View Full Version : Clara went back to daddy today. :(

10-05-2003, 10:36 PM
Well, I took Clara to my husband's motorcycle race today. She got so much attention there! People kept stopping her to tell her what a pretty girl she was. I took her sky high in the stadium. She walked up all of those stairs, laid down, surrounded by hundreds of people. The loud noises of the bikes did not scare her. Our place in the pit was right by where all the bikes exit. The bikes whizzing by didn't phase her.

On the way home, my husband said "Aww, what's another dog...let's keep her." I got all excited.

Then, I get home and her dad was on the answer machine. Her name is actually Tasha, she is 7 months old and she is a purebred husky. I was happy to see her go back to her family, but bummed that I didn't keep her. When we pulled up in front of her house, she knew where we were. She ran up to the door all happy. Her dad's name was Joe, a young single guy. He was so excited to see her.

I told Joe that if he ever needs a pet sitter or needs to get rid of Tasha, that we are right around the corner. :)

10-05-2003, 10:39 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Clara had to leave :( But I'm happy that her daddy found her.

10-06-2003, 02:33 AM
It's good that she found her home but I know you are disappointed once you found out you could keep her.

10-06-2003, 06:57 AM
Awww, don't it just figure? You decided to keep her & the owner shows up:o
Well, I'm glad it had a happy ending anyway & sounds like her dad loves her & she loves him, guess that's all that matters isn't it?!

10-06-2003, 07:30 AM
Well, I'm glad it had a happy ending anyway & sounds like her dad loves her & she loves him, guess that's all that matters isn't it?!

Yes, Anna. You are right! You should have seen how excited she got when we pulled up to her house. And I think Dad was equally happy. Thank gosh that she has a good home, or I would have been kicking and screaming to give her up. lol.

10-06-2003, 07:43 AM
I'm sorry that you couldn't keep her, but she is with her daddy now and it sounds like he really missed her. Maybe you can get another one.....

Did he say how she got loose?

10-06-2003, 07:53 AM
He was to excited to talk to me. lol. I wanted to know all about Clara/Tasha. And he kept giving me one word answers and then would go back to baby talking the dog. lol. So, I figured I'd leave the two alone together.

10-06-2003, 08:14 AM
Ahhhhhhhh ....... so many mixed feelings..... but she's back with her Daddy!! You did a WONDERFUL job keeping her safe, and giving her a great temp home!!! I hope you get to see her once in a while!!!!