View Full Version : Ducks

10-14-2003, 10:55 AM
Is there anyone here that also has apet duck? Nibbles goes thru stages where he becomes a finiky eater. I know a good duck food pellet would be best for him but the feed stores carry chicken food (usually medicated) It also gives him a upset tummy. I guess this by the large amounts of runny smelly poo he makes. I finally got him eating exact parrot and cockateil food to go with the leaves he likes and just a little Kibbles and Bits now. He still grazes in the back yard and eats bugs and snails when we come across them. Now he is molting and eats some of those little fluffy feathers. I worry about his nutrition since he doesn't eat regular duck food.

10-14-2003, 11:52 AM
Is there a zoo nearby where you could ask one of the employees? Our zoo has oodles of ducks and geese of all varieties and the employees are always happy to discuss questions of this type. I'll see what I can find out for you. In what general area do you live?

10-14-2003, 04:40 PM
Middle Georgia
no zoo in my town. But Atlanta has one

10-14-2003, 08:10 PM
I had three pet ducks when I was growing up. We couldn't buy duck food here, either.

There are usually two kinds of chicken feed sold: starter food, which is for young chicks, and contains antibiotics; and layer food, which is for hens laying eggs for human consumption, and does not contain antibiotics. Just ask the salespeople at the feed store, and be sure to get layer mash without antibiotics. This is fine food for a duck.

Also, ducks like cracked corn, which you can also buy at the feed store. Soaked dog food is good for them, as are most vegetables. Mine loved watermelon, corn on the cob, etc. Just don't give them too much iceberg lettuce, it is useless. We used to go to the grocery stores, and get any vegetables and fruit that were going to be thrown away. Most of it was just fine, just a little wilted. Our ducks got a huge variety of food this way, for free!

You can also supplement their diet with live feeder fish, if it doesn't bother you. I personally couldn't do it, but it is really good for them if you can. You can also give them tuna or salmon, as long as it is packed in water and rinsed well, to get rid of the excess salt. Sprinkle some pond koi pellets on their food, too.

10-15-2003, 11:17 AM
oh i love ducks! my neighbours growing up had a ton of ducks and we lived on a pond so they didnt really need to feed them except when they were ducklings. they just ate bugs and other stuff around the yard/in the pond. they love those slugs! :) we also fed them bread and stuff pretty often. :)

10-16-2003, 11:44 AM
We somehow ended up taking on ducks many years ago at our rabbit sanctuary and still have them.

We do feed them a mix of duck pellets and cracked corn. As veegan points out they do eat a lot of bugs and can have produce (and I agree about no iceberg lettuce). I don't think the dog food is a good idea at all. I would also say that the runny poo is a big warning sign that the duck is having trouble with the food you are giving him, so you need to change his diet quick or you may lose him. If you can find an exotic pet specialist vet, they may have some ideas too. You might also try doing a search on the internet re ducks and their care. Good luck!