View Full Version : Thank you

Aspen and Misty
10-11-2003, 08:24 PM
When we first went in the door the first thing we heard was a women shout "BRIDGETT" in a really exited voice! LOL, Bridgett, Nova hasn't been called that in forever! :D Yes, we went back to the pound, the poud where we got Nova and the most wonderful pound I've ever been to (they name there dogs, not call them numbers). Why did we go back? To thank them for the best gift we've ever recieved, Nova. I also gave them the story of Nova that I wrote and they are going to publish it in there New letter. We also gave them 2 pics of Nova, the one of her dressed as a golfer and the one of her in the grass. I went in and looked at all there doggies and almost brough them all home with me. SOme of them are loosing weight because of the Stress from being in there for 4 months or more :( They had the prettiest Yellow Lab/Huskie mix, a pur-bred Mini Pin, A chocolate lab, A beagle mix and more! I would love to show you the pics I got but my bunny (not gonna say which one, the grey one though) chewed through the cord and I can't :( I'll hve to show you pics later! :D I lvoe going to this shelter cause they tell me all about there sucess stories! Like Teddy, the 15 year old BC who got adopted just recently. Or Onx and her son Baxter who at the ages of 9 and 7 were adopted into forever homes and now Onxy's dad is looking for an older play mate for her! I just lvoe the success stories!


10-11-2003, 11:50 PM
It's so great that you went back to thank them! I take Logan to the local SPCA the 2nd of every month (adopted July 2) to visit and the personnel get so excited and thankful right back! Then when there are people there, I show her off and plead with them to adopt! I agree with you, you just want to take them all home!The first time I took her, she was very receptive, now her eyes get as big as saucers and she head right to the exit to leave!!!

10-11-2003, 11:59 PM
:D That's great! I'm glad you had fun :)

10-12-2003, 12:44 PM
That's so great!! I'm so glad your story will be put into their newsletter......I managed to find it after plenty of searching and really loved it.
We bring Banks to the shelter every once in awhile and everyone gets so excited to see him.......they can't believe how much he's grown in just a few months.
Everytime I go there I always find plenty of dogs I want to take home with me and it just makes it that much harder to leave.

10-12-2003, 08:04 PM
That's wonderful Ash!!!
I bet it makes them so happy to see Nova so healthy and happy, and hear wonderful things about her!!!!