View Full Version : Rawhides

05-31-2001, 09:02 AM
How good are rawhides for your dog or puppy? I have heard because of the processing that some are not as good as others, is there quality control on any of that? How many should a dog have a day, a week? I let my 5 month old pup have one small chewy stick a day but my 8 year old lab devours them in seconds no matter what size. Right now the lab gets one chewy stick a day too, but she usually ends up stealing the pups because the pup doesn't finish it. I realize they aren't too big but are they a good thing to have every day or not? Thanks for any helpful info.

karen israel
05-31-2001, 02:19 PM
Geez, there's been a lot of discussion here about that. Unfortunately, one of our furbabies choked on rawhide and came to an untimely demise. I personally give my Cody (labmix) a 4" beef basted rawhide every night. There are times he pesters me for it but just sleeps with it or carries it around (habit), other times he'll quickly eat it like your lab. Luckily he has never choked on one. My vet says he's never seen such perfect teeth (tartar-wise) on a dog. He's never needed dental cleaning and has lovely breathe (I'm always in his face so I should know!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif) I've heard it can also give them loose stools (lovely) but he's been fine. There is a difference in manufacturing. I usually buy Beefeaters or Harpers. "American rawhide" which is a tradename smells horrible-medicinal. You'll get a lot of feedback on this!!

05-31-2001, 02:46 PM
The main problem with rawhides are when they get soft and in small pieces. It could cause your dog to choke if he is too hasty to swallow a piece that is too big. I have always given my dogs rawhide because it is good for them to realy hunker down and chew on something. I ALWAYS supervise them though and take it away when it comes down to one small piece. Sometimes I give one to Reece and let him gnaw on it until its soft, then I take it away again to let it harden.

The main thing is to supervise closely while they have rawhide.

05-31-2001, 06:02 PM
I don't give Perry or Daisy rawhide bones and never have, but I do give them flavored nylabones. They love those and it takes weeks for them to knaw them down, they love them and they keep their teeth nice.


karen israel
06-05-2001, 07:26 AM
Since my last reply on this, I was giving Cody his nightly "check up" and for some reason lifted his upper lip and noticed 1 front tooth was smaller than the other and another chipped. He's been smacking his lips for 2 days. Off to the vet tonight. I think his teeth get stuck in the knots of the rawhide and he pulls. I always supervise him-actually, he'll only eat it in my presence. He's not been eating the rawhide, but carrying it around and laying next to it. Now I feel as guilty as hell and I am so worried about his gorgeous teeth. I'm glad he's NOT eating it but my heart is pounding from worry. He already lost a tooth years ago so I hope they don't need to be pulled. He'll be like a little old man with no front teeth!! Plus the discomfort!! Jesh, now I made myself sick! My poor boy!

06-05-2001, 01:58 PM
Karen, I hope your dog is OK. I see that my lab's front canine is split a bit from those sterilized bones she chaws at. Doesn't stop her from chewing though. Let us know how it went at the vet. If it is any consolation I've never seen a dog with false teeth.

06-06-2001, 08:59 AM
Oh no! Poor Cody! I hope his teeth are OK and the vet did not recomend they come out http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif If he does have to have teeth pulled, let me assure you that it probablly won't even effect him. You would think after all the teeth Cassie had pulled that she would not be able to chew but she chews better now then she ever did. And my old yellow lab, Beener, now at the bridge, jumped out of the car window after a squirrel while it was moving (before he developed commom sence) and he broke his two front teeth and the vet had to pull the roots out, the little short ones in the front. From that point on we sang a song for him..."all I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth...". Other then having that song sung to him for the remainder of his life, he did not suffer any. I hope he's OK, and I hope this helps you not to worry about the big fella.

06-06-2001, 12:59 PM
Oh no, Karen. Not my Cody! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif First mama breaks 2 toofies eating JUNK! Now the poor Codster! Give him a big hug. And hurry with the news from the vet. Karen, honestly. You HAVE to stay out the ER! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif You are the best mom; and daughter! Don't feel guilty!!!! They all chew on bones or such of some type and all dogs get some type of tooth damage/wear and tear. Star is just two with beautiful white teeth. But I noticed that she's wearing down the inner side of her lower canine from bone chewing. I felt bad too. I read they actually do doggie teeth implants now! And even at the top dog shows, teeth can be missing and is not considered a disqualification. When my Cody was in the pound for so long, she chewed rocks and now she has only stubs in her bottom jaw and the long canines up top. Doesn't stop her! Try not to worry Karen, OK? Love you and Cody lots. Sandra

karen israel
06-07-2001, 12:49 PM
Ilove you all, you are sooo sweet, the best friends ever! The only thing I felt good about is that the vet was impressed that I noticed it, but again, I know every hair folicle. Well, the best thing to do is to pull it, it's small but can always get infected plus best to check under the gum. I can still remember him whimpering in pain last time, regardless of pain killers, and this dog can take a lot of pain!!! Never complains! So, unbelievably. next SATURDAY (yay!-a weekend to take care of him at 8a. I told them 8a means 8a not 3p so I will be there til they take him in the operating room. I can hear them now.."oops, here she comes!" I know just how Aly feels about Reece and Pam with Bella ....the worry and anticipation is sickening. Thanks guys, of course this isn't has awful as some others but I get soooo emotional over Cody it's terrible!! Thanks guys! Love you soooo much!! What would I do without all of you for comfort and understanding??? xoxoxxo

The only "good thing..is ..hooray! Cody lost 6 pounds..NO JUNK!

[This message has been edited by karen israel (edited June 07, 2001).]

06-07-2001, 12:56 PM
O, poor Cody. Killian has had a few teeth pulled because of his eosinophyllic gingivitis condition. Believe me, they can still eat!! Good luck, Cody-baby!!!


06-07-2001, 01:20 PM
Poor Cody. I know it will hurt him while it happens to pull the tooth, but it will be the best thing for him in the end. I just wish there was some way to be there, but not have to here the cries from the dog. If you know what I mean. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Daisy's Mom
06-07-2001, 05:14 PM
Good luck at the vets, Cody! I'm sure nothing could slow YOU down! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-10-2001, 09:11 AM
I used to give my dogs rawhide on a regular basis and they did have great teeth. I don't anymore just because there are other products that work without the possible risks of rawhide.