View Full Version : Cubby and his pill

10-08-2003, 10:37 PM
Well I am trying to train Cubby to take his pill like a good boy, every time he takes his pill with out fighting with me he gets some hair ball treatment pounce. Well tonight I opened his mouth like always and he always trys to close his mouth while I stick the pill down near his throught, but tonight he bit me very hard. I almost screamed. I know he didn't mean to at all (because after he noticed he hurt me he came up for some lovings to try and apoligize of course I accepted his apoligy.) But my finger was bleeding, and I had to wash it off of course. I put a band aid on it with triple antiboitic oitment. I think I messed up giving it to him tonight. I don't think I was in the right position.

He has learned that when I reach for his pill bottle, he will go lay down in the chair which is where I always give him his pill. Then I give him his treats. So he is learning to take them like a good boy. And my finger just is a little sore. He got it right on the bone at the end of my nail. So that's why it hurts.


10-09-2003, 10:01 AM
Kuhio hated getting her pills also. I would get the pill out and put it on the counter so that I didn't rattle the pill jar and spook her. After a while, I asked the vet if it would be okay to dissolve it in water and squirt it down her throat. That worked well. We'd crush up the pill and add just a little bit of water and shoot it down her throat before she knew what hit her. Might ask the vet if the medicine Cubby is taking can be done that way.

10-09-2003, 03:58 PM
If the pill is crushable I have found the coolest way to give them to my cats. The gel type hairball remedy has saved me many bloody cuts and scratches! (ex-ferals will love you but they can still put up one heck of a fight when they don't want to do something!! http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif So what I do is crush the pill and mix it in the hairball stuff and then rub it on the front lower part of their leg. They can't stand it and run around like bucking bronco's for a minute or two. Of course, the "I can't stand to be dirty" takes over and they lick it all off!! It has saved us all a lot of stress by doing it this way. http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif I was so happy to figure out a way to outsmart the little bugers!!!
Of course, if the pill isn't crushable then they get even!! http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

10-10-2003, 05:43 PM
Talk to you Vet and get a piller. It is the most wonderful invention ever! :) You put the pill in it, and then open kitty's mouth and push, and down it goes!! Simple & easy for both you and kitty.

Lucky gets his pills x 2 daily this way, and he too know's when its "time". He also gets rewarded with a treat for being a good boy.