View Full Version : oooo this makes me so mad!

10-16-2003, 05:20 PM

this is what someone said about misty:

The smooth BC with the pricked ears photo that you posted on here is a poor example of the breed. It is very small, skinny, and doesn't conform nicely as a whole.

EXCUSE ME?? it was noone here, but this is just flat out rude, this barbie collie person did not believe there were smooth coat BCs so I showed her a picture of misty to prove that there is. and this is the reply I get? misty is absolutly stunning, and she is the only one who has EVER said misty was horrable! she is a FARM dog? her parents herd cattle and she has champion herding dogs in her background, AKA she is a REAL border collie, since when was your traditinal farm border collie a poor example of the breed and a barbie collie a with a bulky body, and short bend muzzle, and a sloped back that cant work a better example of the breed? :rolleyes:

10-16-2003, 05:30 PM
THATS JUST RUDE!:eek: :mad:

That is so horrible that some one would write that.

I think Misty is a beautiful BC.:D

10-16-2003, 05:31 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: Ignore her!!! She doesn't know what she's talking about! Misty is a beautiful representative of her breed!:) Please don't let her get to you! We love you Misty! You're the best!:)

Aspen and Misty
10-16-2003, 06:26 PM
I forget when, but you once posted a picture, a full picture of Her on here and she took my breath away! She is an amazing dog!

Don't let ANYONE tell you difrent!


10-16-2003, 06:38 PM
Let her believe that barbie collies are the only bcs out there...you'd know right away that she doesn't appreciate the breed for what it does...but rather what it looks like. I think misty is a fine example of a true border! It shows that they come in varieties (pricked ears, semi-pricked, smooth coat,etc)...and that she can do what she was bred to do! Don't let absent-minded people get to you.

10-16-2003, 06:40 PM
thanks guys:) her is a more recent full body pic of her, its kina washed out. but its still very nice

10-16-2003, 06:51 PM
I am in love with Misty. :D Don't let such an ignorant comment get to you.

Aspen and Misty
10-16-2003, 07:40 PM
Thats the picture!!!

Stunning! If I had to guess, I would guess Misty is a Canaan dog ( http://www.anacan.demon.co.uk/andy.htm ) not a B.C, still, she is a stunning B.C!

Ash :D

10-16-2003, 08:30 PM
I wouldn't let it bother you so much. My dogs are mutts and I'm darn PROUD of it. I wouldn't have them ANY other way.

10-16-2003, 10:09 PM
Misty is beautiful, she looks smart and energetic just as border collies should!

10-16-2003, 10:39 PM
Misty looks SO beautiful in that picture! Misty is flat out a gorgeous dog!
What a RUDE person!!:mad: :rolleyes: :( :eek: :mad: :mad:
She's the one who asked for the photo..Misty is NOT too skinny, and HELLO! Border Collies tend to be on the small-medium side!
Stupid person..a BREEDER of BCs and I know more than she does! :rolleyes:

10-17-2003, 01:34 AM
A few years ago - actually it must be around ten years ago now! - there was a section of the dog community in this country calling for the Border Collie to be split into three distinct breeds. Now, I have my own views on the Kennel Club and it was no surprise to me that they totally ignored these proposals. Many collies have shortened lives because they are sold as pets when they are from working strains, pet owners can't cope with the type of dog they buy, the dog gets increasingly stressed, frustrated and begins to "misbehave" etc, etc,

The proposals were - three breeds to be recognised, the show dog, the working dog and the pet dog. Your dog is beautiful and yet does not fit the breed standard for a show collie - hardly surprising as that was not the reason for the dog being bred.

It does not mean that you have an unhealthy or abnormal dog but a fine example of a working collie and all the more gorgeous because every line and muscle is clearly seen without a heavy coat to hide under.

Smooth coated Border Collies are just as acceptable as long coated ones in the show ring as well as anywhere else.

10-17-2003, 07:53 AM
Ignore this rude person, you know how beautiful she is and that's all that matters:D

10-17-2003, 08:40 AM
Misty is beautiful just ignore this person as they clearly do NOT know what they are talking about.

i love that photo of misty just stunning :D

10-17-2003, 09:49 AM
I'll agree with everyone else, just ignore this person. Your dog is sooooo cute. Her personality, her ears and her body size are part of what makes her special to you!

I don't care if anyone else likes my babies, I love them. I've been told: Max is too big to be a dachshund, Carly sure is a strange mix of something, Molly doesn't look like a yorkie should, Muffin's too small to be a standard dachshund and Kirby's short haircut-doesn't look like a bichon should. But when I walk in the door at night I know I'll be met with unconditional love and happiness. Just makes my whole day worthwhile.

10-17-2003, 10:09 AM
The person who said that obviously comes from poor stock and was not brought up properly. I certainly hope she was not bred, as she would produce poor quality children. I recommend spaying her.

10-17-2003, 10:15 AM
Your dog is beautiful! I echo everyone else who says to ignore this person's comment.

And I laughed when I read the reply from the person who said her dogs were mutts and she wouldn't have them any other way. My dog is also a mutt, and a rather homely one at that--but I wouldn't have him any other way either!

And it's great to see Carrie again! Maybe she's been back for a while--I've been gone a bit myself--but I always enjoyed her knowledgeable posts!