View Full Version : Minnie, playing? NO, I don't have pictures of this, BUT...

10-15-2003, 01:45 PM
Last night, loud disturbances were coming from the other room...which was strange, cause, at least 50 pound of cats were on the bed. So, I turned on the light, strained to see the number on my bed (I couldn't find my glasses), recognized 4, leaving 2 MIA-Tex and Minnie, one or both of which were, presumably, the noise makers.

I got out from under the cats, through back the 40 pounds of down comforter (see, it was cold last night, which is why I had 4 porti-heaters on the bed), and tiptoed out to the dining room. Unfortuately, I had to turn on the lights on the way. I spied Minnie under the dining table, looking particularly alert, and bright-eyed. She peered and peered at me, but, stayed her ground (like I could get down on the floor, between the chair legs to get her anyhow).

I then went down the basement (this was important, folks), and spyed Tex, in his typical place, on the faux wool bed, all curled up, Tex-tortilline styled. It would have been impossible for him to have crossed against me, run down the basement steps, curl up, and fall asleep in the time it took me to do the above.

So, what have I learned??? MINNIE WAS PLAYING LAST NIGHT! That crazy girl was playing Jade Leaf Hockey, a very rare sport in the household. She was all over the place! I just couldn't believe it! And, wouldn't have, had I not done a head count of the tuxies!

Way to play, Minnie Mouse!:D

10-15-2003, 01:50 PM
Wow, Minnie was being the wild one last night. Isn't it amazing how we have to peel back the layers of cats on top of us and not the sheets. And it is amazing how the porti-heaters don't MOVE, they just stay put until you come back and then they seem to be keeping the very spot that you were in warm.

10-15-2003, 01:55 PM
All right!!! :D

(It was cold in MI last night too and I had 3 porti-heaters. Though, one *cough,cough* Kia *cough,cough* will take my spot if I get out of bed. )
:rolleyes: :p ;) :D

10-15-2003, 02:10 PM
LOL! Must have been a good night to play. I gave my two a few more toys from my birthday loot last night. They were up very late playing with the new mousies. I fell asleep to the sound of Mishi bouncing a mouse off the floor boards. :rolleyes:

10-15-2003, 02:13 PM
You wandered through your house in the middle of the night??
I wouldn't dare.... (I am scared in the dark :(

10-15-2003, 02:16 PM
I love it when the kit's play at night. Kelcee, as old as she is, some times runs through the house sounding like a horse:D then she starts to howl and wakes up the dogs and The Daddy, I start to laugh, and then we're all in trouble:p

I wish we had more porti heaters, but one for now. Tom's not usually cold, so I always use it ** her**.

10-15-2003, 02:35 PM
I am so happy for you, Minnie. Feeling comfortable enough to play is a big step! Keep up the good progress and you'll be demanding "pets" real soon (like Fern is now) :D

10-15-2003, 03:04 PM
Aww, Johanna, that`s brilliant!!:D :D :D

10-15-2003, 03:19 PM
I insist you glue a camera to your hand. We need photos of a playful Minnie, please. :D

10-15-2003, 03:29 PM
Yippee:D :D :D

way to go, Minnie the Moocher:D

10-15-2003, 04:07 PM
Yay for Minnie!!!! :)

Felicia's Mom
10-15-2003, 07:35 PM
Good girl Minnie. Way to go!:D :D

10-15-2003, 08:08 PM
Thats great! It is funny how sometimes cats get a tremendous burst of energy at night, to be expected I suppose since they snooze all day long!! Well o.k., not always funny, because usually when they get this "burst" it happens to be on an evening when I am extra tired, and they are tearing through the house "mmrrtt"
"mmrrtt" knocking down a few plants,lamps, wrestling with the newspapers on the floor. Since my place is all one floor, there of course is the intermission, where Romeo jumps on my bed panting
in my face, then zoom..he's off again!! Crazy cats!

looking forward to seeing pictures of sweet Minnie!

10-15-2003, 10:33 PM
Aha! So now we know Minnie ISN'T a quiet, shy, scared kitty! She does things in the DARK.................hidden.................when mommy's out of sight! :eek: LOL NAWTEE Minnie! :D

10-15-2003, 11:36 PM
Minnie~~~ Let your inner kitten OUT TO PLAY! :D ....again tonight ;)

10-16-2003, 01:16 AM
What wonderful news!!!! Thanks so much for giving me something to smile about tonight!;)

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-16-2003, 06:32 AM

I can just imagine her bright eyed little face.!!!!:D
Suonds like she was having a blast!!!:D :D

10-16-2003, 12:06 PM
YAY for Minnie!:D
Next time make sure that you get some photos as proof!

10-16-2003, 02:34 PM
Don't know how I missed this last nite, but YEAAA for Minnie!!!!
Hopefully she will venture out more!!

Miss Meow
10-16-2003, 05:22 PM
The Secret Life of Minnie! :)

Maybe one day there will be infra-red web cams so we can see her playing in the dark :)

10-17-2003, 12:05 AM
This is great news!!!:D Way to go Minnie!!!:D

10-17-2003, 07:53 AM
Good girl, Minnie!! Keep it up! :D

10-23-2003, 08:39 AM
Hurray for Minnie!!!

10-23-2003, 09:48 AM
That really is Great , that Minnie feels confident and secure enough to come out and PLAY1 You have done a Sensational Job and deseve CONGRATULATIONS. Even Princess the Paranoid , after being here 11 Years is coming out of her shell! But Minnie is nearly 10 years ahead of her! Great News!