View Full Version : SO happy!!!!! :o) And finally, pics of my son!

10-06-2003, 05:48 PM
I am so excited! I will be returning to California in November to visit my family! I am sooooo excited! I haven't seen my parents, stepdad, and brothers and sisters in so long! I haven't seen my nephew for such a long time.

My favorite, after seeing my sis (I love her so much :D) is that I will be able to see my CATS! I am so happy about that. Sorry I keep saying "I'm so happy", but I am! I am going to leave the day after Dylans second birthday, November 26th, Dylans birthday is on the 25th. He's going to be two years old!!!:eek:

Anywho, we are going to have Dylans party and then the day after we will fly to California and on the 27th is my sisters SWEET SIXTEEN! I am about to cry lol. :o I miss my sister so much, and it's going to be great to be there on her birthday.

My parents haven't seen Dylan for over a year now, so this is going to really be something special. I will also get to see my moms birds, her cockatiel, parrotlet, and her budgie. :) My brother has a frog too, so I will make sure to take pics of all the pets!

Blacky, my black kitty whom I have had since 5th grade is getting really old so I am so happy I will be able to see him soon. I actually convinced my parents to keep him inside only from now on, until he goes to Rainbow Bridge, and I can't believe they listened to me. :p ;)

My dad is losing his legs in a few weeks so hopefully they will do the surgery while I am there so I can help him a little after the surgery. They are removing one leg first, and then the other. They tried as hard as they could to save his legs but nothing is working. :( But, he will be pain free, and that is what I am looking forward to. I told him that at least he won't have to worry about cutting his toenails anymore. :p And, with prostetics he will be able to play with Dylan, whereas now he can barely stand for more than 5 minutes at a time.

He's finding it very hard to cope with this, as they think it might actually be bone cancer. My stepmom, his wife, just passed away a few months ago of colon cancer. So he is really down lately. I know he will cheer right up when I tell him I'm coming down.

I am a little nervious about flying, and actually am contemplating taking the train. I am just so nervous after 911, even though that was a while ago. Last year, I flew the day before the 911 anniversary and that was extrememly scary.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to prepare myself for the flight? I am scared something horrible will happen. :o

Anyways, I thought I would share a pic of Dylan and I, that we took yesterday at the farm. :)

10-06-2003, 06:05 PM
Dylan just said PUMPKIN! :D :D :D

Parents, is there a time where all of a sudden you find your child more cute than ever before? The past couple of days I can't stop hugging and kissing Dylan, he is just so cute! He is finally starting to talk. He said milk yesterday, and baby yesterday morning, and then he just said pumpkin! He says other things too, but doesn't talk as much as other children his age. Of course, Dan and I am both very quiet too. Hard to believe when I keep yapping my cyber mouth eh?:p

Here is another pic of Dylan feeding the goats.

10-06-2003, 06:09 PM
Here is a pic of Dylan on the tractor. :)

10-06-2003, 06:19 PM
Here is Dylan putting dirt on the pumpkin. :rolleyes: lol He could play in the dirt all day, typical boy. :p

10-06-2003, 06:25 PM
Here is Misty the horse. I just love her color. She is absolutely beautiful! We try to visit the horses at least every week. Sorry you can't see her face. :o

10-06-2003, 06:54 PM
neat pics! I hope your trip is enjoyable and that your dad's surgery goes smoothly and he has a quick recovery. :) Your son is so cute!

Flying is so much safer now! In a way just act like 9/11 didn't happen just to get you through the flight. You'll be fine! Take magazines or books to read your son or music or a coloring book to do with your son :)

10-06-2003, 07:21 PM
Have a wonderful trip, i can feel your excitement oozing out of this thread.
Gosh Dylan is so like you, IMO, were you blonde as a little one?

You look very young yourself, to be a mum.

You have a great time, and keep in touch with us all here on PT.

10-06-2003, 08:44 PM
First of all, Dylan is ADORABLE! I loved the photos :) The pumpkin patch setting is perfect :)

I'm sorry to hear about your dad :( I'm sure seeing you and Dylan will cheer him up :)

I too HATE flying. I always have. I agree, take a cd player & books to occupy your time. However, my favorite remedy is drugs. Dramamine really helps me relax and get a little less stressed about the flight. You can buy stronger proscription drugs to help as well, but I can't remember their names :o

10-06-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by carole
Have a wonderful trip, i can feel your excitement oozing out of this thread.
Gosh Dylan is so like you, IMO, were you blonde as a little one?

You look very young yourself, to be a mum.

You have a great time, and keep in touch with us all here on PT.

Actually both Dan and I had light hair when we were little. Dan's hair was really blond, and very pretty. It was also curly. :) You should see a picture of Dan when he was a baby. Dylan and him look exactly alike.

Yes I am young, however I look a LOT younger than I am. I will be 24 in two months, on the third of December. I want to have all my children by the time I am 28, so I have four years! However, now that I have one, I think I might give myself a little more time between another. I just lost a baby not too long ago, and had trouble getting pregnant with Dylan, so he is a blessing. After a few losses we decide to wait a little while before trying for another. If it is meant to happen, it will. If I only have Dylan that is awesome!:D I couldn't ask for more. I just adore children, mine anyway. :p

Here is a picture of the Mule. I LOVE this mule. I stayed with her yesterday for about an hour just petting and loving on her. I would rest my head on hers and she would let me scratch her ears. I didn't want to leave her. She really liked me and me her. I want to buy her!

10-06-2003, 09:37 PM
Great pics! :) Dylan is so cute! :) I still think he looks like you lol. Good news about seeing your sister and kitty.

Sorry about your dad's legs. :( That's so sad. :(

10-06-2003, 09:41 PM
Here is another picture of the mule. I really am in love with her. We might go see her again tomorrow. There are two mules there but she is my favorite!:D

10-06-2003, 09:44 PM
Dylan is sooo handsome! Thanks for sharing him with us!:)

10-06-2003, 09:50 PM
Here is a picture of the horses, one of which produced the mule. They have the funniest expression on their face and when we went to see them they were stomping their feet and licking me. They had a real sense of humour those ones.

10-06-2003, 09:56 PM
Thanks RubyMutt, babolaypo65, and wolfsoul. :)

As for my dad, it's really the best that he get his legs amputated. They are causing him way too much pain and I really want him to be able to get up and move around, and with prostetics he will be able to do that.

The last pic is of a bee on a pretty flower. I had to get this shot because it was so pretty.

Desert Arabian
10-06-2003, 10:00 PM

Misty is a gorgeous chestnut! It looks like she has a blaze on her face- which would make her even more pretty!

Those last two are gorgeous too! I love dapple greys! Those look a lot like Percherons, do you know what breed they are?

10-06-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover

Misty is a gorgeous chestnut! It looks like she has a blaze on her face- which would make her even more pretty!

Those last two are gorgeous too! I love dapple greys! Those look a lot like Percherons, do you know what breed they are?

I thought youwould like the pics. :) Yes she does have a blaze. She has the cutest face too. I will try to get better pics when I go back.

As for the other horsies, I have no idea what breed they are, but they are so pretty!

Steffi N
10-06-2003, 10:25 PM
Thank you for sharing the pictures of adorable Dylan and the beautiful horses and the friendly mule. I am sorry about your dad, but I know your being there will be a great help.

I know your family will be so happy to see you.

10-06-2003, 11:44 PM
What a precious little boy you have ... and you are a pretty mommy as well! ;) I LOVE the pumpkin patch... HOW FUN! Where is this farm ... is it owned by your family, a friend ... ???? The horses and mule are gorgeous, it just looks like such a lovely place to be!!!

My prayers for your father as he goes through this difficult time, and that it will be a positive experience for him once it is over!

ENJOY YOUR VISIT with your family ... and tell "sis" Happy Sweet Sixteen!!! :D


10-07-2003, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me

Yes I am young, however I look a LOT younger than I am.

Actually, I think you're right on that! You don't *look* much older than 18. :D I could easily mistaken you for a teenage girl if I didnt know how old you were. :p Dylan DOES look like you, and he's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Absolutely ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics! I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. :(:(

Will they put artificial legs on him? Will he be able to walk after the surgery? :( Good luck to your dad and I'm sure your being there will really help! Your little sister is probably looking forward to seeing you too. :p

10-07-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Actually, I think you're right on that! You don't *look* much older than 18. :D I could easily mistaken you for a teenage girl if I didnt know how old you were. :p Dylan DOES look like you, and he's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Absolutely ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics! I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. :(:(

Will they put artificial legs on him? Will he be able to walk after the surgery? :( Good luck to your dad and I'm sure your being there will really help! Your little sister is probably looking forward to seeing you too. :p

I guess that's a good thing right? Looking younger than I really am? I guess when I am 40 I will still look 34. :D lol My mom is going to be 50 but she looks not a day over 40, really. When I was younger she would take my older brother to college with her, and they actually thought he was her boyfriend! Then she told them how old she was and that it was her son and everyones jaw dropped lol.

It gets really annoying though, especially when I was walking down the street to take Dylan to the park. I always get these dirty looks like I am some teenage girl who got knocked up, when it is so the opposite! :mad: :rolleyes: I am older, I think the perfect age to be a mother. I am young so I have more energy for him. He was planned, not like I just got pregnant.

I hope the next is a girl, but I just adore boys too. I would be happy with just another healthy baby, that's my main concern. :)

As far as my dad, they will be removing his legs from the knee down. They are going to do one leg first, the worst one, and he will be fit with a prostetic. After his first leg heals, the doctors will remove the other leg. I thought about moving him here with me but if I do that his insurance won't pay for anything. :confused: So I will be there in November and again in December to help him with things, and my brother will be there as well, since he still lives in California. It's hard to believe I actually moved to another state! :eek:

10-07-2003, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
What a precious little boy you have ... and you are a pretty mommy as well! ;) I LOVE the pumpkin patch... HOW FUN! Where is this farm ... is it owned by your family, a friend ... ???? The horses and mule are gorgeous, it just looks like such a lovely place to be!!!

My prayers for your father as he goes through this difficult time, and that it will be a positive experience for him once it is over!

ENJOY YOUR VISIT with your family ... and tell "sis" Happy Sweet Sixteen!!! :D

Thanks! :) :o I don't get compliments like that very often.

As for the farm, it is called Lone Pine Farms and it just outside town. It is a beautiful farm! It is where we go to get our eggs, cheese, beef on the rare occasion that we eat it, and fresh produce. They sell everything there, from pumpkins, to corn, tomatoes, lettuce, squash, nuts, berries etc. I love the place. Plus I just adore the animals. You can feed the goats and horses and sheep. All the animals have loads of acres to roam.

Halloween is the funnest time to go because they have the pumpkin patch and the CORN MAZE. I can't wait to go to the haunted corn maze this year. We couldn't go last yer because Dylan was too young, so we will get a sitter this year and get to go. It's very fun.

I'll tell my sister for you! I know she is so excited, and so am I. When I had my sweet sixteen my older brother ruined it. He invited a bunch of his friends over who proceeded to get drunk and ruin the whole thing. My stepdad had bought a subway platter for my friends and me nor any of my friends got to eat any of it because all my brothers friends got to it first! :mad:

But I know my sisters will be much better. :)

10-07-2003, 05:17 PM
::cough cough:: More Dylan! ::cough cough::


10-07-2003, 07:27 PM
What a cute pic! You both look very happy.

10-08-2003, 11:39 AM
Ok here is one more. ;) He is prentending to be SuperDylan, savior of pets in need! Notice the crayon on the wall.......