View Full Version : Baby Sara is going to the shelter

10-13-2003, 10:59 AM
Baby Sara is having a very difficult time breathing. She IS eating and using the litterbox, but I've noticed she's lost a little weight (I can feel her ribs). I'm taking her to the shelter today after work so they can put her on a nebulizer to help her breath. Her nose is very plugged up, even though I've been putting "Little Noses" in it. I will not leave without her. I don't want her to have to stay at the shelter and possibly get worse. Even though she's only a foster, she's still my baby and I worry about her.

I'll let you know how she makes out.

10-13-2003, 12:52 PM
Oh Baby Sara - please, please get well very soon - don't be worrying your Meowmie like this. I've just lit my Monday night candle and your in my thoughts and prayers - {{{Hugs}}} across the miles sweet fur girl xxx


10-13-2003, 01:23 PM
I talked to the shelter. It should only take about 10-15 minutes, so Baby Sara will be coming back home with me :D.

10-13-2003, 01:56 PM
Saying a little prayer for Sara, and you to Moosmom....

10-13-2003, 02:54 PM
Oh, add me to the ones praying for baby Sara, and you, too, Donna!

10-13-2003, 03:25 PM
Hoping everything has gone well with Baby Sara.

Steffi N
10-13-2003, 05:11 PM
I hope everything went okay at the vet and that little Sara is breathing easier now. Gentle pets for you, little girl.

10-13-2003, 06:09 PM
Hugs, kisses and lots of prayers coming at you sweet baby. Breathe easy precious.

10-13-2003, 07:15 PM
Baby Sara was nebulized today. It was kinda funny actually. The shelter has this "makeshift" nebulizer chamber made out of a clear plastic filebox with lid. They drilled a hole in it and attached repiratory tubing into it, along with a filter hooked up to a pump. They put Sara in the "chamber", closed the lid and turned on the pump. All you could see was steam filling the "chamber" and this litter baby kitty sitting there sneezing (that's a good sign) and making the motions of "meowing". It took about 10 minutes. Unfortunately she's still kinda plugged up. I'm bringing her there tomorrow again after work for another treatment. I wish I could take it home with me but unfortunately they need it. It would make it alot easier. Hopefully this cold will leave soon. She's got another 3 days of Clavamox to go.

Sydney is completely over it. I guess it's because of Baby Sara's age and size that it's taking so long.

10-13-2003, 09:14 PM
Hope she feels better soon :) Please keep us updated.

10-13-2003, 11:08 PM
I sure hope that baby Sara feels better soon. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care and keep us updated.

10-13-2003, 11:29 PM
Hope she does better Donna!
Thinking of you!

10-14-2003, 10:19 AM
Can Sydney get sick again from Sara?

I do hope the little fluff ball gets better soon!

10-14-2003, 07:38 PM
Hope Baby Sara is doing better today and continues to do so.

10-15-2003, 04:25 AM
So pleased the first treatment worked. Poor Baby she must wonder what on earth is happening to her! Hope the other treatments are as beneficial and she's soon back to proper kitten health! Very gentle kisses across the miles {{{Hugs}}}


10-15-2003, 07:00 AM
Last night I decided to turn on the hot water in the shower. I stood there for 20 minutes holding Baby Sara while she sneezed away. I looked like a wet rag by the time the 20 minutes was up. But it seemed to help much more than the nebulizer.

Once I got out, I put a dish of food down and she cobbled it!! This morning her breathing is ALOT better. I'm going to keep doing it till her breathing really clears up.

Saves me a trip to the shelter.


I doubt Sydney can catch it again. They sort of build up an immunity to it once they've had it. Sydney is fine. Baby Sara is very perky which is a good sign.

10-15-2003, 07:36 AM
Makes me think of croup in children Donna. Bet the warm moist air made her airways much more comfortable. Nose Kissies xxx


10-15-2003, 09:12 AM
That's good! :) Glad Sara is doing better. :D

10-15-2003, 01:24 PM
Great news Donna! Please keep us posted.

10-15-2003, 07:36 PM
Hope your feeling better little Sara!:)

10-16-2003, 06:45 PM
Baby Sara is doing great!! That last jaunt in the steamy bathroom really helped. I think she's on the last leg of her URI. She's eating great and climbs up my leg like a little thistle!!

10-16-2003, 06:46 PM
Oh Donna, that's wonderful!! So nice to hear some good news!! Please pass on some nosiekisses from me.:)

Steffi N
10-16-2003, 07:02 PM
Wonderful news. Pass on nosekissies from me too. Now that Sara is on the mend, I hope we will soon see pictures. :)

10-16-2003, 07:04 PM
I'm so happy to hear that Sara is doing better :)

10-16-2003, 10:28 PM
This is wonderful news!!!:D

10-17-2003, 03:46 AM
Sending good wishes to Sara :) So glad to read she is doing better.

10-17-2003, 07:21 AM
Baby Sara is back to her old self again! In fact I've become her Human Playscape. When I sit on the floor, she immediately jumps up on my shirt, purrs in my ear and jumps down. Then she'll get "airplane ears" and do it again. It's a hoot and wonderful to see her acting normal :confused: instead of sick.

Sydney on the otherhand is showing signs of going into heat, which means she will be spayed soon. Then she can go to her furrrever home :D My job is almost done here.

Cinder & Smoke
10-17-2003, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
My job is almost done here.


Stand by - nudder assignment onna way...


10-17-2003, 10:09 AM
Great news Donna! :D

10-17-2003, 12:30 PM
It's great to hear little Sara is better again - what a good idea to take her to the steamed up bathroom!!

Any pics on the way? :D

10-17-2003, 03:38 PM
I'm so glad Sara is better.

Where are pictures??? She and Sydney are so cute together I want more pics before they are apart.

smokey the elder
10-18-2003, 07:35 AM
I'm glad the steamy shower worked! I'll have to remember that one.