View Full Version : sadie's pregnancy

09-15-2001, 08:36 AM
I took sadie to the vet and he said be very precautios when she is whelping because of the fact she is so big. he also said if she has any trouble bring her to the emergency immediately so he could do a c-section so she wouldn't die trying to whelp her puppies.

on friday 9/14/01 Sadie had her puppies!!!! she strted whelping around 6:30 in the morning. she had 4 within the next 30 minutes and 2 within the next two hours! they a sooo big. they were too big for her to be carrying around. all of the puppies are black and have short muzzles. afterwards i looked at a whelping chart and it told me that she got pregnant when we were out of town. :) :D ;) :p :eek:

09-15-2001, 06:32 PM
How is Sadie doing? I trust Mom and Babies are fine. Give us an update please. :)

Daisy's Mom
09-15-2001, 11:45 PM
That's soo great! I am glad they are all doing okay. September 14 is my Daisy's birthday too!

09-16-2001, 08:15 AM
Congratulations to the proud mama :) I hope that all are doing well. We send them ALL lots of love and best wishes! Good job Sadie :)

09-16-2001, 09:15 AM
Congratulations to the mama! hope they're doing well... :D

10-14-2001, 04:27 PM
thats great news i hope she and the puppies are doing fine
i just found out that my kanta is going to have puppies and so is bagyin im so happy but i just got rid of 9 irish wolf hounds so im going to be busy in the next few months wish me luck :D

10-14-2001, 09:53 PM
Congradulations, hope the Mom and pups are doing well, please post some photos when you can. Nothing like the patter of little paws around the house.