View Full Version : Dog treats

04-09-2001, 07:58 PM
Merlin here: Hey we were talking about home made treats , mom got looking on the net and found a couple of great sites. www.yorkie.org (http://www.yorkie.org) www.dogpark.com (http://www.dogpark.com)
Mom is going to be tring they out yummy I'm going to be sampling them all . I'll have to run laps around the yard.

04-09-2001, 08:27 PM
Merlin, that is a great site, it has yummy treats. Tell your Mom that my Mom made the
Oatmeal Dog Bisquits and we loved them and they were easy to make. Thanks for the tip on that great site, Mom will be looking over the receipes.


[This message has been edited by jackiesdaisy1935 (edited April 09, 2001).]

04-10-2001, 05:20 PM
Another great find! Thanks for sharing. Here's another one dog treat recipe site


04-10-2001, 11:46 PM
There is a GSD/pit bull mix on this page!! I immediatly thought of Simba!! http://www.dogpark.com/rightmixedgal.html

[This message has been edited by shais_mom (edited April 11, 2001).]

04-11-2001, 02:57 PM
That does look like Simba

04-11-2001, 11:33 PM
OK I have a confession http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif
I whipped up the peanut butter/oatmeal drops(that was all that was in it, I added a little honey) and I thought they were very good. It says for humans too!! I would have never mixed them on there own http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

04-12-2001, 03:35 PM
I just bought some treats..not so good about making them myself. Check out: www.c3treats.bigstep.com (http://www.c3treats.bigstep.com)

Honey and Lilly love them, and they are delivered and saved cold. They just came on Wednesday.

I have to share the latest episode with you. When the "goodies" arrived yesterday, I gave one of the "PokeyDoodles" to each dog and put the bag in the freezer. I left the "Crunchkins" in the refrigerator. I didn't even think about them until this evening and decided to work on a few "tricks" with the girls. They performed beautifully, I rewarded them, and then said my big "OK", to let them know we were through. I went back to the couch, and I heard Lilly bark, just once, in the kitchen. I ignored her, but she did it again. I walked in the kitchen, and there she was, staring at the refrigerator! She wanted MORE!!! It was hilarious. We did one more round of tricks and outside they went. Hope I don't get awakened in the night with more hopes of treats! What better advertisement could that lady have than for the Golden Retriever to beg at the refrigerator door? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Logan (edited April 12, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Logan (edited April 12, 2001).]

04-20-2001, 01:15 PM
If anyone finds low fat homemade treats could you please pass them on to Hannah and I. Hannah has a little weight problem and low fat dog treats can get a little expensive. Anything with apple in them would be great for her (fave treat)

Hannah and Angie

04-23-2001, 07:00 PM
I went thru and cut the snausages in half for training aids. Some of the biscuits I give her are puppy biscuits from Iams and they are very small anyway.


Treats can be a very valuable training aid. Your dog
of course, want as many as she can coerce you into
her. But, she doesn't really have a concept of size,
don't give her a whole, big dog biscuit, when a half
of a
small biscuit would still be a treat and work just
as well.
She also will be just as happy with an undyed, low
treat instead of one that has been saturated with
and coloring to make it attractive to the owner.

- Paula Dupy

04-23-2001, 07:49 PM
Oh my there is another cutie pie in the world!!!!!! im going to add all theese great recipes to my document on the comp of Doggy snacks. i have made like 5 diff ones

04-23-2001, 08:03 PM
oh ya and i rescued Simba on the day he was gunna be put to sleep!!! oh and there is this dog at oue local human society that i want badly and it loks like Simba even the the lil mole \black dot on the side of his face http://www.humanesocietyadoptions.com/petadoptions/ShelterImages/1049/00000541.jpg
Pet Name: Blink - D120089

Breed: Beagle/Hound

Color: Golden

Hair: Short Hair Length

Sex: Male (Neutered)

Age: 1 Years, 0 Months

Adult Size: Medium (20 to 60 lbs)

Information: Once you look into my big, beautiful eyes you'll surely want to take me home! I'm super loving and am looking for an owner who will take the time to give me a little training.

I definatly wanna take the time and train another dog. It may not sound fun to some of you but takeing Simba for a walk while i was training him and teaching him to heal was sooo much fun! and sence hes so cute everyone wanted to pet him so that was his sitting training! OOOoooooh how i want to go threw the stages of training sooooooo bad!!!!!!



05-09-2001, 11:52 PM
I just baked Shai some treats, we are waiting for them to cool, I found the mix at Meijer's.
The website is www.bakeyourdogabone.com (http://www.bakeyourdogabone.com)

05-10-2001, 12:34 AM
This is so funny.... all the time and energy we put into our animals is great but would we ever be sitting here writing all of these posts about our husbands/wives or kids? I'm certainly not surfing websites for cool treats or dinners to make for my hubby but I will definitely attempt to bake some treats for my 3 dogs! And, I CAN'T COOK! My husband would love for me to put this much time and energy into him.

As a matter of fact, I should make a "husband of the day website" or "wife of the day". My hubby sure deserves it. I guess while I am looking for good dog treat recipies I will try to find something good to cook for him.

Anyway, I have read a lot of posts about treats that dogs get from some of you. I noticed that they get human food a lot of times...like veggies and fruits. How do I know which ones are good to give my girls? I know they absolutely love "Cheetos" but I just don't think that is the best snack for them. They pretty much only get the Iams treats in the green box but I know they would love "real" food once in a while. Any suggestions?


05-21-2001, 05:24 PM
Go to www.petcottage.com, (http://www.petcottage.com,) and then look on the left-hand-side, and click on, "Bones you Bake". Hope this helps! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

05-23-2001, 03:01 PM
Doggiemom, try things like baby carrots, fresh brocolli, celery, apples, lettuce, and almost any fruit or vegetable they will eat. The trick is not to overdo. Some dogs will get diarrhea.

My dogs tell me when it's time for a carrot! And I can't make a salad without whining and begging.

Since one of my dogs is diabetic, he can't have too many carrots because the are higher in carbs than the other veggies. Some of the diabetic dogs are given low fat cottage cheese. See what yours like.

Westie Woman
06-03-2001, 06:20 PM
ilovehounds- Try the Science Diet Senior dog treats. Our chubby dog eats those, cause they are a lot less fattening. Even if your dog isn't a senior, they may still work.
The rest of you- check out www.threedogbakery.com (http://www.threedogbakery.com)

~~A House is not a Home Without a Pet~~

06-04-2001, 12:10 PM
My Dog eats cat treats we call them liver treats and every time we say`` do you want a liver treat?`` he goes nuts !!

06-04-2001, 09:31 PM
Ok this is off the subject. But do ya'll get you'r pictures of you'r dogs on here?
I finally got pictures of my dog & I want to put them up.

But How???


06-05-2001, 01:37 PM
Thanks Westie Woman, I now buy Hannah Science Diet Light treats. She loves them. I will try the senior next time http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~