View Full Version : rawhide bonesw

08-06-2000, 04:16 PM
Hello, I am just wondering if anyone else has lost a dog from choking on rawhide bones I have been talking with a representative from one outfit that sells these things he told me in the ten years of being in the business he has never heard of that happening
I am going to prove him wrong and my dogs death will not be for nothing thanks Marlene


08-07-2000, 11:08 AM
I have not actually heard of a dog chocking on rawhide bones before. But, in the contract I had to sign when I purchased Tessa from her breeder there was a clause making me agree never to give her rawhide bones. The reason being, as they break off pieces and swallow them the rawhide can swell and choke them. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your dog this way! How heartbreaking!

08-07-2000, 05:28 PM
My vet says that rawhide is ok until it gets really soaked with slobber, then it gets soft and the dog can bite off large pieces which don't digest easily. If your dog really likes rawhide, get the big tightly wrapped ones and take it away from him when it gets too soft, let it dry out before giving it back.
My doggie likes nylabones or those big sterilized beef bones, and they're safe.

08-07-2000, 07:49 PM
I have learned a very hard lesson because I watched this happen I have never I repeat never heard of this happening before I always heard the stuff disolves but the vet who did the neoscopy said it does not if you feed enough of it to a dog it will eventually starve to death I would like to get enough people who has had this happen or even heard of it happening to help me get this stuff labeled as being dangerous


08-07-2000, 09:34 PM
Becareful when giving ANY bone or toy to your dog.
Nylabones I've found to be terrific with rats! A big hit, and they keep their teeth down. The rats gnaw or scrape off small pieces and they can easily eat them. I gave my dog one once, and she broke of large piece off and tried to swallow it, so she no longer gets those. Larger beef bones you also need to becareful of, because they can probably do the same thing with them (never given one to my dog, so I don't know). The only thing I give my dog to chew on are regular dog biscuits, probably the safest thing out there. If you have a problem keeping your dog occupied, try a "buster cube". Yes, they are noisy, and yes, it takes a little "training" to teach them to use it, but in the long run I think it's worth it. There are also "Kong" toys. These I have no idea about, I'm allergic to latex therefor I can't handel them, therefor my doggy doesn't get them. Buster cubes I've found to be the best thing, just becareful because when they push them around (or pounce on like my terrier mix does!) they could push them right into something glass, and it's kaput! Shattered glass everywhere!
Use your best judgement when buying any chew or toy for your dog, think of the pros and the cons, and good luck to you all and your pets!

~Giglez http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

karen israel
08-10-2000, 07:29 AM
I guess everyone will think I'm a terrible pet owner but I've been giving Cody a 4in rawhide bone for years. I gave him one as a treat years ago and he goes crazy if he doesn't get one every night-he actually goes to where I keep them and sits. He doesn't always finish it but sleeps next to it and carries it around. I promptly toss it when he drops it, but he has NEVER choked on one and I also keep an eye on him and toss the mushy pieces he drops. He HAS to be in our den while we watch tv, so luckily someone is always there, but now I'm really worried and hope my luck doesn't run out. It's time to try a substitute. He's so habitual, it's gonna be a hard habit to break.

08-10-2000, 03:25 PM
OK, I think it's safe to say that NO dog toy is 100% safe. I said before that I give my dog nylabones and beef bones, but I know that she is not an aggressive chewer and unlikely to bite off whole chunks. So I feel relatively safe giving her those, since she needs something to chew. A dog can choke on anything, so I think the most important point here is that we have to examine their toys regularly for wear and watch their chewing habits. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a dog this way.

08-10-2000, 09:19 PM
It was horrible and my dog was by no means small he was a beautiful all white arctic wolf/husky/shepherd weighed about one twenty I really miss him I would give just about anything to go back in time and stop what happened he was only ten months old and just starting to act a little more mature the only reason I was giving him these miserable things were his adult teeth were coming in and he was chewing everything even pieces of wood guess I should have stuck two knuckle bones


karen israel
08-11-2000, 02:58 PM
LilyMarlene, you poor thing, my heart just bleeds for you. I CAN NOT EVEN IMAGINE what you are going through. Your sad story really opened my eyes about those damn wicked bones so I thank you for that. I gave one to Cody last night, he didn't eat it right away so I took it away and tossed him his new huge double squeaky toys to distract him and then he got a milkbone, so I am desperately trying to break his habit, He's a 100 lb gr/yl so sometimes I think he's indestructable. You are in my prayers-keep in touch with all your friends on PetTalk..Karen xoxo

08-11-2000, 09:02 PM
those treats are ok and the vet told me that pigs ears are ok I don't think I would ever chance even those at least the real knuckle bones I would feel a little better about but would still watch like a hawk


08-26-2000, 11:25 PM

My heart breaks for you. The breeder my parents got their dog from when I was a child made them promise to NEVER give her rawhide.

When my hubby and I got our first puppy, Jerry Bear, we did some research, and decided it was ok as long as we watched him. The rawhide, however, made his poop really soft, and he tore through the bones so quickly, we couldn't watch closely enough. We decided to stop giving them to him, and now he only gets Kongs (the best toys made for aggressive chewers). He also gets a giant beef bone every couple of months (that's how long it takes for Jerry Bear to chew it down).

I hope you get another dog, one that can not only replace the hole in your heart, but can preserve the memory of your lost love. There are many puppies/dogs in pounds and shelters who need a second chance.

God Bless,


08-27-2000, 01:10 AM
Thanks Rhonda, I am waiting for my pup now I also found one of my baby's brothers I get to go see him tomorrow the pup I am getting is a female so I plan to breed her with nook nooks brother sometimes I miss him so much I still cry he was the sweetest dog and just starting to get out of the chewing stage make sure you warn every one you know about these bones I figure if I can't get to the company word of mouth will work so every one at least knows the chances they take giving these things to their dogs I plan on getting in a few chat rooms for pets to, any and all help I appreciate. Marlene

08-27-2000, 10:24 AM
I had never given a thought to a rawhide bone being dangerous. One day my standard poodle, Whitney, started choking. I opened her mouth and saw a piece of rawhide stuck in her throat. I pulled it out and threw it away immediately. It was difficult to say the least because it was slimy at that point. I threw away all of her rawhide bones and never bought one again!!!!!

08-27-2000, 04:09 PM
Yes this stuff is really dangerous and it needs a warning label I have had a few dogs in my life and gave this stuff to them thank god it didn't kill them I had no clue how bad this stuff was until that day, I talked to the vet after he did a neoscopy and he told me even if I had got him there there would have not much he could have done either this whole ordeal took all of three minutes and I at that point had no idea what was wrong I thought he had been poisoned till the day I die I will never forget how he cried and the helpless feeling I had so please tell everyone you know about these things. Marlene

09-09-2000, 06:25 PM

Lady's Human
09-25-2000, 12:59 PM
To everyone who gives their pets rawhide chew sticks, I found a piece of steel in a chew stick last night. they were Stop and Shop chicken flavored chew sticks, made in colombia. If you have them, (probably other stores use them and have their own label on them) please, please, do not give them to your dog.

09-25-2000, 02:04 PM
I recently read that some companies treat rawhide in urine...gross!!! About as gross as the so called "animal by-products" in commercial pet foods...hmmmm

09-25-2000, 06:46 PM
Some how that does not surprise me I have emailed the company American Beefhide guess what I haven't heard one word out of them they don't care as long as they make money off of them I am going to try to get the CEO next I want to get as many people as I can to email them so if you can please do for all the dogs that have died from this crap and the people who have no idea and wind up learning the hard way. The one I am going for is American Beefhide I don't now what their web site is I just typed American Beefhide under search. Thank you

10-02-2000, 05:31 PM
I have been giving our dog american beef rawhide chips. My vet recommended them to keep his teeth clean and he hasn't needed a cleaning until he was 3 1/2. I think that the chips are better because it's a smaller amount of rawhide and we make sure to only give him one a day. When he has eaten something else bad that he had to make him vomit, there was very little rawhide that came up. Of course everyone has to watch their pets when they are chewing on something and take it away when it becomes dangerous or damages(like the nylabones.)

10-02-2000, 07:54 PM
Believe me if I had known he would have only gotten knuckle bones they can chew on them but rarely if ever get any chuncks off just remember raw hide of any kind does not disolve I always thought it did to, the vet told me it fills the stomach and the animal will and I stress will starve to death

10-04-2000, 02:23 PM
Hi LilyMarline,

First of all I would like to send you my condolences. That is a rough way to learn a lesson. I can't imagine how I would have handled that loss. I would like to say that I used to work at a vet. hospital for 4 1/2 years while I was going through school and I met a sweet old man sitting in the waiting room with his beautiful young yellow lab one afternoon. We began talking and I found out that this sweet mans' last lab was so special and spoiled, he bought her a big basket full of juicy things as a Christmas gift. In the basket was, of course, various types of rawhide in many different shapes/colors/flavors. He was just trying to do something nice for his canine friend but, trying to hold back tears, he told me that he watched his beautiful friend die in front of him. He could not get her to the vet fast enough. She died from choaking on his gift to her. Even tho he had this pretty new lab loyally devoted to him, it did not take away the pain and guilt. Yes rawhide is dangerous, yes dogs do choke on them and, if the dog is an agressive chewer, it should never be given to them. I will once in awhile give my dogs a rawhide but only because they are not agressive chewers at all. I bought a bubble gum scented rawhide bone 2 months ago and they have not touched it. I got sick of picking it up everytime I vaccumed so just threw it out yesterday. It's better in the trash anyway I am sure. After reading your post I won't buy them again. I buy the Booda Velvets and my dogs like those better anyway and they last forever! Reading your post brought back memories of that old man with his teary eyes and broken, guilt filled heart. I am so sorry that they don't list choking hazards on the packages of rawhides. I am so, so sorry for the people that have to learn that the hard way. I am sure there have been many broken hearts as a result of not knowing about choking. What a shame. Maybe someday they will have enough broken hearted owners "speak out" about rawhide.

So sorry for you loss. My heart goes out to you, and to all those who have such a painfull loss. Hopefully this post will start a new trend of "trashing the rawhide"!

[This message has been edited by AdoreMyDogs (edited October 04, 2000).]

10-04-2000, 08:13 PM
Thank you yes I am still very bothered by it I can't go out to my back porch without crying he was a beautiful white wolf mix that weighed about hundred and twenty pounds easy I couldn't pick him up when this happened I thought about calling 911 I wish I had now he was such a good dog just getting out of the puppy stage and chewing everything in sight he would wait for me to get home and jump on the fence gate all excited so I would go out and just sit with him he would nuzzle his way into my lap and being that big it wasn't easy after a while I would go stand in the middle of the yard he would play chicken with me sounds odd I know he would run at me and I wouldn't know if he meant to jump on me or try to knock my feet out from under me so I had to guess I was wrong more times than right and wound up on the ground he just thought that was the neatest thing couse then he could lick my face all he wanted. I don't know if there is a heaven just for dogs or if they reunited with their owners I pray for the latter though cause I sure miss my nook nook

10-04-2000, 08:39 PM
I get pig ears from Fosters & Smith. anyone ever heard of them? there a vet ect... supply company. well there to vet's that make products that are very safe for cats & dogs.
They have sterilized beef bones & bals that you can put treats in.... there neet...

I'm deeply sorry for you'r lose. & I wish you luck in haveing sometime of warning put out on packageing of some sort. ~~

10-05-2000, 07:54 AM
What is a Booda Velvet? Sounds interesting. I need to replinish my toy supply. My Golden Retrievers have chewed up everything they had as far as indoor toys go. I did resort to empty clothes detergent bottles outdoors (old Tide bottles). They are not a real attractive thing, but those dogs just love to carry them around and can't seem to chew them up, so I feel like they are safe. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/cool.gif
I also got the stray puppy I found, Dexter, a stuffed "ghost"(made especially for puppies) when he went to live with his new owner. That puppy carries his ghost everywhere. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif He is so happy in his new home.

10-07-2000, 07:21 PM
I have heard about dogs choking on rawhide bones. In fact I recently had a friend who's dog died because of a rawhide bone. If you do want to give a dog a rawhide bone soak the bone until soggy, cut it into little pieces, and then bake it. That ensures that they won't choke.

10-08-2000, 01:12 AM
Sorry to hear about your friends dog scottie I know that feeling well, what brand of rawhide was it? I really believe the company's who sell this crap should be made to put a warning on them, Had this happened to a child it would have been off the market a long time ago I don't know about any one else but I considered my dog my kid, again I am really sorry for your friends loss.

10-27-2000, 09:18 AM
This is in response to the question of what are Booda Velvets. Booda Velvets (name brand) are made with cornstarch so that the dog can eat and digest it. They come in a variety of different colors/flavors/shapes and they don't stain. However, you may get little pieces of it stuck on the carpet or furniture but you can just pick them off. If they bite off a chunk, they can just chew it up and swallow it. You can get them at just about any pet store and Target has them under a different name for a little bit cheaper.
FYI....doggie's poop may be colored the same color as the chip - but no need to worry. Actually, it makes it easier to find it in the yard! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

10-27-2000, 05:14 PM
At the kennel where I work I have seen dogs, and especially puppies, poop out (thankfully)the strangest things, including socks, buttons, keys, string, yarn as well as chucks of bone, SPLINTERED bone and chunks of undigested rawhide. My Star is a real "counter cruiser" and if she is bored, in a flash, will grab anything and everything, from pens, to my contact lens case to an eyelash curler! (Food, of course, goes without saying!) After reading all your postings, I will NEVER give the kids rawhide again! Like Karen, they love, and I give them, squeaky toys. But even with them, I have to monitor their playtime. Eventually, every squeaky toy becomes eviscerated as they pull out the stuffing, and Star almost choked once on the plastic squeaking bladder! Like toddlers, you just have to watch them constantly! Even some foreign made plastic/rubber chew toys I understand have been treated with chemicals that can be dangerous to pets! I recently got a great new toy as a gift available through Omaha Vaccine Catalog and Petopia. It's called the "Wiggly Giggly." It comes as either a dumbbell or ball shape, it is soft to the bit, floats, made of very durable plastic and makes hysterical giggly noises and squeaks when you shake it. They love to retrieve it, sit and chew on it, or just shake it while running around the room. So far, it looks pretty safe, chew proof and durable! Sandra

10-27-2000, 06:00 PM
I recently got a great new toy as a gift available through Omaha Vaccine Catalog and Petopia. It's called the "Wiggly Giggly." proof and durable! >>>>>>.

I shop at Ohama Vaccine also.
I will have to check out the Wiggly Giggly.

I couldn't believe the stuff, I found in my males poop when he was a pup.
(I thought my yard was puppy proof) http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
Bird seed, corn, little rocks, plastic from
a large planter, leaves, fur and feathers.
I am glad he grew out of eating rocks.
I could have had one large vet bill.

10-27-2000, 09:50 PM
want to thank you all for this wonderful site. I had given my new dog, Bella, a rawhide bone when I first got her. Got on this site and checking out a few things - will NEVER given her another one. Am so sorry for your loss but hopefully you have saved some other 'very special friends', thank you.

10-30-2000, 12:25 AM
Sounds just like my dog when she was little, except for the feathers and fur. We watch her VERY closely to make sure she doesn't hunt. Crayons were a big favorite, and we had to make ABSOLUTELY sure all crayons were non-toxic and that EVERYTHING was off floors and tables that she could get to.
She is a herding dog who loves to herd our multiple cats, and was depressed when my 10 year old kitty cat died back in August. She is slowly getting back to her normal self, and when I talked to our vet she said she wasn't surprised. The poor dog took her death harder then I did http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif

I completely agree! Dogs are 2 year old children . . . with fur! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Gotta love 'em!

[This message has been edited by Giglez (edited October 30, 2000).]

10-30-2000, 08:13 AM
and was depressed when my 10 year old kitty cat died back in August. >>>>>>

That is so sad. I truely believe that dogs

10-30-2000, 08:23 AM

Yes, dogs do indeed mourn. When my beloved Lab/Shep X passed away 4 years ago, my remaining Lab went into a deep depression over the winter. She had no interest in walks or playing, just wanted to sleep. I got a new Lab puppy the next April, and she hated the new puppy for the first 2 weeks. She was meaning to really harm her. But after 2 weeks she seemed to snap out of it and they became, and still are, best friends.

11-01-2000, 08:57 PM
My dog, Graham, mourned so terribly for the death of our beloved yellow lab http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif He would not leave "Beener's" grave site in the back yard, he would sleep on it and refuse to leave it for the longest time. It was terrible. Beener was so adored, he was with us for 13 years and he was a truly gentle being, him and Graham were BEST friends to the end! When Beener got cancer and I made the decision to put him to sleep, Graham KNEW! I had the vet come to the house to put Beener to sleep because I thought it would be the most comfortable thing for my sweet old friend, to be in the comfort of his own home...when the vet's car pulled up, Graham KNEW it was time! He frantically ran to Beener (who was lying on the floor on about a million blankets and pillows) and he plastered himself at Beeners side, and licked his face all over, I had never seen Graham lick Beeners face before, ever. We had to litterly pull him away from Beener and carry him outside, the vet could tell by Grahams attachment that Graham may try to prevent that vet from putting that kneedle into Beener's leg. The vet strongly suggested that we keep Graham in the backyard while he was there, because Graham was so in tuned with what was happening, and he was not ready for it.

We put poor Graham in the backyard and went to say our last words to Beener before the vet did his thing, and through our sobbing, we could hear Graham litterly wailing in the yard...it was a sound that I had not heard from him before, nor have I heard it since. It sounded like a ghost. It was the most horrible thing in the whole world. He knew, not a doubt in our minds that he knew. When the vet finally left, we carried Beener to the backyard where we burried him. Graham, who is normally the sweetest, happiest, most dependent dog, went to the far, dark end of the yard and cryed all by himself. He came when I called but he was like a zombie, he was limp and seemed almost lifeless himself. As hard as it was to see my beautiful lab die in my arms, it was nowhere near as hard as it was on Graham. We were worried that Graham would die as well, he stopped eating almost entirly and he lost all his zest but after about 3 weeks he started eating more and showing some happiness. He lost 12 pounds when Beener died. His ribs began to stick out. And I have actually had someone argue with me as to whether or not dogs get sad! They don't believe that dogs become close and mourn if their companions die. Amazing the things a non animal lover will never know.

I know this post did not have anything to do with rawhide....sorry if it's out of topic, the last posts brought back memories of the horrible night that Beener died. I still cry, but not as much for Beener as for Graham. I did not mourn for Beener for very long at all because he gave me the most amazing send-off. I held him close to me when the vet gave the injection, and very shortly after he breathed his last breath, I felt his spirit circle very rapidly around me...it was playful and beautiful and peaceful and happy and bright...all those things I felt from him spinning around me. It actually made me smile. He spun around me for maybe a minute or so. I was the only one in the room, other then the vet, no one else could stand to see him die, and I was the only one who got the "grand send-off". It was just like Beener to do that, too. He just let me know that he was happy. I wish my family members, especially my mom and Graham, could have felt what I felt.

11-01-2000, 09:45 PM
Oh, AdoreMyDogs, what a horrible experience for you!!! Your story reminded me of the old Disney movie, "Where the Red Fern Grows". Do you remember it? I only saw it once as a child and still remember that one dog lying on the grave of the other one. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif
I haven't experienced it with a pet, I only know how my daughter and I grieved when our Cocker Spaniel, Kaycee, had to be put to sleep. Honey was too little to realize what was going on. She got so much love from us, she was thrilled.
Glad to hear things are better now.

11-01-2000, 11:26 PM
I hope Graham is doing better, I also know that dogs grieve I have read some of the saddest & happier things on here and am very glad to know how I feel about losing my dog
is shared by some people even my husband doesn't really understand course I was the one to feed him, baby him and get him to behave I would spend hours out in the yard with him so when this happened I pannicked had I been thinking I would have seen what was wrong sometimes I still feel like I let him down I recently got a puppy I love her dearly but I still stop and say a prayer in hopes where ever my nook,nook is he knows I still think about,miss and love him

11-02-2000, 08:02 AM
We had to put our terrier mix to sleep in August. She was 14 and had doggie Alzheimers. Max and Annie grieved horribly, and to this day, still look for her in the house.

11-02-2000, 09:33 AM
Hi Igh0962,

I have never seen "Where The Red Fern Grows"
but if it has a scene like the one I went through (the sleeping on the grave site) I don't think I could ever see it http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Too heartbreaking for me!

Graham is all better now. It's been a year almost to this day since Beener died. He's all healed, except that he's different with other dogs now. He used to love other dogs alot, but he's got this dominance issue with other male dogs and dom. female dogs that he never used to have. He likes the Pug that we adopted but he will still not play with her, even though she has tried to get him to play MANY times. Don't know what's going on there. I sure hope Graham lightens up and starts playing with the pug soon, she sure would like that and so would I. They will sleep close to each other, and I have seen her lick Graham and Graham lick her but they still don't play. Any ideas? We have had the pug for close to 2 months now.

11-02-2000, 10:27 AM
I read your story last night and I was so upset by it I couldn't comment on it. That was the saddest thing I've ever heard. I felt so bad for Graham. I guess why I felt so bad was because I have a 7yr. old and a 3yr. old GSD who love each other. I can't even take one to the vet without the other being very upset! I can't imagine what will happen when one dies!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif I'm glad Graham is better now. Could it be that he is afraid to get too involved with the Pug being that she might be taken away from him, too? Can dogs think like that??? Such a sad, sad story.

[This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited November 02, 2000).]

11-02-2000, 11:18 AM
Hi Su,

It seems that Graham could have that going through his head...I am not sure if dogs think that way. It also may be that Graham does not even know if the pug is really a dog! She's small and makes all sorts of snorty noises...maybe he is not even sure if she's canine. I am not sure, he LOVES cats, but he just likes to hang out with them and cuddle them, he never plays with them...maybe he thinks the pug is a cat. I am not sure. Maybe it's his way of telling me that he does not want the pug around...not sure. He does not seem to dislike the pug (anymore, he hated her being around the first week, he was so jealous)but I am not real sure. At least he's not showing strong dominance or agression towards her. I guess they may just have a "play-free" relationship.

karen israel
11-02-2000, 01:14 PM
ok, I just read Adore's story, I'm playing catch-up with Pet Talk. If I spell incorrectly, plz excuse me, the tears are obstructing by vision. There is nobody, no way, now how going to tell me that dogs don't feel emotions like humans do. They may not be able to articulate but I felt worse for Graham than anything..no offense intended, Adore. God Bless you for your wonderful attitude during that sad time. You, my friend, are a far better person than me, Although I dread even thinking about it, I can predict that, although I know there's Rainbow Bridge etc and Cody's spirit will always be with me, blah, blah, blah, I will a human Graham 10 times over. On a lighter note, Cody honestly, is pretified of our little pug neighbor. It's embarassing. The pug wants to smell, he once nipped Cody's heel and big goon ran like the dickens! I think he thinks little Denver is a toy, that makes funny noises. it's too funny! LILYMARLENE! Glad you got a new puppy...what kind????? Name????

11-02-2000, 04:14 PM
Oh I agree!! Dogs do, indeed, mourn. They mourn as humans do, and they have emotions as humans do...they may not express them as we do, but that is because they are dogs, and not humans...though most of them (and us! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif ) wish they WERE humans http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

LilyMarlene, nook nook knows that you love him, and miss him, and he knows you tried what you could, and that you care deeply for him. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-02-2000, 08:56 PM
I recently got a puppy I love her dearly but I still stop and say a prayer in hopes where ever my nook,nook is he knows I still think about,miss and love him>>>>

LilyMarlene and all,
I truely believe that dogs will be with us again in heaven. Even my husband tells me, that when his time comes, he wants all his past dogs to greet him at the pearly gates.

karen israel
11-03-2000, 08:32 AM
Probably the only reason I'm not afraid. Dog Fancy magazine a few issues back had an article if Dogs go to Heaven. They interviewd almost every denomination you can think of..very insightful, interresting, touching how people think. Altho explained in different ways, bottom line was "yes", but we all already knew that.

11-03-2000, 08:29 PM
Thanks sorry I would have replied sooner but I just realized there is a second page I got a female from a guy in Ind she was supposed to be a white wolf shepperd mix but she is just a little white on her under belly then tan with two black spots on her tail I still love the little stinker dearly though she has definitly livened the place up the male cat seems to be really jealous of her even scratched her right in the eye so we have been going to the vet and putting eye drops in four times a day I am trying to get my freind to take the cat he is getting to old
and really doesn't like puppy's which really
gets me he used to play with my cousins dog they played and slept together maybe cause it would evenually leave where the puppy doesn't my mom wants me to name her Puppy Girl as she put it like my grandmother did with her dog I was leaning toward Foxy because if you ever saw a fox they are about the same color during the winter as she is it is almost cream color.

11-05-2000, 01:41 PM
Well good morning all I can't believe I did this but I went out and bought my puppy a buddy he is all white and cute we had a few tense moments but all in all she loves him already even sharing her bed my husband thinks I have really lost my mind but I felt guilty watching her the other day she was sitting by the fence watching the next door neighbors pups playing she just looked so lonely with my working full time I hated to leave her alone so much now she has someone to play with at least I am hoping they chew on each other cause they will never get raw hide does anyone one know if the chew ropes they sell work I am open to all ideas

11-05-2000, 08:55 PM
I also have two dogs and it's twice as much fun! Congrats on your new pup.

***Save a life, ADOPT***

11-05-2000, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by LilyMarlene:
does anyone one know if the chew ropes they sell work I am open to all ideas>>>>>>>

I have ropes, but I have only let the dogs
chew on them when I am home.

For puppies I always have liked the
gummy bones or nyla bones.
The kong toy is pretty sturdy also.

Congratulations on your new pups.
Don't forget to share puppy breath stories. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-05-2000, 10:54 PM
Yes I will share a story or two they seem to be getting along ok now Foxy the female is a couple of weeks older and a bit bigger although the male seems to hold his own isn't the nylabone close to raw hide? I am just scared to give them anything even remotely dangerous and pretty soon the real chewing will start.

11-06-2000, 08:21 AM
Found that my border collie Max, who is an aggressive chewer can totally destroy those ropes in a matter of minutes, and then has a huge pile of strings in front of him. I won't go into the gory details, but they appear to be pretty bad on the digestive system. I only give them the rope toys to play tug of war with when I'm outside with them.

11-06-2000, 09:12 AM
The Gummy bones are for young puppies
with their baby teeth and
and not aggressive chewers.
The nyla bones our much stronger.
They are not made out of rawhide.
I also do not give my dogs rawhide, though
I have been told the press rawhide
is much safer than the regular rawhide.
Ask your Vet and about what
he thinks about the Nyla bones and Gummy bones. (Pups need to chew)
The dental rope bones can come apart as Teena mentioned and should only be used under supervision.
LilyMarlene now you can start a new
topic about puppies. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-06-2000, 09:43 AM
Just found an un-open package of Nylabone.

On the pkg.
(saves dogs lives and costly surgery)
The little thin shavings that are raked off in chewing and swallowed pass through
with-out effect. This product is not
designed to be consumed.
Nontoxic-ingredients Nylon, liver meal.

I use the Nylabones in-liu of the Gummybones
for when the pups no longer have their baby teeth or when they become aggressive chewers.
If you find out information from your vet
etc. that they are not safe please
let me know. I have been using them for
years instead of the rawhide.
(if you do decide to try them make shure
you get the correct size)

11-06-2000, 08:34 PM
Next week I have to take Foxy in to the vet I will ask and let you know, right now they are so busy playing and chewing on each other I will just give them a treat every now and then.

12-03-2000, 11:46 AM
Well, for those of you who have lost a dog, my heartfelt condolences. I recently lost my JRT to rodent poison and can deeply sympathize with you.

re: rawhides and nylabones -- I only give mine compressed rawhides. They are steamed and then pressed into shapes and the dogs cannot get large chunks softened up to choke on. Provides about 24 hours of chewing pleasure for some pretty busy chewers. I don't use Nylabones (this is a personal preference) because they are made of nylon. The Velvets don't last worth a hang here. They get gobbled up almost as quickly as biscuits. I also don't use knuckle bones as my dogs chew them up quickly and then poop white from whatever they treat them with. I think it would be good to get a warning on almost all the chew toys that they should not be given daily and the dog should be monitored during chewing time. I love to give pig ears, but have heard of a dog that got a sliver of one caught in its throat, so caution there, too.

Lily: Congratulations on your new puppies. They will never fill the hole that Nook Nook's death left, but will help build a border of love around it so it doesn't hurt as much. When my Trev died, her "sister" Shiloh was sleeping in my room and I heard her play barking in her dreams like she did with Trev. It was odd, but really made me think that she knew what it was all about.

One chewtoy we use around our house on occasion is what we call "Denim Doggie Delights". I took cut off legs of denim jeans and tied a knot in them and the dogs would chew them, tug on them and shake them like they were going to "kill" them. They were pretty durable and washable and when they got to be too much "blue spagetti" easily tossed and very cheap to obtain since I had three kids that would wear holes in the knees of their jeans and I would just cut them off. Just a thought.

12-03-2000, 07:38 PM

Congrats on your new puppies! That's wonderful! Geez I have puppy feaver something terrible, I have not had a puppy in about 14 years http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif Graham, my aussie mix was 9-10 months when I got him and my pug, Cassie, was 7 years old. You get double puppies! That must be so much fun (and SO much work!!!) I have respect for people that get 2 pups at once.

I sure do miss puppy breath...and the sweet smell of puppy paws. Can you bottle up some puppy breath up and send it to me??? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-04-2000, 12:03 AM
I am pretty lucky that my greyhound doesn't like real rawhide to chew on. I have tried every type and she just looks at me like "And?" I am careful with what she does get. She doesn't like the Nylabones either, I even ordered the petsafe-chocolate flavored one from Petsmart.com and she didn't even flinch!!
She does like the pig ears and the cow ears. I found on some pet supplies stores carry pig ear pieces, which last long cause they are smaller and I just give her one or two instead of the big ear.
I totally missed the puppy stage of Shaianne, which is the case of most greyhound owners, she was 2 when I got her, and I love puppy breath too!
But I am glad we didn't have to deal with the chewing stage-just separation anxiety.!!! :-)

12-06-2000, 12:48 AM
Sorry to post 2 in a row but I just have one word for you! KONG!!!!!
My dog is NOT a player and I have tried everything and just got in the mail a king kong and she seems to like it. You can stuff it with biscuits, food, Peanut Butter, cheese, broth, and freeze it. Go to www.kongcompany.com (http://www.kongcompany.com) and they even have "recipes" you can do with them. Freeze or microwave them!!
The best price I found was at petsmart.com I got 2 king kongs for $18. At the local pet supply store they are like $13-15 at least a peice. They are even pit bull jaw proof and they last forever I swear that is a testimony on there I am not "dogging pit bulls".
Check it out I am sure almost everyone on here has them for their dogs I just was the last one to catch on!!:-)

12-06-2000, 05:14 AM
My dog Nikki, swallowed a huge turkey bone yesterday when I was taking him for a walk, I tried to get it off him, but he fought me and swallowed it, he only weighs 20lbs.I called the vet when I got home and had to give him a tbs of vaseline. He didnt pass it yet, did anybody ever have this happen to there precious little one,and what is the best way to prevent this from happening when your walking your pet?

sylvia alexander

12-06-2000, 05:18 AM
My dog Nikki, swallowed a huge turkey bone yesterday when I was taking him for a walk, I tried to get it off him, but he fought me and swallowed it, he only weighs 20lbs.I called the vet when I got home and had to give him a tbs of vaseline. He didnt pass it yet, did anybody ever have this happen to there precious little one,and what is the best way to prevent this from happening when your walking your pet?

sylvia alexander

12-06-2000, 08:28 AM
Teach your dog the "drop it" command. Start with toys like tennis balls or stuffed toys. Praise him when he drops the toy for you when you give him the drop it command. If he's not familiar with that command it'll be close to impossible to take anything from him that he wants but is not supposed to have.

12-06-2000, 10:31 AM
Thank you for the informationabout command, but my Nikki is almost 11 yrs old and I dont think he would understand that, he is a very spoiled little boy, any other sugestions , thank you Sylvia

sylvia alexander

12-06-2000, 12:44 PM

Just to let you know a similar type of thing happened to my Lab/Shep X a number of years ago. My young niece was eating a popsicle on a stick, an gave the dog the last few licks off the stick....but she swallowed the popsicle stick, whole! After a couple of anxious days I finally saw it come out the other end...still whole, it was not bent or anything! I hope this happens for you with the turkey bone too!

12-06-2000, 02:35 PM
The kong toys are a great invebtion they are so simple but my dogs love them. I have had one for about 6 months and there is not a scratch on it. they are indistrutible(?)
I have to try some of those recipes for my dogs.

12-06-2000, 04:55 PM
Dear Adore. Your story just broke my heart and opened some not yet healed wounds. 2 years ago Sept. I lost the "Lab of My Life" Jingles. To this day I talk to her every night. I love my "new" labbie, Star, but sometimes, as I hug and kiss her, I look at Jing's pic. on the mantle and start to cry. I pray every night that I will see her again, and all my furkids who have passed. After I lost Jing, my husky/shep Cody mourned her for almost one year. Cody was a rescue who never knew a home, love, or even how to be a doggie. Just terrible physical and emotional abuse and neglect. After she came to her "forever home," Jing took Cody by the paw and showed her how to play, bark, wolf her food, love, trust and push her humans around! She taught her how to be a "dog!!" Cody idolized her, and they were an inseparable team. After she died, I would take Cody to the beach where we all would spend hours walking, swimming, playing, loving. But now, Cody no longer wanted to walk. She would sit alone atop a dune and just look to the sky and howl like a wolf. It was unbearable for me. But at the same time, somehow strangely beautiful. That striking husky face, her gorgeous blue eyes so sad now, turned toward the heavens. And in some way, unknown to me, speaking to her best friend. She, like Graham, is better now, but not the same dog. Star is a good diversion, who Cody mostly tolerates. Even today, Cody always seems to have this look of patient anticipation on her face; a distant look in her eyes, that seems to say, "In time Jing; in time...." To all who have lost their beautiful friends, I feel for you deeply and send my love. EVERY animal lovers' loss is my loss. Truly. I know we will all see them again. Won't that be such a happy day!!!

12-06-2000, 08:16 PM
Thanks for the king kong idea haven't heard of them but am willing to try anything now they still chew on each other fact the male Chinook is always wet around his ears and neck from Foxy I sometimes miss the small fishing village I am from where the dogs pretty much run free and wild I took Nannook there last summer he died less than two weeks after we got back he really didn't like being in a fenced yard anymore he missed running which I know he had been doing at night, I won't be taking Foxy & Chinook there we will have to settle on short trips to Homer if any of you get to Alaska look me up

12-07-2000, 08:15 AM
LilyMarlene: I love Homer! My brother lives there and my other brother lives on Kodiak. Spent a summer in Anchorage and fell in love with the beauty.

12-07-2000, 10:52 AM
Hannah loves her Kong. She has three of them now, and even has a favorite among them. I had to get her interested in the kong by throwing it and playing with it with her. Once she got the feel of it in her mouth and how she can kind of compress it, it became her favorite thing. It is so funny to watch her running around looking for a kong to take with her whenever it is time to go outside. It is also fun to watch her tip it and turn it to get a dog cookie out of it.

karen israel
12-07-2000, 03:02 PM
LilyMarlene..email me your address ..I have some stuff to order for my Cody..I'll send along some Kongs,,Happy early Xmas!

12-07-2000, 07:22 PM
let me know your address my husband is Alaska Native artist we are both Aleut I will send you a piece of native art for X-mas. Marlene

Originally posted by karen israel:
LilyMarlene..email me your address ..I have some stuff to order for my Cody..I'll send along some Kongs,,Happy early Xmas!

Edited by Karen (Moderator) - it is not smart to ever post your address in a public forum, even a friendly one! Lily, I deleted your address from here, but sent it in an email - much more private - to Karen Israel. Sorry, we try hard not to be obstrusive, but we want to keep everyone (human, furry and feathered) safe!

[This message has been edited by Karen (edited December 07, 2000).]

12-08-2000, 01:19 AM
The Kong toys are great and were suggested to us by our trainer at puppy class - who also works at the local humane society. They are indestructable and keep our 6 month old puppy occupied for hours!! She is chewing vigorously to get the last of her puppy teeth out. She will even play with these if they are empty. I have also met folks in the park who are running their dogs who throw these to fetch without any food in them. Just became a member - but belated regrets about your awful loss - I have removed any rawhide from our home - thank you!! And enjoy your new babies - you sure are courageous to take on two puppies at once - what fun - but also, what a lot of work!!

12-08-2000, 11:00 AM
I am not real good using this pet talk never have had time to read the do's or don'ts thought I sent it just to you karen thanks I guess I should have taken the time to read it just seems like I am forever out of time between the pups, my mom, and my husband hey teena I also have family in Homer and Kodiak have you ever taken the Ak Marine hwy or the ferry down the peninsula thats where I am from, the ferry ride down is beautiful in june anyway thats when we went last summer I can't believe how warm it is up here for Dec we have hardly any snow and it is above freezing odd for sure

karen israel
12-08-2000, 12:00 PM
Hi Lilymarlene! I have your address and will probably order some stuff this weekend. If they can't ship to you, I'll send it out to you!! Thank you Karen, for emailing her address to me. !!!

12-19-2000, 01:37 AM
Hello all hope everyone's holidays are going ok got a question Foxy is really bullying Chinook when it comes to food she is driving me crazy it is getting to the point where Chinook won't eat until she is done I have started bringing him inside so I know he is eating I put down two dishes filled with the same food and she tries going from one to the other if he tries to eat she goes after him any ideas on how to stop this I know she is a little jealous of him but this is getting crazy

12-22-2000, 01:21 AM
Shaianne seems to like the chew hooves(cow hooves). I watch and make sure they don't get to sharp but she really likes them.