughts your way, Liana. {{{HUGS}}} Check in when you know more:confused:

10-17-2003, 05:40 PM
Okay my mom called back and said that everything is fine. The nail just chipped. She made me worry for nothing! lol Thanks guys for the positive thoughts. :D

10-17-2003, 07:54 PM
Ouch!! :eek: Positive thoughts are heading your way! Let us know how he's doing :( I hope it's not too serious :(

10-17-2003, 08:38 PM
Hope everthing is okay down there! :)

10-17-2003, 08:59 PM
Oh ouch, ouch, ouch.

I'm glad it turned out that it wasn't too serious of an injury.

10-18-2003, 09:07 AM
Thanks guys.

Okay I misunderstood my mom on the phone, he actually chipped his BONE, not his nail. I guess the way the door slammed down on his hand. Ow! He had to get stitches and is on some medicine. I feel so bad for him he has a huge cast/bandage over his right thumb. He's right handed so he couldn't even brush his teeth properly. Poor guy. :(