View Full Version : Can you guys fill this out for me?

10-12-2003, 01:06 PM
I have this book/scrapbook type thing and its for my friends to fill out their favorite things.

Well, you guys are my friends, and I thought it would be cool to get everyone to answer these questions and we would have a big scrapbook. Is that okay?

Here are the questions. You can either PM me the answers, or post them here.

Name: (This can be real name, screen name, or both.)
Telephone and Address: (Don't need these unless you want to PM me about them.)
TV Show:
Hang out:

Names of:
Brothers: (Don't have to name them if you don't want, just tell me how many.)
Sisters: (Same)
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point):

Thanks in advance if you want to fill this out.

10-12-2003, 01:22 PM

10-12-2003, 01:24 PM
Me too.

10-12-2003, 01:32 PM
Thanks! Glad everyone is willing to fill it out.

10-12-2003, 01:33 PM
Its on the way!

Aspen and Misty
10-12-2003, 01:33 PM

10-12-2003, 01:39 PM
I'm PMing it to you! :)

10-12-2003, 02:23 PM
done :D

10-12-2003, 03:07 PM
I'll post mine right here :D

Name: Katie
Nickname: Keeters, or ixey
Birthday: October 21, 1987
Email: [email protected]
Color: Green and Chrome
Movie: Dante's Peak
Class: Drawing 2
TV Show: CSI
Hang out: Bob's Diner
Food: Animal crackers
Sport: Badmitten
Celebrity: Reggie Dobs

Names of:
Brothers: 2, Cody and Dallas
Sisters:1, Carlee
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): My crush is most definatly Nathan T. (a.k.a. Tweeky or squigs.)

10-12-2003, 03:30 PM
I PMed it to you :)

10-12-2003, 03:32 PM
done:D This is a great idea:)

10-12-2003, 04:07 PM
Name: Rachel
Nickname: Rach
Telephone and Address: n/a
Birthday: 9/21/84
Email: [email protected]


Color: Blue
Movie: Back to the Future: Triology
Class: English
TV Show: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Hang out: I dont hang out much, but the mall or a small coffee shop
Food: any Italian food
Sport: Football
Celebrity: Matthew Perry

Names of:
Brothers: Two brothers - Rory (15) and Tyler (13)
Sisters: (Same)
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): Zack

Aspen and Misty
10-12-2003, 04:28 PM
Name: Ashley- Aspen and Misty
Nickname: Nikki, Ash, Melony or Shortie
Telephone and Address: N/a
Birthday: 05-12
Email: [email protected]
Color: Blue
Movie: Steal Magnolia and Pratical Magic
Class: English
TV Show: 7th Heaven
Hang out: Mary's house (they have the best food)
Food: Hot Wings!! (mild please!)
Sport: Soccer
Celebrity: Shania Twain (she's vegertarian, I respect her for that and I love her music, although all her songs sound the same, lol)

Names of:
Brothers: 3, Jerry, Joshua, Jonathan (I no longer talk to him though)
Sisters: 1 Abbey
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife: Julian, I love his grey hair! :D ;) :p

10-12-2003, 05:27 PM
Come on, guys! I'm still missing some... like...









I know you're out there!

10-12-2003, 08:18 PM

10-12-2003, 08:51 PM
Name: Shayna
Nickname: cali or Na
Birthday: october 29th 1987
Email: [email protected]
Color: green and purple
Movie: good boy
Class: huh??
TV Show: sabrina: the teenage witch
Hang out: well not really a hang out, but I love this big rock just off the bike path, it is enclosed by trees, and flowers, and overlooks a small meadow, a creek, and trees,brush and flowers all around, very pretty
Food: pep pizza, and A&W teenburgers with just bacon lettuse cheese and tomato
Celebrity: am I supposed to have a fav celeberty? am I supposed to know who any celebs are??

Names of:
Brothers:one brother, Daly
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): crush, his name is alex, and he has a border collie who is VERY fast, other then the team he belongs to and that his dogs name is ruth that is all I know about him!:eek:

10-12-2003, 09:09 PM
Here's my idea.

I will make a powerpoint presentation, with everyones mini Biographies on its own page.

If there is something you do not want shown, I will be glad to take it out. I will not show full names, addresses or telephone numbers.

If you want to be a part of this, get your BIO's in! I will make a deadline in a few weeks.

10-12-2003, 09:34 PM
Name: Micki
Nickname: Pal, Mick
Telephone and Address:
Birthday: October 20, 1967 (:eek: )
Email: [email protected]
Color: Navy
Movie: Notting Hill
TV Show: CSI (Las Vegas)
Hang out: At home with my pups!
Food: Sunflower seeds :p

Names of:
Brothers: 0
Sisters: 1
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): Michael

10-12-2003, 09:41 PM
Name: Diana
Nickname: Dee
Birthday: September 29, 1978
Color: pink
Movie: Amelie
Class: art
TV Show: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Hang out: my couch, with my kitties
Food: Indian curries
Sport: rugby
Celebrity: Marilyn Monroe
Siblings: Three brothers, no sisters
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): Sam

10-13-2003, 07:09 AM

Samantha Puppy
10-13-2003, 09:37 AM
I'll just do it here too.

Name: Jaime
Nickname: Spike
Telephone and Address: Rather not...
Birthday: 5/22/78
Email: Rather not...

Color: Most shades of purple and blue, happy yellow, pretty girly pink, and grass green
Movie: Sliding Doors, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Shakespeare in Love
Class: N/A now, but it used to be both English and music
TV Show: Friends, Scrubs, CSI, Sex and the City
Hang out: Big Al's (a sports bar down in Blacksburg, VA)
Food: Broccoli (raw or steamed), french frieds, loaded baked potatoes, roasted chicken breast, my mom's mashed potatoes and stuffing, Breyer's strawberry ice cream and Chili-cheese cheezi-its!!
Sport: Football (but only if the Hokies or the Ravens are playing, otherwise I couldn't care less).
Celebrity: Ummm... Joseph Fiennes, John Hannah, Gwyneth Paltrow, Johnny Depp, Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson.

Names of
Brothers: 1 brother, Robb 32. 2 soon-to-be-brothers-in-law, Nic 23 and Brett almost 20.
Sisters: 1 sister, Wendy (deceased).
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife (You get my point): my future husband, Josh - the sunshine of my life, the apple of my eye... you get my point. ;)

10-13-2003, 09:52 AM
i dont know if you want everyones Bio's but ill post mine just in case

Name: Rhiannon
Nickname: Rhino, Rhi
Telephone and Addy: n/a
Birthday: 1/10/1981
Email: n/a

Colours: Black *a shade anyway* and purples,blues,yellows *fun colours*
Movie: The Breakfast Club *all the brat pack movies* Uhh the Goonies, Girl Interupted.
Class: ;) Flyball, Obedience, Tricks lol
TV Shows: Queer eye for the strait guy (its only been on twice but i love it already)
Hangout: our dog club :D
Food: pasta
Sport: Flyball
Celeb: Uhh Britanny Murphy, Winona Ryder

Brothers/Sisters: 3 older brothers
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife (You get my point): Ummm :o Jade *miss you girl* :(

10-13-2003, 08:13 PM
Name: dukedogsmom
Nickname: guess in this case, my name here applies for this also
Birthday: 7.31
Color: lilac
Movie: Funny-Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Scary: Leviathan
Class: Believe it or not, English!
TV Show: Seinfeld
Hang out: You mean besides PT? Applebees for their wonderful Margaritas
Food: Pizza
Sport: to observe is skateboarding/snowboardingg
Celebrity: Jerry Seinfeld, then John Candy

Names of:
Brothers: 2
Sisters: none 2 sisters-in-law
Crush: Fantasy would be Arnold Vosloo(The Mummy movies) and real
I'll never tell :p

10-13-2003, 08:48 PM
Name: LoudLou.... Katie
Nickname: Kat, Katers, Boo,... Katie Lynn when I'm in trouble. :rolleyes:
Telephone and Address:
Birthday: 8-2-70
Email: booboobeanies at yahoo
Color: Black
Movie: Finding Nemo
Class: ? I have none.. ;)
TV Show: Charmed
Hang out: Home or at my sister's
Food: Dr. Pepper... it is a food group... isn't it??
Sport: Is Keyboarding a sport?

Names of:
Brothers: 0
Sisters: Debbie
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife: 1 Husband: Kit

10-14-2003, 12:12 AM
I am gonna post it just cause I wanna :)

Name- Anne
Nickname- Alan
B-day- March 16, 1989
Email- [email protected]
Color- RED
Movie- Detroit Rock City
Class- Music!!
Tv show- 24, Queer Eye For the Straight Guy
Hang-out- the guitar store, anywhere w/ friends really
Sport- Football... GO GIANTS!!!
Celebrity- ( i have a few) Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Tico Torres, David Bryan, Keifer Sutherland
Brother- Chad, Paul
Sister- Kate, Sam aka Frank...lol
Boyfriend- Ron :eek: :)

10-14-2003, 03:22 AM
Well, since you mentioned me :eek:.................I guess I'll do it, but I'm not filling everything. :o:o

Name: Popcornbird
Nickname: Pops, Popsicle..........:p
Telephone and Address: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Email: N/A
Color: Green
Movie: Most Disney movies........
Class: N/A
TV Show: Don't have one (not a TV person) :p
Hang out: Home sweet home
Food: Pizza, Biryani, Lasagna, others
Sport: Soccer, weights training
Celebrity: None

Names of:
Brothers: 1
Sisters: none *sniff*
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): NO ONE!

Happy? :p

Dakota's Mommy
10-14-2003, 08:00 AM
Name: Christy
Nickname: CC
Birthday: April 2, 1982
Email: [email protected]

Color: Blue
Movie: Don't really have one, it's whatever I feel like at the moment!
Class: I was into math
TV Show: Friends
Hang out: Anywhere with great friends
Food: Anything Italian
Sport: Nascar
Celebrity: Don't have one

Brothers: 1, Rob
Sisters: 1, Amy
Hubby: Brian

10-15-2003, 05:06 PM
Just bumping this up because I'm assuming ILMAG didn't see it. :p

10-15-2003, 05:10 PM
Thanks PCB :D

10-15-2003, 06:20 PM
Name: Becky (sweet_stormy)
Nickname: Gimpy, Beck, Becca
Telephone and Address: n/a
Birthday: 12-15-89
Color: baby blue
Movie: dont know
Class: math
TV Show: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Hang out: dont know
Food: homemade Mac & Cheese
Sport: Foot Ball
Celebrity: Jack Black and Matthew Perry (matt's from FRIENDS)

Names of-
Brothers: Nick (16, real bro) Dierrk (7 or 8, 1/2 bro)
Sisters: 1/2 sis (not even a year old)
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): my crushs are Josh Hicks, Tyler Stone, Tyler Cooper, and Chris Dushko

10-15-2003, 07:23 PM
Name: Jordan
Nickname: wolfsoul, Mr. Jordini, Jo-jo, buger muncher (haha compliments of Ashley), Rat lady...
Telephone and Address: If I put this I think Karen would delete it lol.
Birthday: October 16th 1987 (tomorrow's my birthday :D )
Email: [email protected]

Color: blue, pink, and purple
Movie: don't have one
Class: Spare lmao
TV Show: Buffy
Hang out: the picnic table
Food: Cereal and pizza
Sport: horseback riding
Celebrity: Hmm dunno

Names of:
Brothers: 1 half brother named Dawson, 2 sort-of stepbrothers named Garret and Brody.
Sisters: No real sisters, but my dad's gf's kids are Justine and Jade.
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point): Nobody *cries* I'm a loser.

10-15-2003, 07:24 PM
Name: (jynnelle) Tikeyas_mom
Nickname: nelly
Telephone and Address: meh
Birthday: sept 26th
Email: [email protected]
Color: blue
Movie: lord of the rings
Class: art
TV Show: family guy, will and grace, CSI, judging amy.
Hang out: room
Food: canned goods!!
Sport: soccer
Celebrity:johnny depp

Names of:
Brothers: jesse and cole *god brothers* marlon and solomon*
Sisters: dont have any
Crush/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife(You get my point):Kelly