View Full Version : Raven's Story

10-17-2003, 12:25 PM
The editor of our local humane society newsletter asked me to write a success story about one of our dogs. I had some trouble deciding on which dog, but this is what I came up with...

Raven’s Story

Visitors to the shelter during 2001-2002 may remember Raven, a black and white husky mix. Raven was surrendered by her owner when she was about six months old. Raven had too much energy and her owner just couldn’t handle her anymore.

In my eyes, Raven is a beautiful dog. She has silky, soft fur, the cutest little “mohawk” on top of her head and soulful brown eyes. Unfortunately in the shelter, she was just another black and white husky mix, lost in a sea of similar dogs.

In addition to being a “plain” husky mix, not being a puppy and being black and white, Raven had another strike against her. She is noisy, especially when she’s happy! If you visited the shelter during her stay, you heard the Raven Squeal; a high pitched, ear splitting sound that echoed through the small shelter building.

As Raven’s confinement in the shelter extended to months and eventually a year, she became increasingly depressed. Her happy squeal was heard less often, likely to the relief of shelter staff who’s hearing was at risk.

In mid-November 2002, we agreed to foster Raven with some reservations about how this noisy girl would fit into our pack of dogs. However, we were hopeful that some time in a home environment would restore Raven’s mental health and prepare her for a forever home. In March 2003, we officially adopted the silly dog we call Crazy Raven. She had made it very clear that she had found her forever home. It just took us a little while to get her message.

We run a recreational dog team comprised mainly of former shelter residents. Raven has proven herself to be an exceptional sled dog. She needed an outlet for all that pent up energy and she has found it in mushing and skijoring. Raven never gets too tired to pull. She has competed in local skijoring races and this season is learning to be a lead dog.

Raven turned two this past September and her happy squeal can be heard all over our country residential subdivision. Thank goodness we have understanding, dog-loving neighbors. Raven is full of enthusiasm and her love for life is contagious. It’s hard to stay cranky while watching Raven do a full body wiggle and squeal with pure delight about the simplest of things. A bowl of kibble, a leash, her harness, a bone or just the sight of her people returning home are all greeted with joy! Our home is a richer, happier place because of the addition of Raven and her happiness. I hope to hear her happy noise for many more years.

There are some exceptional dogs behind bars in the shelter right now who, like Raven was, may be overlooked by potential adopters due to their plain markings, loud barks or age. When searching for your new dog, please take a moment to check out these dogs too—they are anxiously waiting for the right family to share their true, wonderful selves with.

Kona & Oreo's mom
10-17-2003, 12:44 PM
That is FANTASTIC! It is a happy story and very well written. I'm sure you'll be solicited for more contributions to the newsletter in the future!

10-17-2003, 12:46 PM
What a touching story of Raven! :D Thanks for sharing. :)

I can hear her happy squeal now. :) And I think we need pics of Raven. ;)

10-17-2003, 12:46 PM
That is a wonderful story!!!!

I feel the same about Buddy. He was in a kill shelter, and no one wanted him because he was so scared he wouldn't even look people in the eyes. He would just keep his head down. It was the sadest thing:( and knowing he was there because someone dumped him in the woods and left him to fend for himself, that just made it that much worse. :mad:
And now the dog that no one wanted.... is MINE ALL MINE and the biggest mamma's boy in the WORLD!!!!:D
( he's very hansome too... might I add;) )

10-17-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
And I think we need pics of Raven. ;)

As requested, pics of Crazy Raven

Her 2nd birthday pic

Doing what she does best--running

10-17-2003, 05:05 PM
Wonderful story and so well written. That ought to help encourage some adoptions.

10-18-2003, 03:32 PM
What a wonderfully written tribute to your very special girl, Raven! I cried all the way through! Raven is so blessed to have such a very loving and caring Mommy!:)

I was especially moved as my Cody is a resuced Husky (x):) As a matter of fact, the shelter from which she was adopted ( a large county kill shelter) is doing a local TV special...a 10 year anniversary update on "happy tails" adoption stories. They asked if Cody and I would like to be on the show as Cody was one of their highlighted doggies, almost 10 years ago!:) She too took many months of patient loving to learn to trust again. She wouldn't lift her head, make eye contact. She was found tied to a goal post, entangled in a soccer net. She had her puppies there; all had died but one:( I saw her adoption poster in my local supermarket...it was titled, "Dog Unwanted." That was it! I just had to help this special girl. In the end, it was my Lab Jing who took her by the paw and taught her how to bark, play, enjoy food, trust humans and just enjoy being a dog!

Thank you for sharing Raven's story with us! She's a very special and beautiful girl!:)