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View Full Version : Floyd/ Blue Front Amazon Parrot

10-16-2003, 05:06 PM
I would like to introduce to you our eighteen year old Blue Front Amazon, Floyd. He is from my husbands family and was just passed on to us this year.
Floyd came to our home with a bang, as it was on July fourth of this year. He has a couple of phrases he speaks very well, they are, "Good Morning Floyd," and "Hello Floyd". We were told that Floyd said many other things before his move, so I am hoping he will become comfortable enough to say much more. I understood from my husband's family that Floyd will live for up to 150 years! That is quite a long life. If anyone knows very much about these birds, please share with me. Is this life span for him correct?
The thing that is funny is that he gets lonely when one of us leaves the room, and honks really loud! He sounds like an alarm! :D But this behavior has decreased in the last couple of Days since we have put a mirror behind his cage. I think he honked because he was lonely.
I would love to hear from others parrot people!
I have attached a picture of Floyd for you to see.

10-16-2003, 05:27 PM
What a boooteefull birdie!!

10-16-2003, 05:49 PM
Aww cute Bird!!!
Guess what? My dads name is Floyd!!

10-16-2003, 06:39 PM
Thank you; We appreciate your response and Floyd "Thank you Floyd" LOL :D

10-16-2003, 06:42 PM
How funny! I guess it sounded funny that someone has named their bird the same name as your Dad has! Thanks for the nice things you said about our Floyd!:)

10-16-2003, 07:05 PM
that is a beautiful bird ! i have only owned cockateils and parakeets , and they have been nifty creatures having little clown -like personalities . sounds like you solved his problem . how could he do his grooming without a mirror ? heh,heh ,heh . thanks for showing the picture of him . :cool:

10-16-2003, 07:32 PM
Thank you!!!
This is for what you said about Floyd and for those great baby pictures! You have beautiful babies! Please send as many pictures as you can!!! I know you are a busy mom and a happy one too with all those treasures!:D

10-17-2003, 12:51 AM
:) I have always loved birds, but I really got into them big time, when I had to raise a baby one that my big black cat stubby brought into me, I had to feed him different things, and finally was able to turn him back loose into the wild, I see him from time to time, but he will not come up to me. I have always wanted a bird like Floyd, he is such a beautiful bird, I bought me a baby cockateil, and raised him from a baby, and I am really crazy about him. Floyd looks very happy just sitting on his perch, does he ever just fly around the room?:D :cool: :p :D

10-17-2003, 01:07 AM
What a darling birdie Floyd is! :D Welcome to PT Floyd birdie! I hope you stick around long, because I absolutely LOVE birds and expecially enjoy hearing about them on PT! :D He's absolutely gorgeous! I have two birdies as well, but they're cockatiels. Gotta love those feathered friends of our's! I always heard the average lifespan for blue front amazons was 65-100 years, which is LONG! That's pretty much the same lifespan as that of human beings, so if you have one of these birds, its basically a wonderful pet for life! Please tell us more about Floyd and share more pics! I love that little birdie! He's 18.............wow.........seems so old for another animal, yet in the case of Floyd, he's just as young as a human 18 year old would be! :D Thanks for telling us about Floyd!

Ps. Anathiona, your signature is adorable, but far above the signature limit for this site. I made you a signature out of the pictures you currently have in it, at the right size. Hope you like it! :D Here it it. :p


10-17-2003, 07:28 AM
hey i love your grover ! how cute ! looked really cute studying the litter box . she is so pretty , and i loved your story of how you come to own her . your daughter and you were angels and rescued her from a terrible ending . Wish you all a long and happy life!:)

10-17-2003, 07:57 AM
This is a great thread. Welcome Floyd. Such a pretty bird. I noticed that the other PT friends pictured have the same pets I had as a child. Siamese kitty,schnauzer dog and our current duck.There was even the same brown swivel rocker in the picture. LOL. :D

10-17-2003, 10:29 AM
Trayi52, amoore, and [email protected] do you three know eachother? You all have the same signature setup so thought maybe you all knew eachother, or is that a new thing everyone is doing with their sigs? :confused: For people like me who are on a dialup connection huge signatures like that cause the board to go slow for us. If you can maybe edit your signature that would be great, and as you know PCB makes beautiful signatures. ;)

Floyd is beautiful and I really like the ducky as well. :D

10-17-2003, 11:13 AM
Floyd is a beautiful parrot! :)

10-17-2003, 02:43 PM
Thank you very much about all the sweet things you said about Floyd, your birds are very pretty too; I do love cockatils also, but Floyd is the only feathered friend we have just now. I really loved what you did with my pictures,:D thank you so much, I really appreciate that. Very beautiful. I have no programs to do stuff like that with, and honestly, I really am not very bright with computers yet, since I really haven't had one that long. I am 33 years old and this year has been my first experience with owning a computer. I always fussed about them and said I would never have one, but I have had a change of heart. I am enjoying looking at all these beautiful pictures and discussing our loveable pets with each other and I am really enjoying this so far.
Since we have had him for such a short time, I really can't think of a whole lot I haven't told you about him right at this moment. I would like to talk to you about how you treat mites with yours.
I will see if I can get someone to help me with this signature thing. have a good day, and again I appreciate what you did with our pictures.:)

10-17-2003, 03:09 PM
I'm glad you liked the sig. :) Actually, my birds never had mites so I never had to treat them. I've seen products at Petco for this, but I don't know how safe they are to use. You might want to ask an avian vet.

Ps. The reason I made you the signature was because your current signature is far too big for the signature limit on this site. Large signatures can be very disturbing when they don't load for people with slow connections. That's why I put all your pics in one. :) I see that you have added mine but kept the rest, which ends the whole purpose because it made it even bigger. :p You'll have to take the other pics out of the sig and just keep that one to keep it in the size limit.

Some other newbies need to do the same.

10-17-2003, 03:33 PM
Hey luckies4me,

I made it shorter, I hope this makes you happy. I thought people wanted to see pictures of our pets, and as far as knowing the others, well yeah we know each other, we are friends, and we just took the advice of some of the other residents on how to make signatures, and who is this person you are talking about that makes such good ones? I notice you don't show a signature, maybe you could tell me exactly who this is, and then we could both get better signatures.
:D :confused:

10-17-2003, 03:55 PM
I apologize for taking your pretty picture signature that you made as an act of kindness. I should have known better.
As you will recall, we have not had our pretty Floyd but for only a couple of months and He was passed down to my husband from some family memebers, so he did have some mites and we took him to avia vet and that was resolved right away. I was just looking to compare notes and see what other's do about these things as this is the first bird besides the little parakeets I had many years ago, which they never had mites either.
I am working to get rid of the pictures you want me to be rid of. I really am confused just now with this as I have saw others that by what I read have been with the site awhile with more pictures than what I had when you corrected this for me. I saw no coplaints with this. The problem is being resolved.:confused:

10-17-2003, 04:00 PM
You have already removed the extra pictures. Your signature size is perfectly fine now. Don't worry about it. :)

I've had my feathered babies for 4 years now and had them since they were just 3 months old. I personally have never met a bird with mites, but I know some do get them occasionally. :)

10-17-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by [email protected]
Hey luckies4me,

I made it shorter, I hope this makes you happy. I thought people wanted to see pictures of our pets, and as far as knowing the others, well yeah we know each other, we are friends, and we just took the advice of some of the other residents on how to make signatures, and who is this person you are talking about that makes such good ones? I notice you don't show a signature, maybe you could tell me exactly who this is, and then we could both get better signatures.
:D :confused:

Thank you! It's just very hard for people like me on a slow server to load a page that contains several pictures. Here at PT we have a signature size limit and most people just have one picture as their signature.

The person I was speaking of is PopcornBird, the girl who made your now sig. I know how to make my own signatures and actually have them done already but am too lazy to upload them to ImageStation and post it. I have many programs I use, so if you ever need help again with a sig let me know and I too can help make one.

But yes, I do have a signature, it is the text. ;)

10-17-2003, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by [email protected]
I apologize for taking your pretty picture signature that you made as an act of kindness. I should have known better.

Huh? She did make it for you out of kindness. She made it for you because she is nice and wanted to help you out.

10-17-2003, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the offer. That is nice of you.

About pocorn's letter, she made it plain that she was glad I liked the sig. But the reason she made it is because of the limited space, and that exceeded the limit for signatures. She had further added that since I had left the one she had made as well as what I had before that it had defeated the whole purpose of her doing it in the first place. It really don't matter now, because she wrote me in response to that letter, and says it's all okay now since I removed the othe pictures. Your concern is appreciated.

10-17-2003, 05:01 PM
Pretty Boy Floyd had these mites when he came to us, we quickly took care of these and has not had them again. Was just planning to compare notes to see what other's vet's had advised. Just to see how it differed, and see how each plan from their vets worked.
The only other birds I had ever had was years ago, they didn't come home to me with mites and never was bothered with them at anytime during their lives with us.
Thank you. :)

10-18-2003, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by [email protected]
Thanks for the offer. That is nice of you.

About pocorn's letter, she made it plain that she was glad I liked the sig. But the reason she made it is because of the limited space, and that exceeded the limit for signatures. She had further added that since I had left the one she had made as well as what I had before that it had defeated the whole purpose of her doing it in the first place. It really don't matter now, because she wrote me in response to that letter, and says it's all okay now since I removed the othe pictures. Your concern is appreciated.

Actually, I made it so you can have all your pets in the same signature, without having it over the limit. :D I'm glad you liked it anyway. :p

Just want to ask..............can we see more pics of Floyd? I'd love to! :D

10-18-2003, 07:04 PM
:( Wish I knew how to do that. A signature that is. Some of us aren't to swift with the computer stuff.

10-18-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Nibbles
:( Wish I knew how to do that. A signature that is. Some of us aren't to swift with the computer stuff.

I'd love to do one for you! :) If you'd like, just PM me some pics of Nibbles that you'd like to put in your sig and I'll make you one. :)

10-18-2003, 08:47 PM
Sure, I will send more pictures of Floyd.:) They will usually be with him sitting on top of his cage; so far, Floyd has not wanted to be a touchy feely bird, so he doesn't allow us to touch him and right there on top of his cage is where he stays until bedtime then we say, "Floyd, let's go to bed", and down the side of the cage and into the front door he goes. I think he is a pretty smart boy. He is the first bird that I have saw to do that. Thanks for your reply popcorn and attached is a picture of "Floyd, the pretty boy". (he loves to be called that!):D

10-19-2003, 02:08 AM
AWWWWWWWWWW! Floyd is such a pretty boy! :D Thanks for sharing his pics! He sure is a precious little bird! :D

10-19-2003, 03:17 AM
Gee, I wish Charlie Sweet would do that, he stays out all day, but when it comes bedtime, he seems to like the thrill of the chase. Though he is a very good pet, and sits on my shoulder and kisses me, and lets me kiss him, rub his head and hold him, he still loves being made to go to bed, which of course is his cage. He has some pretty weird habits too, he is in love with my hand, and I don't know what to do about that. By the way, Charlie Sweet is a Cockateil. Anybody know what I can do to keep him from wanting to mate with my hand?:eek: , I love him very much, as I raised him from a baby, and he is used to being free in our living room. He also has the problem that he wants to eat everything, and i mean everything! Jen, you are lucky that Floyd stays on his cage, and is not destructive like my Charlie Sweet. :D

10-19-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Gee, I wish Charlie Sweet would do that, he stays out all day, but when it comes bedtime, he seems to like the thrill of the chase. Though he is a very good pet, and sits on my shoulder and kisses me, and lets me kiss him, rub his head and hold him, he still loves being made to go to bed, which of course is his cage. He has some pretty weird habits too, he is in love with my hand, and I don't know what to do about that. By the way, Charlie Sweet is a Cockateil. Anybody know what I can do to keep him from wanting to mate with my hand?:eek: , I love him very much, as I raised him from a baby, and he is used to being free in our living room. He also has the problem that he wants to eat everything, and i mean everything! Jen, you are lucky that Floyd stays on his cage, and is not destructive like my Charlie Sweet. :D

He mates with your *cough cough* HAND?!?!?!?! :eek::eek: No idea! My tiels have never tried that! :eek::eek::eek: LOL Looks like that tiels is SO very bonded with you. :p He he he

Do you have pics of him? I'd LOVE to see them! :D

10-19-2003, 03:22 PM
popcornbird, you have no idea, what a problem he presents in front of company!!! Embarrassing doesn't even discribe the word for it, to top that off, he is jealous of anybody that comes near me, I don't care if its my grandchildren, he trys to chase them away. Now he does have a dog, mind you he thinks this is his dog, a chihuahua, that he loves so much, he sits right at the dogs ear and talks to him, telling gaucho, love you. If you pick that dog up and run around the room with the dog, Charlie Sweet chases you until you put his dog down. Sometimes his singing into the dogs ear has to hurt or embarrass the dog, because the dog acts very strange. But, I love my Charlie Sweet!!!!!:D . I raised him, hand fed him. So he is my baby and he wants my attention, and likes to show me attention :eek: :( . I may have some pictures of him I will try to find some of him, he really is a wonderful pet in spite of his hand bonding. LOL.

10-19-2003, 08:29 PM
Hi there Grover's mom, Thank you for your reply. Yes, Floyd goes to bed when told to, unless it is being asked of him earlier than normal, almost like he can tell time! LOL Anyway, I think it would be quite worth the chase if I could pet Pretty Boy Floyd! That sounds so sweet all the affection you get from Charlie; I would love that! Maybe if I could have got him younger or had had the opportunity to raise Floyd, he would be more tolerant of touch. You are very lucky to have such a loving little guy like Charlie.:D Tell us more about the loving little Charlie!

10-19-2003, 08:40 PM
LOL somehow, I must have overlooked the part in your reply about Charlie's affection to your hand. LOL That is a funny story! Just train him to love your company's hand as well when they are over! LOL :D
That sounds great to be able to raise one from birth, no wonder he loves you so much! I am happy to hear that you have such a sweet little bird. Please attach a picture! I will go back and try to visit your album.:)

10-19-2003, 08:54 PM
Thank you, Popcornbird for telling me about that about our Floyd. You babies in your signature picture are also very pretty! Would you mind telling me more about those two? I'm sure you have some very sweet and funny stories to share about these to feathered friends!;)

10-26-2003, 01:56 PM
Jennifer, I hated to hear that you had to leave Floyd behind, it just don't seem fair that he has to stay with somebody that doesn't love him as much as you do.
By the way, I love the new look of your avatar, you are so smart, and know how to do these things. Pity you can't do mine for me. It still not what I want. I guess I will have to work on it some more.:) :confused:

10-27-2003, 09:27 AM
floyds mom , i hope you get your floyd , maybe you will ....i hope so ! birds does take a lot of care . my two birds wants to have their cage covered every night . they like me to play their music box for them every time i enter the room . birds need attention , so maybe your husband will get tierd of that and give you floyd . i hope so . i would hate to see a beautiful bird like that die ! here is a picture of my oldest bird polly . i got him in 1988 from a very good friend that hand feed him . polly is still with me and has gave me many years of love and laughter .:D this is him last christmas .:)

10-27-2003, 12:34 PM
Thank you, Polly is a really pretty! And makes a great Christmas tree ornament too! LOL:D Floyd liked his cage covered up everynight too. I wish I would be able to have Flyd, but this is the same man that tooks is little disabled daughter's little Boston Terrier that a lady that was selling them decided she wanted her to have as a gift. and sold it. He will sell anything and any animal/pet he can get his hands on, if someone is not there to stop him. I am sure Floyd will be okay, but, will not get the same love and attention he was getting from me and Blake. I miss him very much and think of him often. I asked him about him yeserday, and he said, "he's fine." Not much info.
Thanks again amoore, your pets are so sweet looking!:)

10-27-2003, 03:13 PM
im so sad for you and floyd ! that is just awful you lived with such an awful person , and sad for you that floyd is not there with you. poor floyd !:(

11-25-2006, 03:37 PM
Floyd is calling to his flock member when he "honks" after you leave the room. Try telling him that you are leaving and calling to him after you leave. Say something like, "Bye Bye, Floyd". From another room, call to him so he will know where you are. I always tell my Amazon that I'm leaving and answer her when she calls for me. She loves the talking back and forth game. Mirrors are not a good idea since they can overstimulate Floyd and contribute to aggressive behavior in some birds. Amazons live from thirty to fifty years plus depending on diet. He should eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies and not too many sunflower seeds as they are too fat. Amazons will become sunflower junkies and fail to eat a balanced diet. Buy a good parrot book. You can find several on www.amazon.com. You can also read lots of information on the internet about care, training and feeding parrots. And don't forget to spray him with warm water several times a week. Spray the water upwards and let it fall on him in a mist. If he doesn't like it, keep trying. He needs a bath and will come to love it. Never squirt the water in his face.

Floyd is a lucky parrot to have found such a loving second home.


11-25-2006, 04:34 PM
I failed to read the post about your losing Floyd. I'm sorry to hear that. Please tell your husband to purchase a wooden T-stand for attaching to the top of Floyd's cage. You can buy simple wooden ones at any pet shop. Floyd shouldn't stand on a wire cage surface since it will damage his feet and contribute to arthritis and joint problems. The cage perch where he roosts should be sized so that his toes encircle about half the diameter of the perch. You might consider a small play gym for the top of his cage. They are inexpensive and would provide much needed entertainment for him.

If you are able to rescue Floyd from his present situation, please feel free to email me about him. I can help you to work with Floyd so that you can handle him and pet him. He's a beautiful parrot who appears to be healthy and secure. He certainly is not too old to train. Don't give up on Floyd! He needs you.
