View Full Version : My Doggies are Growing Up

10-12-2003, 09:44 PM
Just some general updates on Bailey and Guinness...this week I've really noticed things changing with how they normally act.

1. Guinness has become more protective of us. He used to be so scared of everything. Now, if he hears a knock at the door or the doorbell, he immediately runs to the door, stands up as tall as he can and lets out a big "WOOF!" He's friendly to whomever comes in, but it's almost like he's saying "Hello, a big boy dog lives in this house!!" (Even though he's only 37 pounds). My best friend thinks that he finally feels at home with us, so he feels the need to protect HIS family. He even tries to protect Bailey at the dog park if things get a bit rough.

2. Bailey has become less aloof. She used to not want to have anything to do with cuddling with us. Now it's like she can't get enough, but not in a bad way. And also, she's finally gotten over having accidents in the house I think.

3. Bailey understands the word "Shopping". She was asleep on the couch when we had to go to Petsmart. I looked at her and said "Petsmart!?! Petsmart!?!" She didn't move. Then I looked at her and said "SHOPPING?!?!?" She jumped off the couch like a shot and ran to the front door, then sat right next to the table with her leash on it. She's just like her momma (me), always up for a shopping trip!:rolleyes: :D

Thanks for letting me babble on, I'm just so proud my pups are growing up and not a lot of people in my life can understand how cool this all is.:D

10-13-2003, 09:15 AM
Isn't it great to see their personalities develop as they get older? :D

Bailey will be a shopaholic in no time. ;)