View Full Version : Mandy has went to the RB

10-10-2003, 09:26 AM
Mandy was my aunt's dog.

After she died of breast cancer a few years ago her daughter (my cousin) took her. Noone really thought that this sweet girl would make it without her because she was always in her lap, she never left her side (unless of course my mom was there ;) ).

I talked to my mom this morning & she told me that Mandy died in my cousin's arms:( This girl lived to the ripe old age of 23! So I'd say she lived a full life.

Now my cousin feels she's lost not only a dog, but a piece of her mother. Please say a prayer for my cousin Kathy, I know her heart is breaking....

Here's a pic of Mandy

10-10-2003, 09:30 AM
23 is amazing, those smaller breeds can live a long time! Maybe Huney could visit to give her some gold-dog comfort? Play hard at the Rainbow Bridge, Mandy, and give your Momma lots of kisses, she'll be so glad to see you again!

10-10-2003, 10:18 AM
Oh Anna, I'm so sorry:( I know your cousin Kathy's heart must be breaking. I fully understand that special link to your Mom that she now feels is lost to her:( But I can't help but think that dear Mandy missed her Mommy so and needed to be with her. It's always hardest on us who are left "behind." What an amazing life this precious little girl had on this earth; 23 years of love and devotion, first from her Mom and then from her loving "sister" Kathy. I hope that Kathy can take some comfort in knowing that her Mom and Mandy are now rejoicing in a loving reunion at the Rainbow Bridge. Bless your cousin Cathy for having the love in her heart to give this very special girl a safe and loving refuge these past few years and the courage to comfort her safely in her arms until her time had passed. Please tell Kathy we are thinking of her with love and keeping her in our thoughts and prayers. Bless you precious Mandy. I know you and your mommy are so happy to be with each other once more. Love, Sandra

10-10-2003, 10:21 AM
Oh how sad. :( But what a life! Full of love and memories. :)

*hugs to your cousin*

RIP Mandy.

Cinder & Smoke
10-10-2003, 10:28 AM
So Sorry, Anna!

Send some Pet Talk {{{Huggs}}} over to Cousin Kathy.

Rest In Peace, Dear Mandy.

/s/ :( Phred

10-10-2003, 10:58 AM
Anna! 23 years for Mandy is amazing. That girl surely had a love for life, even after she lost her "mom", to go on for so long. I know Kathy must feel so devastated right now, but what a precious gift she gave to her mom, having Mandy in her home and loving her and keeping her healthy for so long.

Rest in peace, sweet Mandy. You parted this earth in the best of ways, quietly and peacefully.

Anna, please share our good thoughts and our grief with Kathy, over the loss of Mandy.


10-10-2003, 11:43 AM
oh Anna i am so sorry to hear that. but 23 years old is amazing :eek: , my thoguhts are with you and your cousiin at this sad time :(

God Speed lil Mandy *hugs* have fun at the RB lil one

10-10-2003, 01:47 PM
I'm going to print this out and send it to Kathy, I'm sure it will make her very happy to hear such wonderful things.

I'm sure Mandy is happy to finally be with her mommy, and if she needs showed around at all my Keisha will do the honors:)

10-10-2003, 02:12 PM
Don't print it out yet. Please include my comments as well.

Kathy, I'm so sorry for Mandy's death. Take comfort in knowing that your Mom and Mandy are together and never to be parted again. I know you are hurting all over again and I wish there was something I could say to ease your pain. Bless you for being there for Mandy.

RIP Mandy and make sure you look up Toshie and Trixie. They will be happy to share their tennis balls with you and romp in the tall grass.

Hugs to you Anna.

10-10-2003, 02:19 PM
Kathy, you should stop by here now and again for a visit and some {{{HUGS}}} from people that honestly can identify with the sort of heartbreak you must be going through. Looking at some of the dogs & other pets and reading their stories is marvelous therapy! Really, it can bring some warmth to even the most bruised of hearts.

10-10-2003, 02:25 PM
Dear Sweet Mandy, you enriched Kathy's life, you gave her so much love, and now you have gone to join your first mummy, and be united.

Dear Kathy, I know your heart will be aching right now, and we all feel for you dearly, take comfort in knowing we are all here for you anytime you feel like dropping by.

HUGS AND LOVE TO YOU, I can only imagine how you feel, and wish the pain would ease for you sweetie, in time it will, but until then you take much care of yourself, we are all thinking of you at this sad time.


10-10-2003, 10:01 PM
Kathy, I can understand your pain. How it must hurt to lose precious Mandy! Try to celebrate her long, long life and remember the good times. She is now with your Mom. They will wait for you when your time comes, when you all can be united again. Hugs to you. RIP, sweet Mandy.

10-11-2003, 10:22 PM
She definately had a nice long life.
I can understand the hurt your cousin has tho.
She looked like a sweetie.
Your cousin will be in my thoughts.

10-13-2003, 08:11 AM
Thanks again everyone:) I know your words will mean the world to her.

10-13-2003, 09:08 AM
Anna, I am so sorry that I am late with my response but please pass my condolences on to Kathy on the loss of Mandy.
I know how hard it is. I felt the same way when had to come to terms with the loss of my Dobie Max. I loved that dog dearly but I think I also felt his loss more because he was the last link with my husband, Fred.
Sending lots of love to her, and tell her she will be in my thoughts and prayers.


10-13-2003, 02:40 PM
I'm sorry to be so late too, I am verry sorry to hear of your cousin's loss--how lucky she was to have little Mandy in her life!!
Mandy will be reunited with her mommy now, and play pain free at the Rainbow Bridge.

10-15-2003, 08:34 AM
Thank you again everyone. I have printed this out along with a copy of the RB poem and sent it to her. I'm sure she'll love all your kind words.

10-15-2003, 10:36 PM
Oh precious, precious girl ....... you lived such a long life, but now that you have gone to the Rainbow Bridge, you know your first Mummy is waiting there for you.

Kathy, wishing you every strength in the world ... and sending plenty of love your way too ...

10-15-2003, 10:38 PM
What a beautiful sweet girl. Was she a yorkie? It sounds like she lived a wonderful and long life filled with love. Have fun at the Bridge sweetie. :)

10-16-2003, 07:01 AM
Yes, she was a Yorkie Amy. And I agree...I think she lived a wonderful life, she was very loved by everyone:)

10-16-2003, 07:05 AM
Anna, when you go to the BarkPark Birfday Bash this time would Kathy maybe be able to go with you? It just may cheer her up to meet and greet some of these wonderful PetTalkers & their furkids.