View Full Version : Goodbye Mr Stray....

10-14-2003, 10:47 AM
Sadly, Mr Stray was found to have Leukaemia and was put to sleep by the RSCPA.

I have to ring and cancel his place at Thornberry. :(

I gave him a kiss this morning and a cuddle, I told him to be good boy for the vets and that I would see him later.

He didn't come home. :(

I need to start ignoring the cats which turn up on our doorstep, I can't keeping doing this, picking up cats and have them PTS, I feel like a murderer.

I think I need a glass of wine.

PS. It is the RSCPA policy to PTS cats with Aids/Leukaemia. No shelter in the area will take in or rehome these sick kitties. :(

PPS. Both the boys (Mr Stray & Tigs) went to the RSCPA to be altered...Tigs is doing fine bouncing around the bedroom.

10-14-2003, 11:02 AM
I am so sorry to hear that:(

What a wonderful purrson you are having given him the best part of his life. He will have no other person but you to wait for at Rainbow Bridge.

Samantha Puppy
10-14-2003, 11:06 AM
Awwww, poor Mr. Stray... :(

10-14-2003, 11:08 AM
I am so sorry that you have to go through this again. However, on the flip side I am happy for Mr. Stray that he was loved and cared for in the end and that he didn't have to die a long and often difficult and painful death. He went to the Rainbow Bridge with your love.


10-14-2003, 11:12 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Mr. Stray had to be put to sleep. :( At least he felt loved before he left this world. Now he's up at Rainbow Bridge and healthy again and able to play with all the cats. I'm sure you'll see him again someday.

Steffi N
10-14-2003, 11:12 AM
I am sorry to hear about Mr. Stray. Please be comforted knowing he knew love and care from you. I'm glad Tigs is doing well.

10-14-2003, 11:22 AM
Don't ever think of yourself as a murderer. It must be awful to lose these kitties, but the irresponsible ones where the ones who let them become strays or didn't give them vaccinations when there was a chance.

I'm so sorry for you loss.:(

K & L
10-14-2003, 11:29 AM
I have been so sick with the flu and have not been on the computer, then I log on to this. I feel so sad. I'm sorry this happened.:(

10-14-2003, 11:30 AM
Oh no, i am so sorry to hear Mr Stray did not make it :(

Play hard at RB Mr Stray, RIP sweety :(

again so sorry.

10-14-2003, 11:31 AM
i'm so sorry... like what you said, it's hard to keep on caring for strays for they have been exposed to all those diseases already. you get attached to them but they have to go too soon. it breaks our hearts every time we lose one of them, but we can't stop now coz there are still a lot of them to help. maybe it is not our fate to save them but to assist them on their final days. it hurts but you did a good thing. although it's hard to understand it right now, it is their time to go and we have to move on. God Bless you!

Killearn Kitties
10-14-2003, 11:33 AM
Oh no - not again. I'm so sorry to hear about Mr Stray. :(

He looked such a lovely cat, I was really hoping things were going to work out for him.

Glad to hear Tigs is fine though.

10-14-2003, 11:45 AM
Thanks for everyones kind words :(

10-14-2003, 12:13 PM
Oh, I am so sorry to have read this. My heart aches for you, to go through this twice. Please know in your heart, and in Mr. Stray's, you did the brave, courageous and humane deed. Things aren't always meant to be happily ever after. But, you loved him, and I know, he you. RIP Mr. Stray.

Hugs to you both, and your crew.

10-14-2003, 12:13 PM
I'm so sorry, but you can not think of yourself as murderer...You are actually an angel to every kitty that you have helped. I know that it is hard to think that way now, but in the long run think of all the GOOD you are doing.

I have been in the same circumstances as you, and I have come to realization that making the decision to help a kitty and then find out it is sick and would be in a better place by being PTS is the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I truely beleive God sends us these kitties for a reason. He sent me Cleo, she never, ever let me touch her, but for some reason she stayed with me for 2 years. It was so hard for me when she was so so sick to make the decision that she needed to be in a better place. I stayed with her until she was gone.

Tobias came to me in August last year, he was the sickest cat I had ever had. I nursed him back to heatlh and was taken from me in November.....life is not fair, we cry and grieve and ask WHY?, but does that stop us from taking in another.....No, we continue to help the kitties that are less fortunate.

You did a wonderful thing. OK, enough of my rambling.

10-14-2003, 12:17 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Mr.Stray:(

10-14-2003, 12:19 PM
You are such a sweet person for taking the sick and doing what is humane. I trust that the kitties that did not make it beyond their vet visit we spared the pain of having a slow and awful departure. You are doing the best you can. I don't think I could do it. You and Aly and Jen....and all those others who take in strays, ferals, fosters etc. are all angels.

Relax, have a glass of wine and remember that you are actually doing these furry creatures a favor by not letting them suffer.

10-14-2003, 12:29 PM
Good-bye Mr. Stray. Please have fun at the RB and make sure you say hi to OJ and Casper.

10-14-2003, 01:41 PM
RIP Mr Stray. :(

PIF, you are NOT a murderer. Don't even think that. *HUGS*

10-14-2003, 01:42 PM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. Poor little guy. :(

10-14-2003, 02:32 PM
Good bye Mr. Stray. Please look up Caramel at the RB so you can share stories about the kind human who helped you both in your times of need. Keep a watchful eye on Jenny because it is hard for her right now thinking that she has caused you pain. (when in reality she has spared you pain). Be well, now, at the RB, and know that your life did not end as an unwanted, disposible animal, but rather as a beloved creature from God. We will sorely miss you.

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you, Jenny. I wish I could make it easier for you.

10-14-2003, 02:38 PM
I am so lucky to have you guys to vent too.

Reading your posts have really made me feel better.

Noone outside PetTalk would understand, why me & Steve even bother with our own cats (let alone strays cats)

I am so pleased I found this community, you are the strong shoulder for our bad times and help to share in the joy in the good times.

I just couldn't believe Mr Stray was ill but at least he wasn't ill and out on his own until the end. At least his end was quick and painless. (Repeat until I believe it)

My sweet baby boy, I am so sorry, I could not find you the furrever home I promised you :(

But logically we have picked up :-

: Caramel (PTS)
: Fleur, with her three kits (including Bramble) All tested clear and rehomed.
: Mr Stray (PTS)

So at least we rehomed 4/6 cats. So we haven't failed totally.

PS. I think my second glass of wine is helping too.

10-14-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you, Jenny. I wish I could make it easier for you.

You do..by caring and sharing the pain.

10-14-2003, 02:47 PM
You've probably saved more than just the four. The two that were sick and had to be PTS will not be in the unfortunate situation of infecting any other kitties.

So your acts of mercy and kindness are helping kitties that you haven't even met yet.

10-14-2003, 03:20 PM
I am so, so, sorry. :(

{{Big hugs}}

Rest in peace Mr Stray.

10-14-2003, 03:31 PM
Aww Jenny I am so sad to hear about Mr Stray, I know how you must feel, but Mr Stray would have eventually suffered, you did the best you possibly could for him.

I had to do something similar years ago, and to this day it haunts me, knowing I was sending this poor feline to its death, but I also know in my heart it was the right thing, as the poor kitty was in a real bad way.

We are all here for you anytime , and hopefully our words can comfort you some, as it really does hurt doesn't it?

HUGS JENNY from us all here.

10-14-2003, 06:00 PM
:( **hugs**

10-14-2003, 06:42 PM
Oh I'm so so sorry to hear about Mr. Stray.
But I'm glad that his end came pain free. If he didn't come to you, he would not have know what love was and he propably would have been all alone during his illness and died suffering. What you did for Mr. Stray, was made his life far more better than what it would had been.
Bless you for doing what you do for these poor helpless animals.

Rst in Peace sweet Mr. Stay

Felicia's Mom
10-14-2003, 08:37 PM
I am sorry.:(

10-15-2003, 04:54 AM
I am sorry to hear that. But you are their rescuer too. At least they didn't die not knowing love and affection, didn't die not knowing that most humans are kind and good, and didn't die without dignity or in pain from their advancing illnesses.

You are a good person for doing that so in a sense you have rescued ALL those cats. Just because they went to rainbow bridge doesn't mean you didn't rescue them at all. You should be proud that you took a very hard step.

10-15-2003, 05:11 AM
{{{Hugs}}}} Jenny - don't even think your the 'M' word! Your a caring, loving person - who is so distressed because a furbaby had to go to Rainbow Bridge - he didn't suffer at all and knew he was loved so much. :)

RIP at the Bridge Mr Stray - I bet all our 'furries' were out to meet you - play well dear boy xxx


10-15-2003, 05:57 AM
I am sorry to hear that. Don't be down on yourself. Mr. Stray passed away knowing what love feels like.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-15-2003, 07:24 AM
Sometimes the bravest and most noble thing to do is also the one that hurts YOU the most! I am so sorry about Mr Stray, but at least he went to the RB knowing human kindness and love, and not scared and alone somewhere outside!

You have a big heart, and although it's hurting now, that same heart will not allow you to turn aside any other animal in need of your help.


10-15-2003, 09:45 AM
We the Lost Hotel cats send our condolences on thepassing of Mr. Stray. we only met him the one time , but He was a true gentle Cat! And he spoke so highly of you , what a difference that you made to his life. To have a loving home , to belong somewhere and not be a stray anymore. He wants you not to cry , but smile when you think of him. As you will be together again! And then you will be able to love each other , once again. To keep helping Strays , asall cats need someone taht love them. lost Hotel Cats and Feeder!

10-15-2003, 12:40 PM
A big thankyou for all the kind posts, you have given me a lot to think about.

I was sad earlier when I had to cancel Mr Stray's shelter place but I do feel more positive today.

It was a sad ending to his life but it was quick and painless and that was all we could do for him.

Goodbye Mr Stray (I'm glad you enjoyed your party at Catmandu's) enjoy yourself on the bridge.

Caramel, Wait a couple of months before sending me another needy soul. ;)

All RB cats, Look out for Autumn (Kim's young baby) has just moved to the bridge, show her around.

10-15-2003, 01:14 PM
Just now reading this sad news about Mr. Stray ... and crying as I mourn for both him and Autumn. :(

10-15-2003, 04:20 PM
Oh Jenny,

I'm so sorry. :(

Please don't feel like you did anything wrong. You did the best thing for Mr. Stray and for Caramel. You loved and provided for them and made a very hard decision for them. You helped them when no one else could.

Bless you for all you do for your kitties and the strays who are drawn to you. They know you are safe and loving...


10-15-2003, 05:20 PM
Jenny as you well know cats are very intuitive, maybe these poor sick kitties are being guided to your home, knowing that they will be helped to RB to end their suffering, your their guardian angel, so please cheer up, you have given them a chance to leave earth with dignity and to be painfree forever.