View Full Version : Paw Pad Problems

07-23-2000, 11:01 PM
Does any one have any advise about injuries paw pads? My Sheltie was outside playing and when he came in I noticed some blood on the kitchen floor and when I checked his back paw his pad had been cut. There was a circular piece of tissue missing over his paw. I cleaned it off and have been keeping it clean and it looks ok.

07-26-2000, 07:20 AM
My guys have had similar injuries over the years, and while a vet may offer some definitive treatment I've done exactly what you've done with out any problems. Sometimes the wounds seem to take forever. If she'll tolerate it covering the paw with an old sock will help keep it clean, but with one exception none of my guys would leave it on.

08-07-2000, 10:29 PM
I don't know much about cuts to the pads, but it brings up another question. One of my dogs has really dry, rough pads on her feet. Can I use something to soften her feet. She loves to put her paws in our laps and they are rough enough to be uncomfortable. I'd appreciate any suggestions. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

08-08-2000, 12:57 PM
My Labs get very dry, cracked, sore pads in the winter here. I put handcreme for sensitive skin on them, or uddercreme. Then I put little baby socks on their paws and they know better than to try to pull off the socks! Mommy will get mad at them! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif