View Full Version : have you ever had a serious crush on someone

10-14-2003, 08:35 PM
I decided to start this thread as my hubby and I were talking about this subject.
Now this can be a crush you had in the past, or now, it can be someone real or a film star , whatever you like!

My own crush was when I was 16 yrs old,(yep some time ago lol), I had my first full time job in a private surgical hospital, my crush was on one of the doctors there.

Now keep in mind the Doctor was at least middle aged, he was tall and slim and bald and had thick rimmed glasses, can you just imagine, but yes I had the hots for him, I was painfully shy, and everytime I saw him I would blush, I never will know if he knew or not, because sadly Dr Cotton died of a brain tumour during my time working there, I was truely upset.

Actually all the nurses who worked with him in theatre did not like him too much, said he was kinda grumpy, but I did not care he was attractive to me., sure makes me laugh now,.

So come on folks tell all, this could be fun.:D

10-14-2003, 08:39 PM
Oh, so many.

My first crush, whom I have admired, adored, watched for going on FOUR years, is Jimmy. I've liked him since 6th grade, and now I'm a freshman in Highschool. It's not so bad anymore, but in Middle school, when I saw him, I blushed like crazy. Now, I still do, but not as bad.

THEN, there's my gorgeous trumpet player, Mike. *drool* Okay, okay, I'll stop.

10-14-2003, 08:43 PM
I had a crush on my Mark (who is now my hubby) since I was 10. He was so shy & cute!! I could never have dreamed that one day I would marry him!!

p.s. He is STILL so shy & cute!! :o

10-14-2003, 08:47 PM
OH MY GOSH that is so darn ROMANTIC cookiebaker, there is something about guys that have a little shyness isn't there? and being cute helps as well lol.:) ;)

10-14-2003, 09:16 PM
I married my "crushes". My first husband caught my eye when I was in the 9th grade. We dated all through high school and college, and got married after we graduated. We even had our first real, fulltime jobs, with the same company. We were together a total of 15 years.....but things didn't work out.

I dated a bit after that, but it took 10 years for me to have another crush and I was almost 40 at that time! But thank goodness I had that crush, as Scott asked me out for a date, and the rest is history! :) :)

10-14-2003, 09:17 PM
hmmmm. I can't really call my husband a crush because he was love at first sight.

I've had lots of crushes; I am one of those cheesey people that fall for everyone.

Miss Meow
10-14-2003, 09:18 PM
Carole, another interesting topic!

Two crushes come to mind - I think they call it a 'crush' as that's how it feels when things don't work out :eek:

One was my former cycling coach. I started track training and he was training groups a few times a week. I was expecting an old dude with skinny, bow legs from decades riding a bike, but he was the opposite. Six foot 4, 30-something and built like a marble statue :) I had a massive crush on him for ages. We finally went out for a while, but he wasn't the commitment sort of guy so I set myself up for a huge fall. It was OK once I recovered as I learnt a lot about myself and understood more about him. Later he helped me get through some tough times as a friend :)

The other, well, we never got together. Even though I'm very happy now, sometimes I still wonder 'what if?' It's like a door that was never closed properly.

10-14-2003, 09:23 PM
The other, well, we never got together. Even though I'm very happy now, sometimes I still wonder 'what if?' It's like a door that was never closed properly.

I know that feeling. I was only with my first love for a few months when I was 15. I broke up with him over the most immature thing. We've been close friends over the years. I'm almost 26 now, been married twice and I still am not over him. I love my husband to death, but I always wonder 'what if'? Luckily my first love is a man of honor and would never allow me to discuss it let alone find out.

10-14-2003, 09:29 PM
I'm nearly 16 and I'm in the same vote as you Carole. Since last year, I've had a crush on my choir/piano teacher at school. He's 44, bald, married, has a kid and all that...but yet, I still had the hots for him Lol.

For almost two years, I've had a major crush on a guy named Scott. I swear, he's the sweetest person I know. He's romantic, funny, down to earth, likes dogs (WOOHOO!!), honest...but we've grown a bit distant over the past few months. He's working and also goes to school, and I'm busy with school and the two dogs...so there's not much time for the both of us. Oh well..I guess I can't dwell on it too much.

10-14-2003, 10:54 PM
You all are so cute! :D

I have a crush on Tom from Blink 182!!! :D Why? Because he's stupid, immature, crazy, cute, funny, weird, annoying, has the prettiest eyes, has the cutest voice, and isn't afraid of what other people think of him. Dan knows I love him. :D I've met him once, and he kissed me on the cheek. :o

10-14-2003, 11:01 PM
If you go to my website and scroll all the way to the bottom, you can click the Blink logo and listen to their new song. :D


And well, if you have the time sign my guestbook too!

10-14-2003, 11:04 PM
What can I say.....


The lips, the eyes, the voice, the body, the mind, the lyrics.
The struggles, the accomplisments, the goals, the dreams.
The flaws, the perfection. Everything.

From knowing what type of toilette tissue he uses to what his weirdest eating habbit -- and every(almost) little thing in between.

I cry sometimes -- And smile, just WHAT IF I was to meet him. What would I say? How would I say it?

Would I even be able to say it? I doubt it.

I cry when he's on TV, the radio -- and so on. It was the happiest moment at the rap concert I went to when they just played a music video of his. Not even the full thing, just a part of it -- And it was the best.

Anyways, I'll stop now because I could go on and on...

10-15-2003, 06:52 AM
I think you'll get a pretty good idea of who i've loved forever and ever if you take a peek down at my signature..... i am HOPLESSLEY devoted.......

Samantha Puppy
10-15-2003, 07:29 AM
I had a crush on a kid named Andy from 6th to the end of 8th. Other than that, I crushed HARD when I found out that my now-fiance liked me (back in '95). Couldn't let that one go... and landed me a keeper!! :D

10-15-2003, 11:58 AM
Yes, I've had crushes. As a matter of fact you're never too old to have crushes because I have one now, but you won't get any details from me.......;) ;)

Orange crush is good!

10-15-2003, 12:37 PM
I had a crush on the same boy from 3rd grade all the way through high school! In fact, I still dream about him sometimes! I have no clue why I liked him so much - he's a real jerk, actually. Probably because he never liked me!

Since then I've had short-term crushes, always on really quirky men. Don't know why!

10-15-2003, 02:36 PM
NOOOO!!! All of the boys here are so brainless and SOOOO immature!!:p

10-16-2003, 08:13 PM
omg:eek: i soooo agree with u Kfmar!!!!! nelly is sooo hott!:D

11-10-2005, 11:43 AM
STEP AWAY from Nelly. He's mine. ;)

What can I say.....


The lips, the eyes, the voice, the body, the mind, the lyrics.
The struggles, the accomplisments, the goals, the dreams.
The flaws, the perfection. Everything.

From knowing what type of toilette tissue he uses to what his weirdest eating habbit -- and every(almost) little thing in between.

I cry sometimes -- And smile, just WHAT IF I was to meet him. What would I say? How would I say it?

Would I even be able to say it? I doubt it.

I cry when he's on TV, the radio -- and so on. It was the happiest moment at the rap concert I went to when they just played a music video of his. Not even the full thing, just a part of it -- And it was the best.

Anyways, I'll stop now because I could go on and on...

11-10-2005, 11:57 AM
LOL.... thanks for taking me back to memory lane!

In 9th grade I crushed HARD for a boy named Bill... he looked just like the Karate Kid (hey - it was the 80s, what can I say?) Dark sexy eyes, dark wavy hair, confidence... yum. Gosh, was I in love with him, I giggle to read my diaries from back then. I was truly obsessed! I look back now knowing what I know, and I'm certain he liked me too, but didn't do anything about it because we were from two totally different cliques. And everyone knows, you don't date outside your clique in 9th and 10th grade! :p

Then I moved and developed a HUGE crush on a guy named Wesley. He was chunky (but so was I) and FUNNY. Sweet, sensitive, did I mention funny? I would like to know what he's up to today, but I heard he's gay. Oh well. I carried my crush on Wesley from 10th grade to senior year. I know at one point he wanted to ask me out, and had someone ask me for him... and I messed up by saying "why would I want ot go out with him?" Have I mentioned how incredibly shy and insecure I was? If he asked me out himself, I'd have said yes, but since he had someone else do it... I freaked.

Then came college, and I had a few minor crushes here and there, but nothing special. I outgrew crushes and haven't had one since college.

11-10-2005, 12:00 PM
Gee Carole, I don't know if you realize that I have a serious crush on Donna (moosmom) It was love at first posting! Has anyone fallen in love with another PTer? I think I'm the first!

11-10-2005, 12:22 PM
OMG, this is so funny and such great timing!! I totally have a crush on a guy I work with...he isn't like super good looking or anything but I love his attitude! We email all day and talk on the phone even though he sits about 20 feet away from me....!!
Unfortunately, he is married so it will remain just a "crush." He's on vacation this week and I have been missing him...it makes work fun to come to but I have to keep reminding myself that he has a family at home!

finn's mom
11-10-2005, 12:33 PM
I didn't see this post until catnapper mentioned it in her thread. I have had a few major crushes in my lifetime. Let's see...Cameron was probably my first real taste...I was probably about 7 and I think he was about 14, maybe. I was a camper and he was a counselor. Oh, how I loved him. At the end of the camping week, we had a big bonfire with "awards." I got the "Oh, he's so cute!" award, because I said that nearly all week. I guess I've always been boy crazy. Of course, Cam had a girlfriend. He got the "Melissa" award and she got the "Cam" award. I was devastated. I remember Cam walking me back to the cabin the last night, being so sweet about "rejecting" me...telling me that he thought I was so sweet, but, that he loved Melissa and I was just too young. He was so kind, though...what a nice guy. What happened to those guys? Do you have to be seven to be treated nicely? ;)

The next major crush I really had was in junior high school. His name was Hugo, and, I was so in love with him. I never did anything about it, though...I met him in the sixth grade...I left South Carolina at the beginning of my 8th grade year, and, that was the last time I saw him. We wrote for a month or two, but, that was it.

Then, in high school...at first there was David. Ugh, he was a couple years older than me, and, I met him in ninth grade. When I left in the middle of my tenth grade year, I found out that he liked me, too. Figures. :D :rolleyes:

After that, it was Josh. I LOVED him from tenth grade on. And, what's funny is that I ended up actually hooking up with him after my divorce, when I was about 24. He found me and another classmate of ours, Jason, through one of those reunion sites, and, he drove down to Texas from Colorado to see us both. I was so excited! I had had a teeny tiny crush on Jason in high school, too...but, nothing like Josh. But, it was awful. The moment I stepped out of the car to approach Jason and Josh, I was immediately more attracted to Jason. Josh turned out to be stuck in that high school mentality, didn't understand why he wasn't popular anymore...actually thought I would still be this little puppy dog eyed 14 year old. Uh, no. He really sortof flipped out when I told him I wouldn't marry him (Yeah, he proposed!), and, I ended up dating Jason after Josh went home. Jason and I are still really good friends. It was kinda cool getting that closure with Josh, because, honestly I still think of the other crushes and wonder what they're up to. ;)

11-10-2005, 12:52 PM
I met this guy Aaron about 13-14 years ago. At first, even though I liked him as a friend only but I still thought he was kind of... well scummy/dirt bagish should I say. After about a week or two I realized that he wasn't. I have had a crush on him ever since.

For the first few years or so we were best of friends. We were almost inseperable. We hung out almost every day. Then the next few years or so we would visit each other about 1-2 times a week or so. The more we hung out the more we liked each other.

This is the sad part as he had a crush on me too. But at first he had a g/f (neither one of us will interfere with someone already in a realtionship). Then he broke up with her but by that time I had a b/f. Then he found a g/f & I broke up with my b/f. Then he broke up with her & I had another b/f.

Last I knew, last year he was still single but I have no idea where he is or how to find him. He moved out of the house he was sharing with his g/f at the time and I haven't heard of/from him ever since.

I still have a crush on him, a major crush! :D

11-10-2005, 05:52 PM
I have had a crush on Bryan Adams since I was 10! lol. I just adore his voice and his hair colour and face

finn's mom
11-10-2005, 06:32 PM
As for celebrity crushes, I've always had one on Johnny Depp. But, most recently, I have a crush on Nathan Fillion, from the cancelled tv series, Firefly and the movie Serenity. He's just exactly my type. Looks like a hockey player, talks like a poet. :)

11-10-2005, 07:57 PM
I've been thinking about this lately too... I have a crush from the 2nd grade to the 8th grade on this boy, Jon. Now I'm in 10th and I haven't seen him in a long time since we go to different high schools. I don't think I'm really attracted him per say but I do look for guys that resemble him and I'm mainly looking for funny, curly haired guys. :p

11-10-2005, 08:59 PM
yes I have