View Full Version : Dog Cruelty. Warning, this one is bad.

10-06-2003, 09:56 PM
Dog Dies After Muzzle Is Duct-Taped
Shelter Offers Reward, Seeks Information

POSTED: 1:33 p.m. EDT October 3, 2003
UPDATED: 2:09 p.m. EDT October 3, 2003

CARNEYS POINT, N.J. -- A disturbing case of animal cruelty has been reported in South Jersey: A dog is found starving with duct tape wrapped around his nose.

His condition was so pitiful the dog had to be put to sleep at The Society to Protect Animals in Carneys Point, N.J.

The animal-protection group called NBC because it wants to alert viewers.

"He just sat there, you know, just sat there. It was so forlorn and sad," said shelter worker Diane Harrel. (It was the) most pitiful thing I've ever seen.

Harrel said everyone in shelter was truly stunned. What shocked them was that someone had wrapped nearly a whole roll of electrical tape around the dog's nose and mouth, so there was no way for him to eat, drink or bark for help.

The emaciated animal was starving to death, and its nose was infected, Harrel said. The muzzle was down to the bone. The skin underneath had rotted. And the dog wasn't going to live much longer.

Lynn Harris found the dog at a farm last Friday and is haunted by the image of the tortured creature ever since.

"I think about it every day and whoever did it should be severely punished for doing such a thing to an animal," Harris said. "I really hope we can catch the person and get some information."

The society is offering a reward. She's calling it Rusty's Reward. By the time the dog came to her, the only thing Harrel said she could do is give him a name and put him to sleep.

To contribute to the reward fund or call the shelter with any information:
The Society to Protect Animals
The Rusty Reward Fund
1059 W. Route 40
Carneys Point, N.J. 08069
(856) 299-1155

10-06-2003, 10:10 PM
This is a very different and special rainbow bridge poem that I found for abused or neglected animals. It starts out the same, but changes near the end.

Play happy at the RB poor mistreated soul.


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the
Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the
Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with
lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather. Those old
and frail animals are young again. Those who have been maimed are
made whole again. They play all day with each other.

Some of them here by the Bridge are different. These pets were
beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved. They watch wistfully as their
friends leave one by one, to cross the bridge with their special person.
For them there is no one, no special one. Their time on earth did not
give them one.

But one day, as they run and play, they notice someone standing by
the road to the bridge. This person wistfully watches the reunions of
friends, for during life, this person had no pet. This person was
beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved.

Standing there alone, one of the unloved pets approaches, curious as
to why this one is alone. And as the unloved pet and the unloved
person get nearer to each other, a miracle occurs, for these are the
ones who were meant to be together, the special person and the
beloved pet who never had the chance to meet while on Earth.
Finally, now, at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, their souls meet, the
pain and the sorrow disappears, and two friends are together.

They cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

10-06-2003, 10:17 PM
May the person who did this ROT IN HELL!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
They say they want the person "severely punished" - I put up my hand to do it .....!

Rest in Peace baby ......... heaven was waiting for an angel like you ...

10-06-2003, 10:18 PM
OMG. Though the tears I read that horrible post. That has to be the saddest thing I have ever read. People will never learn animals have feelings too, and can feel pain. Just like everyone else. R.I.P. Poor baby. Play happily at the RB, away from all the abusive, horrible things.

May the basterds who did this get what they deserve, and rot in hell for all eternity.

Desert Arabian
10-06-2003, 10:22 PM
....The person/s who abused that dog are the persons I would LOVE to kill myself, and abuse/beat them before they die...so they get a taste of the hell their animal went through....

I have no sorrow, pitty, or remorse for animal abusers. In my world, there is a special place in hell just for them- really, really, really far below Earth's crust, and really, really, really, hot- where they can fry and rot.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

May that poor pup rest in forever peace! :(

Micki- I LOVED that poem, it is so sweet!!

10-07-2003, 08:37 AM
that is horrifying, may those people/person get what they deserve one day SOON :mad: :(

as for you dear Rusty rest in peace baby :(

10-07-2003, 05:13 PM
:eek: :( :mad: :( :mad: omg, it makes me SO mad to hear about those kinds of horrible people! I just hate them so much, those basards:mad: I would like to get duct tape and wrap up his head with it.
RIP sweet Rusty:(
micki- that's such a nice poem:)

10-07-2003, 05:27 PM
It was a nice poem. It was the last thing I read last night. So glad that was the last thing, and not the original letter.:(

thanks micki

10-07-2003, 06:44 PM
I don't even know what to say, I'm just in shock.
What in the world is wrong with people? Are they
just morons???? Obviously so:mad:
I'd love to do the same to the person who did that & let them die the same way this poor pup died:mad:
Have fun playing & having no more pain at the RB.
RIP Sweet Rusty

10-07-2003, 07:42 PM
They don't even deserve to be called a human. I hope they rot in hell as well! And I'd like to be the one to send them there. It wouldn't be a quick trip, either.
I said a prayer that the sweet dog would be one of my special ones in Heaven. Poor thing. No telling how much it suffered.

10-08-2003, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by micki76
This is a very different and special rainbow bridge poem that I found for abused or neglected animals. It starts out the same, but changes near the end.

Play happy at the RB poor mistreated soul.


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the
Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the
Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with
lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather. Those old
and frail animals are young again. Those who have been maimed are
made whole again. They play all day with each other.

Some of them here by the Bridge are different. These pets were
beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved. They watch wistfully as their
friends leave one by one, to cross the bridge with their special person.
For them there is no one, no special one. Their time on earth did not
give them one.

But one day, as they run and play, they notice someone standing by
the road to the bridge. This person wistfully watches the reunions of
friends, for during life, this person had no pet. This person was
beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved.

Standing there alone, one of the unloved pets approaches, curious as
to why this one is alone. And as the unloved pet and the unloved
person get nearer to each other, a miracle occurs, for these are the
ones who were meant to be together, the special person and the
beloved pet who never had the chance to meet while on Earth.
Finally, now, at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, their souls meet, the
pain and the sorrow disappears, and two friends are together.

They cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

Oh man, that is soooo sweet it brings tears to my eyes.

The person who did this is SICK :(

10-10-2003, 06:36 AM
:( :( :( People suck. :( :( :(

10-10-2003, 08:32 PM
Harrel said everyone in shelter was truly stunned. What shocked them was that someone had wrapped nearly a whole roll of electrical tape around the dog's nose and mouth, so there was no way for him to eat, drink or bark for help.

not to mention be able to pant!! omg that is soo evil!!! :mad:

10-12-2003, 08:15 AM

Your now at peace sweet Rusty.... your now living the peaceful life you should have been living here on earth. I'm sorry for what that "Person" did to you. You did not deserve to be put through so much pain, but now... your free from pain!! Enjoy life and Play hard!!!!

10-16-2003, 08:33 AM
If they ever find the scumbag that did this - just give me an hour alone with the jerk. I'll go so mideval on them they'll wish they were NEVER BORN!!!!

Ahh yes - and my parents wonder why I think people suck. Gee. Do the math.

10-16-2003, 10:15 AM
:mad: Karma......

RIP sweet soul. :(

10-18-2003, 01:05 AM
Oh, I wish I would have never read this. I am just sick. There is a special place in Hell for people that do things like this.

10-21-2003, 10:13 AM
that is horrible! how could anyone treat a living thing so cruel !:(
that song that bonnie raitt sings, comes into my head .... "have a heart " :(

10-30-2003, 03:35 PM
And not very good news... :(

Warning! Stories contain graphic images

Suspect May Not Receive Full Punishment If Guilty (http://www.nbc10.com/news/2592736/detail.html)

And the Previous Stories:
October 10, 2003 Police Locate Owner Of Dead Dog Muzzled With Tape (http://www.nbc10.com/news/2547336/detail.html)

October 6, 2003 Reward Offered For Killer Of Dog In South Jersey (http://www.nbc10.com/news/2536180/detail.html)

October 3, 2003 Dog Dies After Muzzle Is Duct-Taped (http://www.nbc10.com/news/2530231/detail.html)

10-30-2003, 03:58 PM
that picture is so heart breaking ! why didn't he just find that poor baby a home ? i hope he gets what that poor baby got !:(

10-30-2003, 04:42 PM
Grrrr... this makes me so angry. If had been a CHIYYYULD you darn well better believe he'd be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law... but since it's JUST A DOG, he gets a mere slap on the wrist.

What a piece of human trash... I think people like this should be tortured to death slowly... the most painful way possible.

Slow dismemberment.