View Full Version : I ALMOST met Terry Pratchett tonight :(

10-12-2003, 12:42 AM
I'm not sure if any of you are Terry Pratchett fans, too -- he's the author of the hysterical Discworld fantasy series, and he's on an international book signing tour now and was here in the San Jose California area tonight. A friend and I went to see him, and I stood in line over an hour for his autograph. Unfortunately, I'd been not too good with my diet and medicine today and after an hour plus in a crowded line I was too woosy to continue. :( :o :eek: I was a becoming concerned that I'd get sick/black out right in front of him or otherwise humiliate myself so I told my friend what was going on... she took the books I'd bought for him to autograph them while I was seated in the coffeeshop area of the bookstore. I am very grateful for her standing in line for me when it was beyond my continuing...

:o :eek: I'm disappointed to have missed meeting him, but it was a pretty good wake-up call for me to be more careful with my medicines/food balance. So...