View Full Version : Advice needed

Aspen and Misty
10-10-2003, 04:38 PM
I've been avoiding asking this for fear of the reponses I would get but really need your guys help!

Well, I recently spent the weekend over at a friend's house. She has 2 toy poodles, Luis and Baxter. Luis has a temperment problem and attacks all dogs. Well he was locked up most of the weekend but was aloud out every now and then on leash. Well He attacked Nova and bit her in the face. So of course Nova went after him to and snapped and growled and bit him. (no one was injured) Ever since then Nova can't be around small dogs. She will raise all the fur on her back (along her spine) and run towards them. She was recently playing with my sisters Pomeranian (they came in from South carolina) and got a little mean with her. But not really mean. I still think this is workable out of her but I think I need to start now. I don't want this to escelate (sp) into something bigger like her biteing all dogs, or her biteing cats or anything like that. Nova really is a good dog. She will put up with everything (exept touching her tail and feet while she is sleeping, I dunno why). She lets my little cousins run after her holding onto her tail and she doesn't do a thing. I like having this trust in her but I am a bit worried now with this hateing small dog thing. Is there anything I can do? Please help!
