View Full Version : Piles of Gold

10-08-2003, 10:50 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have the digital camera here to tell this story, but I just walked down the hall to get a glass of water and everywhere I looked there are lovely "lumps" sleeping and enjoying their morning inside!

It is a dreary, rainy day in SC (don't get me wrong, we needed the rain), but I stepped over Zipper, who sleeps right behind my chair. Then, as I walked down the hall, Murphy was sleeping in her customary spot, right outside my office door. Down a little ways was Honey, with her back up next to the wall, sleeping peacefully, and not even moving a muscle when I walked by. And a quick peek into the bedroom showed me Lilly, asleep on her "bed", next to my bed.

Happy boys and girls make for a happy mother!!!! I am so blessed to have my office in my house so that I can watch their every move (or lack of movement).


Samantha Puppy
10-08-2003, 11:05 AM
How precious... you are lucky to have a home-office. :)

10-08-2003, 01:16 PM
That sounds beautiful Logan.
I just love it when I let mine run around outside, and pretty soon, here in the computer room, I find a black pile right underneath me almost ready to get squashed by the chair, a reddish pile very close to me also, a white, black and brown pile by the bookcase, and a black and brown pile behind me--they all look so sweet!!!

10-08-2003, 01:21 PM
What a great mental picture. Thanks! I want you to know that I am officially jealous! I love my job, but the idea of being able to be home with my babies while I work would be the next best thing to heaven (or maybe that would BE heaven).

10-08-2003, 02:52 PM
That's why when I work at home on weekends or in the evening it's almost like not working at all. All around me are mixed piles of grey, black, black & white & blue merle ... and that's just the 7 dogs. I usually will have smaller piles of cats either on my lap or on the computer with a tale hanging over the screen :rolleyes: Yes, some people see me making these awkward steps over and around them so as not to wake them and "other people" (non-pet owners no doubt) don't understand why I don't nudge them out of my way. As if :eek:

10-08-2003, 05:27 PM
Logan, I'm sorry you didn't have the digital handy but I got a great mental picture anyway from your description. I am wondering how many people who have dogs and cats realize how beautiful a scene that is. Some take Piles of Gold (or whatever color pile) for granted I am sure. It's like stopping to smell the roses. Is there anything more serene than sleeping animals? :) I know your Piles of Gold are so happy to have you around during the day and you are lucky to be there! I have a Pile of White and a Pile of Black at my feet right now! :D

10-08-2003, 06:29 PM
Oh, drat!! I wish you had your camera, Logan! But like Pam said, I can picture those precious "piles of gold" perfectly! Lucky you, to have pups that allow you the peace and quiet to get your work done! I wish my girls would want to sleep a little more and play a little less!:D

10-08-2003, 06:41 PM
Lucky you, Logan! I had my first day away from the "new baby" today and so I was extra envious of you! It sounds absolutely wonderful--for them as well as you.

10-08-2003, 06:50 PM
I loved your post. I usually have a birdie pile sleeping next to me on his cage. A brown spotted kitty pile sitting next to the screen...or on my lap...or on the floor...or somewhere where he can see me. Anywhere where he can see me for that matter, lol!

I loved your mental image. BTW when I finally move out, I am definately working from home so that I can be with my little furbabies all day!

10-09-2003, 07:21 AM
Logan, you are one lucky lady:D

I could just imagine myself being there, thanks for such a wonderful description of your piles of gold!

10-09-2003, 10:05 AM
How wonderful to be able to work in a piles of dog environment! Doesn't it give you a good feeling to see them so content.

I don't work, so I have sleeping dogs with me, too. Except when I go to the kitchen...then I have body guards. LOL I can't move in the kitchen without being bumped or stepped on by anxious dog waiting for a morsel to hit the air (doesn't make the floor)!! LOL

I am a bit sad because I should probably get a parttime job to pay for this one pile of black and red's vet bills. :rolleyes: It would have to be parttime and close to home so I could run home at lunchtime to see my babies!!

10-09-2003, 12:30 PM
Even without actual photos, that's a wonderful picture, Logan. I know how great it is to be able to stay home and have our pups (or in my case just one) around all the time. Before I retired, I hated every minute I had to stay later at the University for stupid faculty meetings:mad: or go back in the evening to see a rehearsal :mad: Now, all that is over and done with and, like you, I can enjoy having Carina around all day long.:)

10-10-2003, 10:13 AM
As another one of the lucky ones who work from home, I know what you mean. (Yes, I should be working right now.) Any time I get a bit stressed out from what's going on with my duties, all I have to do is go to the next room to get a leather lipped kiss or a furry hug. A bit of barking while I'm on the phone is a small price to pay for the sight of a pink tummy or button nose and the feeling that I am never alone.

10-10-2003, 10:20 AM
I'm oh so envious. But can see the picture clearly in my mind. :D