View Full Version : Chance and Duke Together

10-15-2003, 04:48 PM
I took Duke to doggy day care today to play and got some pics when I went to pick him up. This little cutie was in the small dog room and just kept dancing while I was talking to them so I had to get the pic. I don't know what breed she is, though.
And it took me a while but I finally got them together. It was hard because Chance kept moving. I've been wanting a pic of them together. It's not the best but I think it's good.
And here's Chance eyeing the yard guy. I'm told he doesn't like things like weedeaters, etc. Anything that makes noise. Check out his stance. I really like this one.
That better food I bought him is really doing the trick! His fur is so soft and sleek and it's even beginning to cover up the burned area a little. Here he is barking at the blower.
He's really doing well. On Oct. 25th, the lady that helps out with the SPCA will be at a local Wal Mart with a board of the pics that I took. She'll be there for 3 hours hoping to get some donations for him and another dog. She's also donating wormer, Heart Guard for him. She runs a rescue league herself. I'll be volunteering for her when I can.
*On a sad note, she told me today that a couple of more puppies with burns(poss. acid) down their backs. And in the same area that Chance was found. That really makes me fuming mad :o *

10-15-2003, 04:54 PM
Great pics! Glad to see his back is healing nicely. More pics?

Samantha Puppy
10-15-2003, 05:09 PM
Great pics! I love it when puppers "dance..." :D

10-15-2003, 05:11 PM
Great pics:) Very beautiful dogs:D

10-15-2003, 07:49 PM
Chance is looking wonderful:) And the dancing cutie is a riot:D

I'm sorry to hear there were more dogs with the same kind of injuries as Chance had:(

10-15-2003, 08:54 PM
Duke & Chance look great together. They both look healthy
and happy.:)

I am very distressed to hear that there have been more
reports of burned dogs from the same area.:mad: :(
Are these cases getting media attention? Are the authorities
in that area actively looking for the slime balls who would do
this sort of thing? It should be reported to the HSUS or the
ASPCA & other Humane Societies in the area. Get a reward fund
started for leads in these cases. There are many groups who
will track these crimes against animals & actively work to find
and prosecute the guilty parties. Have there been any stories
written covering these cases that you know of? It would help
to be able to provide a link to some other groups who work for
prosecution in these cases of animal cruelty.

10-15-2003, 10:50 PM
Awwww They're both handsome boys! It's too bad you can't bring Chance this way when you come Saterday!

I can't wait to see you and Duke again!! :D

10-16-2003, 06:03 PM
Chance is looking great, Valerie!!:) I'll bet his poster board will be a big hit on the 25th!:) Paws crossed!!

Love the picture of him throwing a "stack!":D Handsome Duke and Chance look so sweet together! Seems like they're getting along pretty well too!!:) What's the name of that little dancing cutie pie??:D

10-16-2003, 06:19 PM
Wow, Chance sure is a handsome boy! And Duke is stunning as usual! Great pics! :D

The little "dancing dog" reminds me of a Tibetan Spaniel or maybe Pekingese. Cute!

10-16-2003, 06:39 PM
Chance is looking great! I hope he is able to find his furrever home soon.