View Full Version : Camping, Halloween/Thanksgiving weekend *pics*

10-13-2003, 04:08 PM
Tikeyas_mom and I went camping this weekend. :) I bet nobody noticed we were gone. :( lol. We just got back today. I only have a few pics and she only took one, but oh well. And my pics are really bad because my camera got wet. :( My mom left it by the window and it got moist. That's why some of the pics are smaller than the others, because some were so blurry that they looked better small.
We had an okay time...The weather was terrible (except for today, go figure). And my mom made us handle a station at the Halloween party. But the Thanksgiving dinner lastnight was fantastic! :D The rats were so happy...they got turkey, and salmon, and cranberry sauce...yummies for them. :p And we had the BEST night the night before last! Jynnelle and I sung so much kareoke lol. I think that everyone was annoyed with the constant 70's music though lol. Lady Marmelade, I Will Survive...Hey, we didn't have that much of a choice! And it was so much fun. We tried singing last night, but Jynnelle got sick and...well, yeah. Lol. I felt so helpless...I'm supposed to be entertaining her and then she gets sick, ahh. So some *yummy* (hehe) gripe water for her, and off to bed she went!

Here are some pics. I didn't get any pics of Icarus and Pippin and Merry, unfortuntly. But they do get along (I KNEW they would) and now my mom has no good reason for me not to get another rat. (Except for the fact that Icarus likes to show his dominance..in a...disturbing way...:eek: )
The rats (I'm going to make this into a Halloween siggy)
My uncle's border collie, Boo.
Shroomland lmao. Yes, those are real mushrooms. Icarus and Frisco are there in the corner.

I know, they are bad pics. I didn't even get any pics of Jynnelle and I in our costumes. My costume was kind of a last minute thing, so I was a cat for lack of anything else lol. And Jynnelle was a witch.

Anyways, that was our weekend. :)

10-13-2003, 04:20 PM
omg!!! BOO!!! AHHHH A blue merle AND a border collie! Absolute heaven for me.:D

10-13-2003, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
And Jynnelle was a witch.

just kidding!

Glad you guys have a great time, any more pics?

10-13-2003, 04:30 PM
I noticed you were away, but you told us you were going before so I knew where you both were. :p I'm glad you had a great time, but we didn't get nearly enough pics! *sniff* :(

10-13-2003, 04:32 PM
LOL, I only have one more pic of Gizmo, this little shih tzu maltese thing..but I don't feel like uplaoding the pic. Jynnelle took another pic of Shroomland lmao.

Isn't Boo gorgeous!!? He was sooo fluffy and sooo soft. Everyone said that they take really good care of him.

10-13-2003, 04:42 PM
Greats Pictures!!

10-13-2003, 06:14 PM
it was fun enay last night lol, I got soo sick meh!! it sucked. :(:(. I made jordan go to bed at like 8 30 pm lol. I am mean hee hee. Icarus got a lil touchy around merry and pippin, he didnt like it when merry would sniff him and stuff. icarus kept mounting merry lol. it was soo funny. anyways it was fun the rats really smell now though hee hee, I had a shower right away lol . I took a bunch of pics of Tikeya when I got home shewas soo happy to see me :D I'll upload them a bit later, I have to eat thanksgiving dinner now with my family :D :p.