View Full Version : You can tell the weather is getting colder

10-06-2003, 03:30 PM
Little girl Jan was so sweet and nice to us this weekend. She was constantly jumping up on the couch and snuggling with my husband (and giving me the evil-eye that says "he's mine now, go find your own man).

Anyone else notice changes with the change in weather.

10-06-2003, 04:59 PM
"and giving me the evil-eye that says "he's mine now, go find your own man"
LOL....I know that look....I get it from my lab.

10-06-2003, 05:00 PM
Wow, that's weird! I was just going to post something like this. Well, my cat Blueberry is not a lapcat. He never was.
But yesterday I was sitting on the floor watching TV cross-legged. He came up to me and crawled onto my legs and started sleeping.
That's weird, because he never did that before, except when he was very little, when we first brought him home:)

10-06-2003, 05:14 PM
The weather is getting colder? I guess 90 degrees counts as colder....

10-06-2003, 06:38 PM
Yep. Tama the heater humper is back in action:o

10-06-2003, 09:09 PM
And Pixel is getting less cuddly ... she'll still happily receive pats and scritchies but she doesn't sit so close to use now or sleep on the bed much now ... guess this explains it!

10-06-2003, 09:23 PM
Sammy thinks that I don't belong in bed with him and my husband. He is his daddy's cat and I don't always fit into his scheme! I will have to fight with him to get in the bed tonight and I will get the usual bite when I move him from my spot! Never fear, his 16 pounds of lardness will wind up on top of the covers between us before the night is over. Makes staying covered almost impossible, but heaven forbid that I disturb him! What we put ourselves through for these love muffins! They sleep all day, we work all day, so why do we feel so guilty for slightly disturbing the furry royalty????? http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

10-07-2003, 06:09 AM
I have noticed a change in behaviour too! I usually find at least one kitty tucked under the covers. Miley is a heater hog and can be found sitting on the heater top once it has "kicked off" and is just warm, not hot. She will run from parts unknown when she hears the heater fan stop. Juni has not challenged Miley for her spot. Yet. It is big enough for two.

Once everyone's fur grows back in, I think the cats will be warmer too! :rolleyes:

10-07-2003, 06:42 AM
Yup Itty bitty

The weather is getting warmer and I can tell you what those cat shedders brushes are a god send!

Less piles of cat hair and Bastet scratching - she has found her box again and is sleeping in there so she is happy.

10-07-2003, 05:22 PM
um, I forgot.:o Do cats shed more in the Winter or Summer?

10-07-2003, 05:27 PM
In the summertime. Bassetsmum is in Australia, where it is now the beginning of spring.:)

Just last night, Joxer was waiting for me when I went to bed and stayed there for a long time sleeping next to me. He almost never does that.:)

10-07-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
Yup Itty bitty

The weather is getting warmer and I can tell you what those cat shedders brushes are a god send!

Less piles of cat hair and Bastet scratching - she has found her box again and is sleeping in there so she is happy.

It's snowing in Brisbane ... white hair!

10-08-2003, 07:55 AM
The season is definitely getting colder. For the last couple of mornings I have woken up to Emily sleeping on my upper chest (by my throat) and Tanner curled up next to my arm. I am surrounded by cats ;)

10-08-2003, 08:45 AM
Yes, the weather in New England is getting much cooler. The velux blanket has been put on the bed and since that happened all kitties (except Tucker) have been bed bound. Don't even think of moving them because they get so upset. Abner has taken his spot by my left shoulder, Tigger between Mark and I and Mystic and Smokey are the foot warmers.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to move at night.

10-08-2003, 05:01 PM
I have been able to stick my foot out from under the covers and rest it against my portable, enviromentallly friendly foot warmer;)

10-08-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I have been able to stick my foot out from under the covers and rest it against my portable, enviromentallly friendly foot warmer;)
LOL, I wish I had one;)

10-09-2003, 10:00 AM
The weather didn't stay cold long here. Now it's back in the 70's and the animals flee from cuddling. lol!

When there is a foot of snow on the ground, then I'll report back. ;)

10-09-2003, 11:48 AM
We're down to 50 F now - I really don't like it at all!! Time to dig out the gloves etc. - at least when you go cycling.

Fister does't seem to care, he has his thick warm coat. Yesterday evening, it was rather chilly and raining on and off. He was on the kitchen staircase and John said, should we let him out? I said, yes OK, in this weather, he'll come running to be let in in 5 min. - How naive can one be! :rolleyes: He ran like lightening straight for the gate and raced out, across to the park and headed for the big round bush! However, he came back an hour later when it started raining again, miawing underneath our window to be let in. :D Paws covered in mud though. :rolleyes:

10-09-2003, 12:31 PM
It was raining pretty hard the other night when Joxer came inside. That cat doesn't mind getting wet - its so funny. He looked like an otter.:D

10-09-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by catland
He looked like an otter.:D

Yeah, like he OTTER stay inside....:rolleyes:

10-09-2003, 02:29 PM
It is also getting cold here in Anchorage. It has dipped below freezing already for a few nights. So, can anyone tell me why Cammie insists on sleeping in the cold, clammy sink?


What a ding dong. She's got tons of blankets and covers and heated window ledges, etc. But she prefers the sink. Doesn't even move when you turn on the water (until she's ready, of course). She has crawled under the covers a few times with the hubbie -- she always gets between us to make sure that I know he belongs to HER. Me, she could care less about.

10-09-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by kuhio98
She has crawled under the covers a few times with the hubbie -- she always gets between us to make sure that I know he belongs to HER. Me, she could care less about.

Don't I know that feeling.:eek:

She sure is a cutie though:)

10-10-2003, 10:05 AM
Seems like I'm the one who insists on getting kitties (over my husbands objections) and they always insist on worshipping him (which he doesn't object to at all). We had Kuhio for 17 years and she would gaze at him for hours with love and adoration. (I called it her Nancy Reagan gaze -- remember how she used to stare at Ronnie when he was making a speech?) Anyway, I once asked Bob how it felt to be "a God" and he said he was getting used to it. :rolleyes: Sheesh! As if his head wasn't swelled enough already. Now Cammie adores him and is very aggressive if I get between them. Bob LOVES it.

Kuhio 1985-2002

10-10-2003, 11:55 AM
Kuhio - that's such a great picture. She just made me want to turn my head to look at her. My husband's kitty, Crystal, also lived to be 17 years old and he was very sad when she died. When we got Jan he just spoiled her rotton and she is his little girl.

Maybe try getting a boy kitty that you can spoil? Joxer is definatley my little boy, although he is nicer to my husband than Jan is to me.